Spoilers Starship Design in Star Trek: Picard

Based on the plot line of this season, I'm not starting to think that's not true. Terry also said not to worry when that audio log first came out.

Was that stated in any episode?

They were built for longer missions than 5 years which is why families were allowed. 10 years was something early articles talked about before the show aired. Supposedly less was also focused on tech advancement and more on family life.
Where do you get that TNG doesn't show people mourning deaths?

There was that one Season 3 ep where a kid's mother died and he was expected not to mourn her.

Good luck with that.

As I said, that so called "evolution" died right along with Gene. Look at how Picard reacted in GEN when Robert and René died. Anybody tells Picard he's not supposed to mourn his family, is gonna wish they hadn't.
I love this selective editing. Fascinating insight in to the viewers perspectives

The Bonding.

I do believe the term for it is but it's canon.

Yet has been completely and entirely proven to be the outlier in all of Star Trek. In TNG we saw characters dealing with grief, loss, PTSD even.

GR thought that "children in the 24th century should be more accepting of death" doesn't mean a damn thing if his own show contradicts it in spades.
Yet has been completely and entirely proven to be the outlier in all of Star Trek. In TNG we saw characters dealing with grief, loss, PTSD even.

GR thought that "children in the 24th century should be more accepting of death" doesn't mean a damn thing if his own show contradicts it in spades.
Canon is canon my friend.

Can't be ignored because it's inconvenient can it?
Anybody tells Picard he's not supposed to mourn his family, is gonna wish they hadn't.
Just use Picard's own words against him:
DATA: Captain, ...I cannot continue with this investigation. I wish to be deactivated until Doctor Crusher can remove the emotion chip.
PICARD: Are you having some kind of malfunction?
DATA: No sir. I simply do not have the ability to control these emotions.
PICARD: Data, I have nothing but sympathy for what you are feeling, but right now I need you to...
DATA: Sir! I no longer want these emotions! Deactivating me is the only viable solution.
PICARD: Part of having feelings is learning to integrate them into your life, Data, ...learning to live with them. No matter what the circumstances...
DATA: No, I cannot...
PICARD: You will not be deactivated! You're an officer on board this ship and I require you to perform your duty. That is an order, Commander!

I do believe emotions are regarded as something to be regulated in Trek, correct? That's what has been presented as why Picard is a paragon of virtue all these years, yes?

Can't be ignored because it's inconvenient can it?

That is precisely why it CAN be ignored.

And even PIC has ignored it as well. Last season, do you seriously think Musiker wasn't mourning Elnor's death? That hit her way fucking hard. She didn't just go "oh, meh, whatevers". It made her mad enough to try and kill Q! I'd definitely call that mourning. :lol:

Also, more recently, look at how overprotective Geordi was of his family (i.e. why he was so mad at Picard for putting Sidney in danger). That is also indicative of basic human emotion. If Sidney had died, Geordi damn well would have mourned her.
That is precisely why it CAN be ignored.

And even PIC has ignored it as well. Last season, do you seriously think Musiker wasn't mourning Elnor's death? That hit her way fucking hard. She didn't just go "oh, meh, whatevers". It made her mad enough to try and kill Q! I'd definitely call that mourning. :lol:
I do believe that Raffi is considered an unevolved, poorly placed, 21st century avatar of a human. Perhaps we should ignore her as unenlightened.
Yet that canon is contradicted by other canon.

So which canon is the superior canon.
I don't know. I believe the more enlightened fans among us can tell us that Picard is superior when he does his duty.
I do believe that Raffi is considered an unevolved, poorly placed, 21st century avatar of a human. Perhaps we should ignore her as unenlightened.

I don't know. I believe the more enlightened fans among us can tell us that Picard is superior when he does his duty.

Yet Picard showed profound mourning both for his own family when Robert and Rene were killed *and* he suffered both long term PTSD and mourning from Datas death.

What Fireproof is suggesting, through his normal sarcasm, is if you can ignore that part of TNG, other parts can be easily ignored as well.
Yet Picard showed profound mourning both for his own family when Robert and Rene were killed *and* he suffered both long term PTSD and mourning from Datas death.


Which Picard is the more noble then?

The point of my question is why do people put this character on a pedestal as more noble avatar of human evolution, and the complaints against Season 1 Picard was that people were not evolved enough. I'm confused, genuinely confused, as to what is to be evolved humanity? I thought that was the appeal of Star Trek to many? So, again, I'm confused as to why some things are so important and others can get tossed out on their ass?

What Fireproof is suggesting, through his normal sarcasm, is if you can ignore that part of TNG, other parts can be easily ignored as well.
Ah, faithful Tuskin. You see to the heart of the matter quite well.:beer:
Based on the plot line of this season, I'm not starting to think that's not true. Terry also said not to worry when that audio log first came out.

Was that stated in any episode?

I’m starting to think the Enterprise E will be the ship being retired and the promo with the F is misleading.After the Starfleet Museum I just can’t see them saying oh this happened offscreen to a ship Picard has history with.

I think the Galaxy class lifespan was just in the TNG tech manual.
I’m starting to think the Enterprise E will be the ship being retired and the promo with the F is misleading.After the Starfleet Museum I just can’t see them saying oh this happened offscreen to a ship Picard has history with.

I think the Galaxy class lifespan was just in the TNG tech manual.

It's been stated in the episode, on news stories and displays, that the "Enterprise-F" is slated for early decomissioning.

It's not a promo, it says it specifically in S3E1 and again in "The Imposters" in Ro's files.
if you can ignore that part of TNG, other parts can be easily ignored as well.

It's not a matter of the VIEWER ignoring it. It's the writers.

Chrissakes, do we fucking have to keep coming up with examples? :brickwall:

why some things are so important and others can get tossed out on their ass?

Because some things simply deserve to get tossed out on their ass.

Like this one.

Yet Picard showed profound mourning both for his own family when Robert and Rene were killed *and* he suffered both long term PTSD and mourning from Datas death.

And Liam Shaw sure as hell mourned his crewmates on the Constance...