Spoilers Star Trek: Picard 3x01 - "The Next Generation"


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Under what name did Seven join Starfleet? Her Borg designation or Annika Hansen? I do understand why Seven had insisted upon using her Borg designation when the Voyager crew first disconnected her from the Collective. It was a name more familiar to her. But it was also a name that had been forced upon her by the Borg, following her assimilation. Why would she still want to keep it or even use it as her official name after all these years?

Exactly. That name and life were forced upon her as a little girl. Others here are acting like what Shaw did was worse than what the borg did to her. She no longer acted like the 7 of 9 we knew in Voyager. She much more human now and remembers whst happened. She's not as robotic as she once was. So her human name would be a natural next step to her recovery.
Under what name did Seven join Starfleet? Her Borg designation or Annika Hansen? I do understand why Seven had insisted upon using her Borg designation when the Voyager crew first disconnected her from the Collective. It was a name more familiar to her. But it was also a name that had been forced upon her by the Borg, following her assimilation. Why would she still want to keep it or even use it as her official name after all these years?
Again, I can only go by what they show us in the script/episode, and it seems that Seven cares very much that she's being forced to go by Annika Hansen.

I don’t think anyone is suggesting Seven is trans. They’re saying Star Trek uses euphemism to present the issues of the day in a sci-fi setting.
Yes, Star Trek is (or at least was) allegory after all. lol
And Trek's been an allegory and taught us about the mistakes of the past for more than half a century. Even in the first episode the franchise ever broadcast there are lines about the buffalo of the American Plains. And how we as a species almost drove them to the brink of extinction.
Also ridiculous - the pumpaction phasers that have like 5 shots. Crusher would have been better off using a modern assault rifle or automatic shotgun from the real world.

Depends. Riker made a thing about the total vapourisation and how it was something you don't see very often. Perhaps pumping the rifle charges the emitter coil way beyond the normal maximum level, and that needed to be done. Wasn’t there a line about the enemy never looking the same each time?
Again, I can only go by what they show us in the script/episode, and it seems that Seven cares very much that she's being forced to go by Annika Hansen.

So, according to this episode, Seven cared that she was being forced to go by her birth name, instead of the name that was forced upon her by the Borg?:shrug: You don't find that odd?
Depends. Riker made a thing about the total vapourisation and how it was something you don't see very often. Perhaps pumping the rifle charges the emitter coil way beyond the normal maximum level, and that needed to be done. Wasn’t there a line about the enemy never looking the same each time?

I've gone with that view that it is a mod to the rifle that allows a "super charged" blast but is limited use for the same reason.

Yes -
Vladic's group are meant to be one of many groups so I'd imagine each uses a different mask to identify them
To explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no one (from the Federation) has gone before. :bolian:
I walked right in to that.
Yes, Star Trek is (or at least was) allegory after all. lol
Star Trek is a framing device that can have allegory. That hasn't changed.
So, according to this episode, Seven cared that she was being forced to go by her birth name, instead of the name that was forced upon her by the Borg?:shrug: You don't find that odd?
I find the hyper fixation on it more odd.
So, according to this episode, Seven cared that she was being forced to go by her birth name, instead of the name that was forced upon her by the Borg?:shrug: You don't find that odd?
Seven of Nine is and has always been a name she identified with whenever she appeared on screen. Annika Hansen never meant anything for her and she always seemed to distance herself from that six-year-old girl whose life abruptly ended so many years ago and whose life she barely remembers. If anything, I'd find it weirder if she just shrugged and went back to using her birth name.
I've gone with that view that it is a mod to the rifle that allows a "super charged" blast but is limited use for the same reason.

On the other complaint my feeling about the “out of power” warning is that it was heard by crusher (and us) in the same way we (and crusher) hear a Romulan speaking English, but not the actual Romulan as well.
We know from Discovery that the end tire bridge crew speak different languages and rely on the universal translator. We only hear the English. Same with the 20th century people in “The 37s”, with the Japanese guy hearing everyone talking Japanese, effectively the message was beamed directly into crushers mind
Again, I can only go by what they show us in the script/episode, and it seems that Seven cares very much that she's being forced to go by Annika Hansen.
Annika Hansen was a little girl whose young adult life was stolen through assimilation by the Borg. The person who emerged from the Collective was not this same innocent little girl anymore, it is possible that Seven can not even remember much if any of her childhood.

Seven had lived her life as a Borg drone as a part of a collective consciousness, in a genderless and emotionless state with the thoughts and knowledge of millions of other assimilated beings passing through her mind - there would have been no sense of individuality or identity during this time. Of course, this is besides Seven’s interactions in the dreamscape of Unimatrix Zero. Annika *became* Seven. After leaving the Collective this designation was acceptable to the character and her friends and she chose to go by it.

Seven needed to learn how to be an independent and unique individual after decades of having that stolen from her. Those who grew to love and nurture Seven used this name for her with affection. Seven accepted what she once was, and at the same time what she becoming with her name being a ‘bridge’ in her acceptance of being ‘one’, an individual; an entity separate from the Collective yet still very much impacted by her time spent as part of it.

I do think that Seven would have referred to herself only as Seven though with time, probably dropping the ‘of Nine’ part of her name. Unless Seven *wanted to* remember that she was Seven of Nine… Seven may be wearing her name like a tattoo. A reminder of who she once was, what she became and eventually the acceptance of who she was by those around her, in particular those who cared and nurtured her aboard Voyager. Seven may also not want to forget where she came from because it made her who she is today, regardless of the trauma.

She *was* Seven of Nine, Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix Zero One. The other Nine were not so lucky. Seven may never want to forget this. :(

I don’t think anyone is suggesting Seven is trans. They’re saying Star Trek uses euphemism to present the issues of the day in a sci-fi setting.
I think that Star Trek is at its best and most intelligent when it uses allegories to address social issues rather than being blazé and shoving an agenda blatantly in to our faces. Star Trek can deal with important topics and themes but when it does it needs to remember that above all else it is a science fiction show not a soap opera. It also takes more creativity to write things allegorically and allows for interesting inspired storylines.

I think that Seven herself would not be trans. She would probably have been genderless to some extent as a result of her time in the Collective… though over the proceeding years she may or may not have found an identity for herself. This has not been explored properly yet on screen.

Perhaps Seven will truly find herself when she becomes Captain of the Enterprise in a new continuation of the Star Trek Universe. :p
Could Vadic's bird soldiers in combination with a potential conspiracy that made Beverly go into hiding also partly be a hommage to the old Trek novel "Dreams of the Raven", beside the possible connections to Romulans, Changelings and the Blue Gills from "Conspiracy"? :whistle:
Annika Hansen was a little girl whose young adult life was stolen through assimilation by the Borg. The person who emerged from the Collective was not this same innocent little girl anymore, it is possible that Seven can not even remember much if any of her childhood.

Seven had lived her life as a Borg drone as a part of a collective consciousness, in a genderless and emotionless state with the thoughts and knowledge of millions of other assimilated beings passing through her mind - there would have been no sense of individuality or identity during this time. Of course, this is besides Seven’s interactions in the dreamscape of Unimatrix Zero. Annika *became* Seven. After leaving the Collective this designation was acceptable to the character and her friends and she chose to go by it.

Seven needed to learn how to be an independent and unique individual after decades of having that stolen from her. Those who grew to love and nurture Seven used this name for her with affection. Seven accepted what she once was, and at the same time what she becoming with her name being a ‘bridge’ in her acceptance of being ‘one’, an individual; an entity separate from the Collective yet still very much impacted by her time spent as part of it.

I do think that Seven would have referred to herself only as Seven though with time, probably dropping the ‘of Nine’ part of her name. Unless Seven *wanted to* remember that she was Seven of Nine… Seven may be wearing her name like a tattoo. A reminder of who she once was, what she became and eventually the acceptance of who she was by those around her, in particular those who cared and nurtured her aboard Voyager. Seven may also not want to forget where she came from because it made her who she is today, regardless of the trauma.

She *was* Seven of Nine, Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix Zero One. The other Nine were not so lucky. Seven may never want to forget this. :(

I think that Star Trek is at its best and most intelligent when it uses allegories to address social issues rather than being blazé and shoving an agenda blatantly in to our faces. Star Trek can deal with important topics and themes but when it does it needs to remember that above all else it is a science fiction show not a soap opera. It also takes more creativity to write things allegorically and allows for interesting inspired storylines.

I think that Seven herself would not be trans. She would probably have been genderless to some extent as a result of her time in the Collective… though over the proceeding years she may or may not have found an identity for herself. This has not been explored properly yet on screen.

Perhaps Seven will truly find herself when she becomes Captain of the Enterprise in a new continuation of the Star Trek Universe. :p

But why create a situation or story arc in which audiences are supposed to believe that Seven's Starfleet commander use of her Human name is a form of coercion, when her "nickname" or Borg designation is actually one?
Seven wants to be called Seven. The argument ends there.

People like Captain Shaw can push it because in the Starfleet chain of command they can sort of get away with it to a degree but that still doesn't make his request fair nor proper.

When Ro beamed on board the enterprise, both Riker and Picard misjudged her name. Perfectly reasonable, she informed him (sullenly) of that, he apologised and used her correct name. Still explained why he was unsure about her and her record, using the incorrect name after been told is not acceptable.

There’s a list of falsehoods that (21st century) programmers believe about names, including that people have just one name they use in all circumstances.

If Seven wants to be called Seven, that’s her name. If Seven wanted to change her name every day or two I think that would be unreasonable to expect people to keep up, but that doesn’t sound the case. If she transfers to a different ship and wants to change her name to Anneka or Eight or Jimmy that would be reasonable too, just let the crew know when you board.
I find arguments that a character we haven't seen for 20-30 years within universe asinine. People aren't static, and it would be less believable if Crusher was identical to when we last saw her in Nemesis.

The pump action phase was obviously thought to be "rule of cool" by the showrunner, though we can debate the effectiveness. I don't see a pressing reason to come up with a Watsonian defense for it.
When Ro beamed on board the enterprise, both Riker and Picard misjudged her name. Perfectly reasonable, she informed him (sullenly) of that, he apologised and used her correct name.

One wonders why Riker didn't already know that the family name comes first on Bajor, as the Federation had been aware of the Bajorans for some time (Picard read about them in third grade)...