Spoilers Star Trek: Discovery 3x08 - "The Sanctuary"

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I think the planet was pre-warp before Osyraa showed up, and they've been isolated from any capital starship help (other than Osyraa's) for a century (since the Burn). Also probably explains lack of replicators on this planet (Osyraa won't give them any).

So it makes sense within the context of what we've been told. What's more troubling is that I'm sure Osyraa is menacing tons of planets. Book's planet gets saved just because he's romantically involved with a Starfleet officer? Why didn't Vance call Burnham and Book out on that? Honestly that conversation was overdue when Burnham disobeyed orders in 'Scavengers' on Book's behalf.

How isolated/backward can they be when Book is galavanting around in his own ship? People from 900 years in the past fixed their problem as an afterthought, and all it took was shining a light on the power of two dudes’ brotherly love.
well this was far better than last week and tilly is not that bad as temp XO however

the distress signal is totally gonna be from discovery isn't?
How isolated/backward can they be when Book is galavanting around in his own ship? People from 900 years in the past fixed their problem as an afterthought, and all it took was shining a light on the power of two dudes’ brotherly love.
We don't know the full story of how Book got out of it all, but he did. That doesn't mean he has the power to mass transport a bunch of replicators back home.

And as far as Book's familiarity with tech, I mean this is the same show that had Saru's sister go from being a farmer to flying starfighters in the space of a few episodes at most.
I don't know if it was intentional from the writers, but it's interesting that Osyraa named her flagship, Viridian, with a name that's a homonym of the system where James Kirk was killed.

Viridian is a pigment. Specifically blue-green. It's probably a play on the fact the chain is run by andorians and orions

he bigger question for me is the communicator discontinuity. They obviously gave some thought to this.

I wonder if it might be to show historical inaccuracies on the part of 32nd century historians. It does seem like a very intentional decision to have a mismatched uniform and combadge.

5. I have a feeling that originally before COVID that Part 1 was going to be the Cliffhanger with the Guardian, and then they were going to take their break during Christmas, and the second two parter was going to be in January, but since COVID happened, no break because of how long the season took to come out.

Not sure that's correct. Before Covid the third season was supposed to start earlier in the year (either late Spring or during the Summer).
The new uniforms and the season one uniforms only appeared together in TNG season 3. After that, they were updated to resemble the new ones.
We haven't seen GEN/DS9 uniforms on crewmen with low-importance positions on low-important ships or stations ;)
It makes sense that they get updates long after everyone else.

Perhaps Cosmo's cousin tried to steal dilithium in the past (TNG/DS9 time) and tried to blend in XD
Not much advances in medical tech in the 32nd century apparently. Ryn's antennae aren't regrown and Detmer's 23rd century implant isn't even upgraded or removed in place of biological healing for her injuries. I don't expect whatever's going on with Mirror Georgiou is going to make 32nd medical tech look particularly impressive either.

I'd also expect faster processing time for a 32nd century computer for crunching data, but it still takes up to hours apparently.
I'd also expect faster processing time for a 32nd century computer for crunching data, but it still takes up to hours apparently.
The Super Computer Data Centers must've been blowned up in "The Burn". So you get last generations tech.
I liked the way Detmer was piloting Book's ship so close to the hull of the Viridian while she was doing "Strafing Runs" and evading those giant turrets.

Too bad the camera was focused on the front of the ship and obstructing most of the space battle.

Can the DP just allow a nice clear chase camera for the ship and watch it do it's magic as it fights?

Like let us see Book's ship fly majestically and not just stare into the cockpit the whole time.

Really bad Camera decisions for the space battle IMO.

Shhh, they’re running out of dilithium. But isn’t everyone running out of dilithium?
Apparently some groups have more dilithium than others.
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About Emerald Chain and planets like Kwejian - the Admiral said that the Chain had learned how to abuse the Prime Directive like an art form and there were 50 other systems like Kwejian's system in the same predicament.
Something similar was aired decades ago in DS9.

A question, what was knocking down people on Kwejian? It wasn't a photon torpedo. It happened twice and I can't figure it out.
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GRUDGE: Heh-heh-heh. And now, for the little antenna. It's all right for you to hunt giant rats in space but god forbid you throw a holographic one my way.