they have another poster too

honestly they are better than the official one :lol:
the characters seem to be more 'alive' and as if something important is happening there. It's more interesting and looks more professional too, to be honest. And they put all the characters.

They should have used these two posters, far better that the others, really nice impactful artwork.
According to Trek Core, the Captains Log heard it one of the trailers, and not in the movie was recorded specifically for the trailer, it was never in the movie.
One other thing. I know he had oxygen with him, but did Scotty also quickly rig the torpedo so he could direct it? The warhead is moot point because it's probably safe until activated, and he didn't activate it. But was there a way to see out? He had a console in his hand similar to today's game consoles, so maybe he flew it on some kind of instrument controls. Otherwise, while landing near that cliff was bad luck, by comparison, any uncontrolled soft landing at all inside a photon torpedo would be a miracle. Especially getting through the atmosphere. (The again, he's the miracle worker.)

The best part of that sequence was how it pretty much killed the whole "they don't work with people in them!" thing from after STID came out.
I completely forgot about that, too. So I guess I didn't miss it too much.

One other thing as I think about it, I was a little startled when the Enterprise's warp effect on screen was in the opposite direction as it was shown in commercials or the trailer.

It's not like one should expect everything from a commercial or trailer to end up in the final cut, of course. Kirk's log entry made a quick point that works in commercials or trailers. By that time in the movie, it was woefully obvious the Enterprise was lost, and maybe the line was taken as an unnecessary at that point. Just get off the ship, Kirk.

A few nitpicks about the Kelvin pods. I wonder how those Kelvin pods survive entry into the atmosphere and make soft landings. Do they give off a beacon or other signal so crew members may be found who were scattered across the planet? I'd infer that most who made it to the planet that way must've landed within a few square miles of each other, and most were rounded up by Krall and his people (besides those captured by them in space). Were the uniforms Kirk and Chekov put on "survival uniforms" stowed in the pods? Otherwise, why change clothes? Nice coincidence they fit, by the way.

The pods have parachutes
And, lookie there, the Franklin is 450' long, which dwarfs the original Enterprise, and she's supposed to be much smaller than the new Enterprise. Hopefully, this quells some of the naysayers.
I'll be seeing the movie again this week. So far spent $36 on it. Finally might get another group together on the weekend. All told should be over $100 from my direction.