Star Trek - Horizon (Enterprise Feature-Length Fan Film)

Wow, best fan film ever. I know not everyone will appreciate the visual style, but I loved it. This is a fitting fan tribute to the Enterprise series. :techman:

There was also a story arc about a temporal cold war in which an anonymous person was sending messages into the past to influence the future. In Star Trek Horizon you will see the shadowy future guy communicating with the Romulan’s. I wonder if future guy will turn out to be a Romulan (perhaps trying to influence the past to save Romulus from destruction)?


Yeah, I guessed right for once! :lol:
I loved the future guy reveal in the film. Glad to see he got what was coming to him.
Oh crap! I would like to apologise for having posted the bakers version of the film here. I saw it posted on the Star Trek Valiant Facebook page and just assumed that it had been released to the public early and shared the link here. This video is unlisted on YouTube at the moment and only people within the link should be able to see it. :shrug:
I feel very guilty about this, but I’m still going to watch it again! :biggrin:
Such a great film. It's out Sunday.
No, you'll have to do full barbecue, starting Friday night and going until Sunday about noon. Should taste like heaven, and melt like warm butter. Mmmm.
Fantastic. Breathtaking.

The quality is truly cinematic, as if it was Enterpise: The Movie. The characters were believable and well written. There were a lot of great references and easter eggs to the whole of Star Trek, including stuff I didnt expect to hear mentioned; as for acting as a finale to Enterprise the film also worked, again closing a couple of major storylines from the series that were left open.

Fantastic. Breathtaking.

The quality is truly cinematic, as if it was Enterpise: The Movie. The characters were believable and well written. There were a lot of great references and easter eggs to the whole of Star Trek, including stuff I didnt expect to hear mentioned; as for acting as a finale to Enterprise the film also worked, again closing a couple of major storylines from the series that were left open.


I can't wait to check it out.

Thank you for the assessment!
I just watched it, really impressed. I thought the green screen was very well done, and I liked the story a lot. Amazing proof that you don't need a ton of money and resources to do something well.
Awesome job guys! Very well done. I watch very few fan films more than once but this one is a keeper!
I watched it last night and was quite impressed. For a fan film, it's very well done and easily one of the best I've seen.

There are obvious nods to Enterprise, as well as the earlier shows, and a very strong visual and narrative aesthetic influence and connection to the JJ Abrams films, and it all works quite well together.

In short, this is the "in-between-eras" film Axanar wishes it could have been.

I will write a more thorough review later but for now, congratulations to Tommy Kraft and his crew on a job well done.
Just from watching a little bit, Horizon looks quite impressive.

I was going to watch the "Crouching Tiger" sequel tonight, but I think I'll watch this instead.
