Spoilers Star Trek: Picard 3x01 - "The Next Generation"


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Seven being a commander in Starfleet would also suggest a date much later then two years after season 1. I don't know that we know how long Starfleet academy training takes, but a maximum of two years (less if season 2 takes place in 2400) does not seem like enough time for Seven to graduate and work her way up through the ranks.
She probably spent little if any time at the Academy. Perhaps a short OCS course at best. Her four years on Voyager and time in the Rangers was probably all the "training" needed.
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Where's the video of this? I didn't get to see it on CTV Sci-Fi Channel.
Weird, it was on Crave.

Because the scene was terrible. Hard to make anything out.
Everyone else could see it fine in this thread. Check your TV settings.

I'm sorry, did I watch an alternate Picard season 2? La Sirena becaome the core and first ship of the Kinder, Gentler Borgrati and is likely still part of the diamond borg ship's core.
No you got it wrong, Jurati took the Confederation Timeline La Sirena, not the Prime Timeline La Sirena.

You can even see the Prime La Sirena in the fleet in the Season 2 finale.
Also, I would think Starfleet is probably suffering from a lack of senior officers (still) following the Dominion War. They lost thousands of ships. Plenty of spots that need to be filled, lots of room for new XOs.

The Dominion War is a generation past at this point. Plenty of time to fill in the gaps naturally as more people enter the service and new ships are built to replace those that were lost.

I think Seven would be given some 'credit' for her time aboard Voyager, and maybe some more with Picard and Janeway's backing. But I still see an issue with her serving as a high ranking officer having not been through SF academy training or 'paying her dues' on the lower decks. It's TV, though, so sky's the limit.
The Dominion War is a generation past at this point. Plenty of time to fill in the gaps naturally as more people enter the service and new ships are built to replace those that were lost.
Except there was another attack. Plus, with a war as big as the Dominion one, and the terrible toll it took on the foundations of Federation society perhaps enlistment was harder to come by.
Except there was another attack. Plus, with a war as big as the Dominion one, and the terrible toll it took on the foundations of Federation society perhaps enlistment was harder to come by.

I'm admittedly fuzzy on the canon post-DS9. What was the other big war after the Dominion War?
She probably spent little if any time at the Academy. Perhaps a short OCS course at best. Her four years on Voyager and time in the Rangers was probably all the "training" needed.

Another point particular to Seven is that she was Borg well after the time the Collective had started assimilating Starfleet personnel, including Locutus. If you subscribe to the theory that the Collective knows everything its assimilated parts know, then technically speaking Seven has attended Starfleet Academy and served various careers in various positions completely vicariously, including Picard's.
I think it killed 90,000 or so people so for a terrorist attack it was pretty horrific but, yeah, by Dominion War battle standards it was a quiet day on the frontlines.
Really like the first episode.

By the way, was District 7, the place with the Rachel Garrett statue, that got portaled a location on Earth? The architecture and the environment looked a lot like that might be the case.

Another thing about the attack: Is it possible that instead of using the cutting beam in combination with the tractor beam, like it was implied before, the Borg use a similar technology like the portal weapon for planet scooping?

Raffi’s story this episode was apparently entirely on M’Talas Prime, starting in District 6 and ending in District 7.

Raffi mentioned tracking items stolen from Daystrom, so I think it was implied the weapon was stolen from them. The Instagram logs appear to hint that a later plot point shown in trailers is also related to Daystrom.
Do you honestly think that he is a racist who is bullying her?
So far, yes. But the question is, does she have the right to chose her own name and ask that others respect that choice? Even if it makes people uncomfortable. Do you think that all people of German and Japanese descent should have changed their names after WWII? Or people with Arabic names after 911? All because others might get "uncomfortable"? That seems to be the idea you're pushing.
So far, yes. But the question is, does she have the right to chose her own name and ask that others respect that choice? Even if it makes people uncomfortable. Do you think that all people of German and Japanese descent should have changed their names after WWII? Or people with Arabic names after 911? All because others might get "uncomfortable"? That seems to be the idea you're pushing.

After Icheb was vivisected, she should have changed her name back to Anika.

There are a few German names that have earned retirement for directing the hollocaust, but the Japanese are fine.
I thought about Shaw. I think he clearly just hates 'Starfleet Celebrities'. There's probably more than a few people in Starfleet who do.

I can imagine that having probably had to slowly climb the ladder towards captaincy himself that he'd resent having just such a celebrity retired admiral foist a celebrity friend (barely out of the academy) onto him as an XO.

I think he's just not impressed by all the adventuring bullshit and doesn't want any part of it. I see deadnaming, but equally I see someone who just wants a first officer, not 'the legendary X-B who rode back in Voyager all the way from the Delta Quadrant'. Hence Commander Hansen instead of Commander Seven.
After Icheb was vivisected, she should have changed her name back to Anika.

There are a few German names that have earned retirement for directing the hollocaust, but the Japanese are fine.
Why should she? The Borg didn't kill him, He was killed because he was a Borg.

But your proposal is for all designations to be changed not just "a few". Yes? Any name is a reminder so change them all!