The Axanar Case - did it wreck our community?


Now that CBS and Alec have allegedly resolved everything, do people agre that over the last year it and Alec's behaviour have caused considerable damage to the fan film community? In the 50th Anniversary year?

Potemkin Pictures, Intrepid and Starbase Studios are still running, albiet with changes, but others have a had to change or shut down due to the case. Continues seems to be continuing under the radar.

While it's good there are guidelines to make sure such stuff isn't blown out of proportion again, there will almost certainly be no ongoing series again, which is fine, as viewers we've been very spoilt.

I think things need a few months to calm down
It certainly changed things this past year. We probably would not have got the guidelines if not for the lawsuit. Phase 2 ended before its last 3 episodes were done, but the bright side is they are now and official tour site and that has benefits too. STC is still making the episodes it wants, albeit a bit more under a the radar. Renegades has gone in its own direction. Things do change. The biggest negative is all the axanar donors who lost their money, that the real tragedy this past year.
No, it hasn't. They're *guidelines*. As to the whole "no ongoing series", there's nothing precluding recurring characters and settings.

That said, regardless of what anyone may think of the guidelines, the behaviour of some people on both sides of this thing have done far more harm to the community than anything.

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I am still of the opinion that guidelines honestly mean nothing, and are general suggestions; not laws..... I am still of the opinion that once the dust settles, normal small scale productions will be able to continue as always..... CBS/P now have a precedent set for the over eager AP's of the world and everyone knows what not to do. Within time, our community should resume business as usual.

I'm hoping now it's all pretty much done productions like Star Trek Continues who have remained quiet will be able to speak out and reveal future plans
I think I have said alot of this in the main Axanar thread, but the case has not been good for the community at all, for starters it is at least partly responbile for the guidelines, if not the exact details, it forced CBS to have the need to create them.

Its a waste of publicity, the amount of coverage Axanar has gotten in online media has been massive, and is real shame that level of coverage was not present for other fan films, those who make what they promise etc.

Whilst I am sure there are some here who have donated to Axanar in the past, who may feel they can not take this view, but honestly I am so annoyed by the whole thing im not even going to watch it when / if it comes out.

All said its been nothing but bad for fan films, and sadly (as is reality today) managed to divide an already small community, and (as is reality today) lead to Brexiteers and Remainer type insulting nicknames for fans on either side.
I would think that most fan film makers would be thrilled with the guidelines. By most, I mean the little guys who do a lot with next to nothing. Now they know exactly what they can do that is ok with CBS/P, and not worry about getting a C&D.

That's gotta be a big load off.
I would think that most fan film makers would be thrilled with the guidelines. By most, I mean the little guys who do a lot with next to nothing. Now they know exactly what they can do that is ok with CBS/P, and not worry about getting a C&D.

That's gotta be a big load off.
like I said I dont know if we can blame Axanar for the exact details of the guidelines, but I do think the 2 x 15 minute thing is a little restrictive, on those who can do more. Sure peace of mind is nice, but I am not sure there was anything to suggest CBS would go after short form fan films, it would not be worth the bad PR for them.

I was shocked Of Gods of Men, did not raise a few eye brows at CBS, feature length, a large number of former cast member blurring the line between amuter and professional, long before Axanar.