Spoilers Star Trek: Picard 3x09 - "Võx"


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A comment I saw on reddit that I agreed with: this episode has at least managed to make the Borg scary again. When the takeover happened it really did seem like the oldies were screwed, against impossible odds. That sense of desperation really got lost with Voyager borg onwards.

I can’t say I felt that way. Somehow, they’ll beat Borg. All the under 25 crowd will be saved. And all will be well.

The only character who I think might buy it is Jack. And that’s just because he’s somehow going to use the transmitter to shut the Borg down. All of them. For good. (Until another writer decides to bring them back.)
Why would the fleet target Spacedock, is it not also crewed by assimilated young officers? For that matter, is it only crew at the Frontier Day celebration and not everywhere in the Federation (people who used the transporters?)

Where is Athon Prime (fleet museum)? The shuttle can get there virtually instantly, is it in the Alpha Centauri system? Why was it not just in orbit of Mars instead? Not like you could move the old Space Dock hundreds of lightyears from Earth...

Are the crew on Old SD not affected by the Borg?

Everyone under 25 in Starfleet should be affected, why only the people on the ships at Earth? For that matter, a sizable chunk of Earth's population (and everywhere in the Federation) would also be affected, not just Starfleet. Unless Civilian transporters were not infected by Changelings?
I can’t say I felt that way. Somehow, they’ll beat Borg. All the under 25 crowd will be saved. And all will be well.

I think if they had introduced this threat earlier in the season maybe and we spent more time with people being assimilated or others getting assimilated over time (rather than all at once) I would agree but yea it was introduced at the end of this episode and everyone will be fixed in the next 45 minutes.
Geordi said the engines (I presume he meant Engineering Hull) and nacelles were from the USS Syracuse, but my head canon I'm choosing to remember that he said they were from the USS Challenger, his old command (Voyager's "Timeless"). That would give it extra sentimental meaning to him.
Why would the fleet target Spacedock, is it not also crewed by assimilated young officers? For that matter, is it only crew at the Frontier Day celebration and not everywhere in the Federation (people who used the transporters?)

Where is Athon Prime (fleet museum)? The shuttle can get there virtually instantly, is it in the Alpha Centauri system? Why was it not just in orbit of Mars instead? Not like you could move the old Space Dock hundreds of lightyears from Earth...

Are the crew on Old SD not affected by the Borg?

Everyone under 25 in Starfleet should be affected, why only the people on the ships at Earth? For that matter, a sizable chunk of Earth's population (and everywhere in the Federation) would also be affected, not just Starfleet. Unless Civilian transporters were not infected by Changelings?

All good questions. On the location of the fleet museum I found it odd that Picard didn’t know where they were going until they got there.
Geordi said the engines (I presume he meant Engineering Hull) and nacelles were from the USS Syracuse, but my head canon I'm choosing to remember that he said they were from the USS Challenger, his old command (Voyager's "Timeless"). That would give it extra sentimental meaning to him.

At first I was gonna say, but yeah if he commanded the challenger he couldn't have been working on the D for 20 years. Then I realised how old I am!
We hear a Borg voice telling the fleet to target Earth's planetary defenses. Spacedock is part of those defenses but the fleet's priority is taking out all of Earth's defenses.

TBH that bit was just silly I thought. Though we do hear voices, part of the point of the borg is that you don't need to wait for verbal commands. Pretty much as soon as they got assimilated they should have been wiping out Earth's defences (and eg, the presidential palace).
Honestly, they made it seem like only Geordi and his daughter were the only people there at all. I guess everyone went to Earth for Frontier Day.

Geordi said they get hundreds of visitors a day Doesn’t make sense it’s just the two of them
2401 - 20 is 2381. "Timeless" was in 2390 So yeah, both things may not be true. "Timeless" was an alternate future, but so was "All Good Things", and lots from that timeline has come to pass (in some capacity). Nemesis was 2379, so maybe he took command of the Challenger immediately after for a few years from 2379-2382/3-ish and 20 years was just rounding?
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Not a big thing, but Brents' credit was moved this week, last time it came at the end of all the other '"Guest Starring", but this week it came before them all.
TBH that bit was just silly I thought. Though we do hear voices, part of the point of the borg is that you don't need to wait for verbal commands. Pretty much as soon as they got assimilated they should have been wiping out Earth's defences (and eg, the presidential palace).

That has always been a conceit of the Borg ever since TNG. Having voices helps the audience understand what the Borg are thinking and doing. Having the Borg just do stuff without ever speaking might be more realistic but it could be hard for audiences to follow.
I'm starting to think it's the Borg again. What if the rogue Changelings modified the transporters in Starfleet to infect everyone who used them with special borg nanoprobes and Jack is needed because of his special abilities, granted to him by being the son of Locutus.

The Face (who only ever speaks in plurals) needs Jack to activate the nanoprobes at Frontier Day to mass assimilate all of Starfleet simultaneously, thus instantly restoring the Borg after being crippled by Janeway and allowing them to assimilate the Federation with no resistance.

GooTuvok said that death would be a relief from what they had planned for the Federation.

Well, got that right. I love this. Makes perfect sense and maybe this will lead to the final defeat of the Borg. The Queen and her cube looked in rough shape. Admiral Janeway's virus must've really decimated the Borg.

I just hope that real Tuvok and Janeway are still alive and survive this.