Spoilers Star Trek: Picard 3x01 - "The Next Generation"


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Why do people think Seven and Raffi broke up? Raffi said her girlfriend dumped her and she was drummed out of starfleet. We know she was lying about the second part, why not the first part? What did I miss?
Just personal bias and possible schadenfreude.
Also, I would think Starfleet is probably suffering from a lack of senior officers (still) following the Dominion War. They lost thousands of ships. Plenty of spots that need to be filled, lots of room for new XOs.
Cadet Tilly had not graduated, when they made her XO?
Not certain. Doesn't matter. Saru had the authority and the only person he was answerable to for his decision is his superior.
So we're in this part of the thread now. It's like Clockwork. But anyway...

Between Raffi's background as a Starfleet Intelligence Officer, her connection to Rios, her substance abuse issues, and her stubborn passive-aggressive asshole son (who I'm sure is justified in how he feels, but still, speaking as someone who lost his mother at 18, I personally think he's making a huge mistake... ), I think Raffi was the most interesting new character introduced in Season 1. There's so much potential there that hasn't (or hadn't) been realized yet.

I like to think she gained her experience during the Dominion War, and the war is supposed to be referred back to in this season. If anyone remembers "The Siege of AR-558" and how those soldiers were, if you take that a step even further than that, I can see Raffi going down the path she went down. Even Quark says, "This isn't the Starfleet you know."
Interesting note: Crusher's ship, the S.S. Eleos, is named after the Greek god of mercy. I wonder if that's foreshadowing anything?

If I remember from some of the press/background blurb, Crusher had joined the equivalent of Space Doctors Without Borders. So the Elos being so named is the usual "hint" to that for an audience to do a quick google on.

I am surprised Picard didn’t think of the La Sirena instead of taking Will’s suggestion of Starfleet, esp given Bev’s warning.

Raffi has that ship now. After she got drummed our of starfleet and dumped by Seven it looks like she's been in a year long bender using thr El Serna as her transport.

I'm sorry, did I watch an alternate Picard season 2? La Sirena becaome the core and first ship of the Kinder, Gentler Borgrati and is likely still part of the diamond borg ship's core. She has a similar ship due to its mass production as a Kaplan F-17 Fast Freighter (and naturally a good reuse of the enormous and expensive set) but its definitely not the same ship.
If I remember from some of the press/background blurb, Crusher had joined the equivalent of Space Doctors Without Borders. So the Elos being so named is the usual "hint" to that for an audience to do a quick google on.

I'm sorry, did I watch an alternate Picard season 2? La Sirena becaome the core and first ship of the Kinder, Gentler Borgrati and is likely still part of the diamond borg ship's core. She has a similar ship due to its mass production as a Kaplan F-17 Fast Freighter (and naturally a good reuse of the enormous and expensive set) but its definitely not the same ship.

Its certainly the same set. Lol
I'm sorry, did I watch an alternate Picard season 2? La Sirena becaome the core and first ship of the Kinder, Gentler Borgrati and is likely still part of the diamond borg ship's core. She has a similar ship due to its mass production as a Kaplan F-17 Fast Freighter (and naturally a good reuse of the enormous and expensive set) but its definitely not the same ship.
Because there was the Prime ugly ship and then the Confederate ugly ship. One went to the Borg, the other to Raffi.
S1 was 2399. An indeterminate gap between S1 & S2 and another between S2 & S3.

250 years back from 2401 would be 2151, the launch of the NX-01, another Earth-centric event. Whatever they're celebrating feels much larger than just an Earth based event.

Seven being a commander in Starfleet would also suggest a date much later then two years after season 1. I don't know that we know how long Starfleet academy training takes, but a maximum of two years (less if season 2 takes place in 2400) does not seem like enough time for Seven to graduate and work her way up through the ranks.
Seven being a commander in Starfleet would also suggest a date much later then two years after season 1. I don't know that we know how long Starfleet academy training takes, but a maximum of two years (less if season 2 takes place in 2400) does not seem like enough time for Seven to graduate and work her way up through the ranks.
With 2 admirals backing her up, plus her Borg "knowledge", she might have been able to skip a bit, if not all of the Academy.
Er, no. Watch the episode again. That was part of her cover story she told the Orion trader.
We don’t actually know if they are still together or not: that detail could be part of her cover or true.
Technically Starfleet itself predates the Federation by almost 30 years so even IT isn't technically 250 years old unless this season were set just three years or so after NEM. I get a big kick out of the Frontier Day concept and getting to see old museum ships from throughout the width and breadth of Starfleet history but the definiton of 250th Anniversary of Starfleet may be pretty loose and up to interpretation.
who can say if they are Earth years, anyway? ;)
"Nobody wants the fat one."

Raffi has that ship now. After she got drummed our of starfleet and dumped by Seven it looks like she's been in a year long bender using thr El Serna as her transport.
Once again she was not drummed out of Starfleet. She's undercover and working for Starfleet Intelligence trying to track down some missing technology. There was more to her storyline in the episode than that on line.
What's your problem?

I’m not the one in love with Raffi.

Because the scene was terrible. Hard to make anything out.

Based on the responses here, only you seem to have that problem.

We don’t actually know if they are still together or not: that detail could be part of her cover or true.

Sob stories always make someone pretending to have a drug problem look even more pathetic to a dealer/mark.
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“I thought Jurati/BQ took La Sirena” is the “why was Riker pissed at O’Brien in ‘Defiant’“ for the modern age.
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Really like the first episode.

By the way, was District 7, the place with the Rachel Garrett statue, that got portaled a location on Earth? The architecture and the environment looked a lot like that might be the case.

Another thing about the attack: Is it possible that instead of using the cutting beam in combination with the tractor beam, like it was implied before, the Borg use a similar technology like the portal weapon for planet scooping?