"Synchronicity" - I'm making a feature film! :)


Hello, everybody of the TrekBBS!

I have written and am directing a science fiction feature film, and I'm super excited! We go to camera in 8 days! :D

The film is called "Synchronicity." Our log line goes thusly: "A photographer who is trying to pull her life into focus sees hope in a physicist who's unlocking the secrets of the universe, but there's one secret he's withholding that may change her perspective forever."

I'm very proud of the fact that our film has a predominantly female cast, a very strong female lead, feminist themes, and an LGBTQ storyline. And...it has time travel! :)

I would be super honoured if people took a look at our web site, our Facebook page and followed us on Twitter at @SynchFilm. And of course, I'd be super honoured if people took a look at our Indiegogo page and helped us make this movie happen! We're 8 days away from our campaign ending, and we need help to make up our budget! I promise everyone will find something to love in this film, and as sci-fi fans, you'll be pleased with what you see.

We're making a science fiction film that isn't about space ships and laser beams and technology, and using the genre to explore human relationships. If anyone is interested in helping us out, that would be amazing, and thank you in advance! :)

If anyone has any questions or comments, I'd love to hear them. The links to our pages are in my signature. I hope you enjoy what you see!

T'Baio. ;)
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I'm already there. :bolian:

This project looks great. I'm totally on board with the idea of making a real Science Fiction movie that isn't an action or war movie in disguise. The concept and themes of this movie look really appealing.

Anybody who wants better movies and entertainment that isn't aimed at the lowest common denominator should support independent creators and independent projects like this. :)
The premise intrigues me a great deal. Look forward to seeing it...and congrats on your first full length theatrical film T'Baio!
Thanks, Guys! :)

We had an amazing rehearsal today, where everyone was getting into a heated debate about the nature of the hinge pin scene in the movie, and it was awesome and intense. Everyone is super passionate about the project, and it's great! In the end, we made this integral scene even better!
This project sounds amazing. I've been abreast of this film's progress from what seems to be its inception, and I know it will go places. The premise is fresh, the script is amazing, and it has a very talented cast & crew. I can't wait to hear more.
Good luck with your film, and hope that it gets a distributor that can get it a wide release (like Sony Pictures Classics or Paramount Vantage.) I must confess, the name of the movie sound like the song of the same name by the Police, and the plot sound similar to the lyrics:

With one breath, with one flow
You will know

A sleep trance, a dream dance,
A shared romance,

A connecting principle,
Linked to the invisible
Almost imperceptible
Something inexpressible.
Science insusceptible
Logic so inflexible
Causally connectible
Yet nothing is invincible.

If we share this nightmare
Then we can dream
Spiritus mundi.

If you act, as you think,
The missing link,

We know you, they know me

A star fall, a phone call,
It joins all,

It's so deep, it's so wide
Your inside

Effect without a cause
Sub-atomic laws, scientific pause
Looks like IMDB is showing at least two other productions with the same title for this year. That may get confusing.
Good luck with your film, and hope that it gets a distributor that can get it a wide release (like Sony Pictures Classics or Paramount Vantage.) I must confess, the name of the movie sound like the song of the same name by the Police, and the plot sound similar to the lyrics:

With one breath, with one flow
You will know

A sleep trance, a dream dance,
A shared romance,

A connecting principle,
Linked to the invisible
Almost imperceptible
Something inexpressible.
Science insusceptible
Logic so inflexible
Causally connectible
Yet nothing is invincible.

If we share this nightmare
Then we can dream
Spiritus mundi.

If you act, as you think,
The missing link,

We know you, they know me

A star fall, a phone call,
It joins all,

It's so deep, it's so wide
Your inside

Effect without a cause
Sub-atomic laws, scientific pause
Synchronicity II is a truly AWESOME song from The Police's classic Synchronicity album (anyone who loves their music should own a copy). The track should be adopted as the soundtrack of the movie!


Edited to add, I know you used the lyrics to Synchronicity I, but I think this is better fit in a strange way!
The film is called "Synchronicity." Our log line goes thusly: "A photographer who is trying to pull her life into focus sees hope in a physicist who's unlocking the secrets of the universe, but there's one secret he's withholding that may change her perspective forever."
This sounds great! Best of luck.
Looks like IMDB is showing at least two other productions with the same title for this year. That may get confusing.
Three movies named Synchronicity in the same year? Wow, that's... well, you know.
Thanks for all the wonderful thoughts, Guys! Since a lot of our movie is based on Jung's theories of synchronicity, and so are The Police songs...unfortunately, I can't say there's a lot of synchronous things happening there. ;) And we're not too worried about competing films with the same title. We definitely are, and have further plans to, set ourselves apart. :)

Thanks for your support, Faldor! We start shooting on Monday...August 26th! We go for 4 days, then we're breaking to push things at the Toronto International Film Festival, then we're reconvening on September 16th and shooting till the 24th.

We only have HOURS left in our Indiegogo campaign! Any help, support and donations we can get would be SUPER appreciated! Even $1 will buy a crew member a coffee! :)

We've also been shooting some "Thank You" videos for contributors over a certain amount! So if you've done so, expect those today!

We had an amazing location run through yesterday, where we visited all our locations we're shooting next week, and we're good to go and super excited! Everything is planned, coordinated and scheduled. Now it's just living with the nerves until the first call of "ACTION!" Then I'll be at home. :)

Thank you, Everyone! Cheers! :)
We've made a series of "Thank You" videos for folks who have contributed. You'll be able to see them premiering on our Facebook page. But here's one for a generous donor from the TrekBBS!

Thanks, RJDiogenes!

That's awesome. :D :bolian:

I'm saving it for posterity (I love saying "I told you so").

Only $750 to go! Come on, all you people who are looking for intelligent SF. :mallory:
Thanks, RJDiogenes! :)

We need $420 and have 19 hours! Please, Guys...help us out if you can! If you can't, spread the word!

We had rehearsals yesterday that were blowing my mind. Tears were shed multiple times, by cast and myself. It's going to be a great film...help us make it happen!

Success! :bolian:

Congrats, T'Baio. This film is going to be awesome. The idea is solid, the themes are interesting and the cast looks great. I can't wait to have the DVD in my hot little hands.

There's still a stretch goal to be met, though, so keep those contributions coming.