Star Trek: Legacy

Whats even worse is that we now have the technology in both PCs and consoles for some truly amazing looking Trek games, and nobody is touching them with a barge pole....shame that.
Whats even worse is that we now have the technology in both PCs and consoles for some truly amazing looking Trek games, and nobody is touching them with a barge pole....shame that.

Yeah I know. I'd LOVE to see an epic Trek game that's similar to something like "Mass Effect" on the 360. Instead, we got crap like "Legacy."
Whats even worse is that we now have the technology in both PCs and consoles for some truly amazing looking Trek games, and nobody is touching them with a barge pole....shame that.

Not quite, you may want to look at the fan-game Star Trek: Excalibur.

I hate to be pessimistic but this just reminds me of the dozen plus projects where they "work" on it for two years then realize they have no chance and the project crumbles. Just reading the FAQ's I saw more answers saying something along the lines, "we haven't decided yet" which screams they have no idea what they are doing, like every other project like this that died.

Were they serious they would have not put up a web site till they had firmer answers. Everyone, don't hold your breath.
I hate to be pessimistic but this just reminds me of the dozen plus projects where they "work" on it for two years then realize they have no chance and the project crumbles. Just reading the FAQ's I saw more answers saying something along the lines, "we haven't decided yet" which screams they have no idea what they are doing, like every other project like this that died.

Were they serious they would have not put up a web site till they had firmer answers. Everyone, don't hold your breath.

I have to concur. Despite having the best intentions, it takes an enormous investment of time and energy to create a current-generation game. And most of these projects quietly vanish after a few years.

But hey, if they can pull it off, more power to them. :techman:
Agreed on all points. Trek Gaming needs a serious shot in the arm, but I suppose until the new movie comes out there's not much to captialize on. Anyone played the new levels for The Fallen?

Also agreed on fan projects only rarely coming to fruition (although when they do, it's great).

I have an XBox and thought about purchasing Legacy, as I am a Star Trek nut. I take it this purchase would be ill advised?
You can get it a lot cheaper now, so i would say go for it if your going for the 360 version, its worth a play through, but as i said just make sure you get it at bargain bin prices because that's all its worth.
The 360 version is better - it's at least playable, the controls make more sense, and the graphics are decent. But as others have said, there are far, far better games available for that system, if it wasn't a Trek title, there really would be no reason to play it.

Well it is a fun game on the 360 I found, though it has a lot of flaws with sontrol and the way you move around the map.

I completed the campaign though and it is well worth the £10 I paid for it for an occasional bit of Trek gaming on my 360 on my big TV - which is what I bought it for.

I might even play the campaign again one day its good fun.
ST: Legacy is the BEST 'Trek game ever for PC!!!

You guys are missing the secret of *how* to play in correctly on your pc. All you need is an X-BOX 360 controller plugged into any usb port of your home computer :-)

I have an ATI Radeon HD 2600 pro card in my pc, and the game plays very fast (256 Mb).

There is a mod you can install that takes the nebulas out of the game that is reported to vastly improve fps.

I've been playing the game a good book you don't want to end. The x-box controller makes me feel like I'm playing the old Playstation I game, Colony Wars, with the way it's set up. Phasers and Torpedoes are easy to lock's a dream :p
Well now I'm torn- I got some folks saying it's good, others saying it's terrible. What to do?

Your best option is to wait until it hits the bargain bin. Paying more than $10.00 may cause serious buyer's remorse.

I enjoyed legacy to a point... its not bad for a quick battle or playing the story through once. Its way to basic to be something you want to play over and over again.

blaXXer told me there are a lot of people still playing BC so ive gone back to playing that again.. well worth it :) since I'm talking a break from world of warcraft for a while.

Legacy is a bargin bin buy .. if you see it cheap it will be worth it.
It almost feels like the game's only halfway finished.

That's because it isn't finished. Shame on Bethesda for rushing it out before it was ready. :klingon:

I think it's a decent game though it could and should've been a lot better. But the story is still good, it does have all the captains (though you can't control all of them) with the original actors providing the voices and it's not too bad, I think. So, if the players can get past the messed up controls, it worth at least one playthrough.
I haven't been able to get it to run at anything approaching a playable speed. I know I'm due for a GPU upgrade, but there's far better-looking games I can get to run just fine. :(