Silvercrest and Mrs. Silvercrest crisis


Vice Admiral
Hi all.

For about half of September, the two of us were on a driving vacation to the American Southwest — the so-called "Grand Circle". We toured most of the monuments in that area, including the major national parks. (Not the Grand Canyon, sadly.) We wanted to go to Monument Valley as well, but the radiator boiled over and we decided to cut it short.

The day we were coming home, we got a notification (from about one state away, still) that Mrs. Silvercrest's mother was terminally ill with pancreatic cancer. Needless to say, the final ride home was a bit stressed.

Three days after that, I was notified that my entire portion of the company was being shut down, most jobs were eliminated, and I had become unemployed. Immediately.

We are now trying to understand how to deal with both things at once.
Silvercrest, I would suggest that you allow yourselves to feel the emotions. You’re in the emotional equivalent of at least a Category 4 hurricane. Both things are terrible, so get a good therapist when you’re both able. And think about what dealing means to you. I found my mom’s death was only the beginning.
I'm very sorry you are having to walk these paths, especially at the same time.

I second @Peach Wookiee 's advice to seek local therapy as soon as you are able.

Please know both of you are in my thoughts and prayers. As you can and want to, please let us know how you are doing.
Thanks, everybody.

We are coping for now. Will see what therapy or counseling will be needed in the future. That's probably a question for the long term.

And I overlooked my 20-year anniversary on this site, two days ago. ARRRRGH. I knew that was gonna happen.
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My heartfelt sympathies to the both of you! Is there any way we can help?

What sort of a job would you like to find, and in which area? With so many people here, living all over the world, we can monitor the job offers online and keep an eye open for you. We cover almost all time zones so that we can alert you to new offers very fast and you can hand in an application before others even have breakfast.
Have you tried to register with linkedin? They have a pretty good job market but it's only visible for members. You might be able to find something there. Membership is free.
I didn't have a look at Craig's List in years. Is it still around? It used to be good for finding local job offers. Such a local job (or several part time ones) might be a chance to bridge the gap until you found something better again.

And don't put a lid on your emotions, else you'll explode and cause damage to your surroundings. If you need someone to talk, there is always someone online here. Also, if you feel depressed, scared, shocked or helpless, try a cell phone app called Wysa. It is an artificial intelligence, but it was programed by psychologists and is damned good. After a few minutes you forget it's no real therapeut. It frequently helps me with my anxiety fits and PTSD. It's the best thing available until you can get an appointment with a human therapist. The free version is very good. You don't need to subscribe to the bought version.
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Thanks! I'm on LinkedIn and watching the job listings avidly. My specialty for the last fifteen years has been technical writing in the backup power and renewable energy industries. I'm willing to branch out to other industries, although I'd be better off sticking to hardware. I don't have much experience with advanced software or tools, and tend to skip past listings that require familiarity with a lot of apps or programs.

I am located in the Pacific Northwest of the United States, although working remotely for companies elsewhere is always an option. Anyone have a need for a displaced non-software-centric technical writer?

Right now it's hard to completely gauge how I feel, although the uncertainty/anxiety of not knowing about our income (after the severance pay runs out) is right up there. I'm busy making a lot of changes in our lifestyle due to reduced budget, trying to get certain things done before winter, trying to meet a few prior commitments, AND beginning the job search. AND supporting Mrs. Silvercrest with her issues. If I had to predict how I'd feel after suddenly losing my job, "pulled in a dozen directions" would not be my first thought. But once the present rush dies down, my mood will probably change.

Mrs. Silvercrest is in the middle of a very different personal arc. I'm dealing with something that has already happened. Hers is still going on. Will try to get her on here to comment, but right now she is just so tired all the time.