Romulan War

Take all the tensions and conflicts between species we saw in ENT and shoehorn them into a single ship
A ship yes, but I was referring to the formation of the federation. Watching "tensions and conflicts" in heated committee room sessions and seeing alien officials plot their next back stabbing doesn't interest me, I don't need to see Game of Thrones set in the 22nd century.

While it is a part of Star Trek's background, I've never found the federation itself to be particularing important.
but that doesn't mean they'll all get along
If the various viewpoints were given equal validity and backed in a version of sound reason then yes. However if there's going to be "the one true way" and everything else is going to be depicted a wrong or silly, then no.
Humans are by far the dullest species and would only make up a small fraction of Starfleet
Only a fraction of the federation sure.

But for all we know the majority of federation member species have zero participation in Starfleet. By appearances Humans compose the bulk of Starfleet.
systemic racism within Starfleet
We've seen only two black Vulcans.
let Trek keep on being Trek
Please seek employment at Paramount.
So a Romulan War Anthology series would be awesome!
Maybe like Band of Brothers, or The Pacific where you have say 3 or 4 "crews" that we follow. 3 ships and maybe an admiral back in San Francisco. Show all aspects of the war, have ground battles, ship battles,

An episode where its a Submarine movie with the ship trying to survive after its warp engines are damaged, and hiding in an asteroid field with 3 warbirds chasing.

Have The battle of Earth, be like the Battle of Brittan.
Have a fleet of romulan ships attack, then move off, then attack again at random times to whittle down the Earth fleet strength, maybe have a time limit of a week or 2 before a backup fleet from vulcan or andoria can arrive. So Intrepids, deltas, even the ship from the borg episode have to rally and protect earth, casualties being high.

Have a Churchill moment where the admiral gets intelligence of a romulan attack, but if he warns the ship/base/planet then the romulans would know they broke there codes, or have a mole in there organization, so he/she lets the attack happen.
Terror, suspense, action, comedy! would be Fun!

Well if you have a war, and not make the battle a bunch of technobabble ( and no "Fighters") and have a kind of submarine feel like Balance of Terror, and ships getting damaged like the Nx in Xindi space. Maybe do like Babylon 5 where you have a disabled ship like Sheridans and you nuke mine an asteroid field.
You have a primary ship, but you also do other ships where they get exploded after an episode getting to know them.
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Technically, yes, I've always wanted to see the Earth-Romulan War. But I'm a little skeptical because it was described in Balance of Terror as a war fought with atomic weapons and primitive space vessels and no captives and so on. Following this description probably wouldn't make for the best TV. While canon isn't the most important thing to me personally as I can handle a good retcon, we all know there's a loud section on fandom that would be fuming if the Romulan War was retconned into anything but a primitive war. The best thing they could do would be to have all Romulan ships be remote activated (kind of like on ENT), but that even presents limitations.
But for all we know the majority of federation member species have zero participation in Starfleet. By appearances Humans compose the bulk of Starfleet.
Maybe other species are willing to let humanity do the dirty work and are content to sit back and watch.
Humans in the 24th century don't often have to deal with decades of occupation or worry about profit.
Exactly, humans are so evolved and self-righteous that any traits that might make them interesting have been sucked out. Even when they try to be rebels very few manage to maintain this new individualistic trait for long and resort back to the human default setting of bland and boring (cough...Chakotay...cough).
Humans in the 24th century don't often have to deal with decades of occupation or worry about profit.
Except for colony worlds or independent traders like in Yar"s case, or Vash's case.

Having it be aliens is just easier than dealing with the complexities of humans.
it was described in Balance of Terror as a war fought with atomic weapons
Good, more powerful than those dorky low powered photonic warheads. Stop playing around and get serious.
and primitive space vessels
Primative in comparison to the 23rd century Enterprise, the next generation improvement over the NX- Enterprise.
and no captives
Spock said "no quarter," there were no captives owing to they were making no effort to take any.
Maybe other species are willing to let humanity do the dirty work and are content to sit back and watch.
Oh sure, they're are willing to fund Starfleet, but mosty they signed up for a membership in the federation for the trade advantages.
My whole take, other than its expensive to put makeup on 3/4 of the crew, is that the Humans are more the go getters of the Federation, ones that want to explore, etc. Where the others like Vulcans have been in space for century's and just don't have any need to go out in to the universe anymore. Some still do, but even then you have there own ships for like the Vulcan Science Academy, or Andorian Home Guard.
That and, maybe "Human Level" of life support is uncomfortable to other species, say Vulcans would like it at 110 degrees with 10 percent humidty to be comfortable, maybe Andorians would love for it to be 50 degrees, maybe Tellarites would live 90 with 100percent humidty. And thats not taking in to account Oxygen levels, or other trace gasses that a species may need. There maybe plenty of Only Andorian, or Only Draylax ships with a few humans on it. Some species may push past being uncomfortable to be on an Enterprise, or the ship is going where they want to go or do. Who knows, and we as viewers are looking at the only human centric ships because were human??
My whole take, other than its expensive to put makeup on 3/4 of the crew, is that the Humans are more the go getters of the Federation, ones that want to explore, etc. Where the others like Vulcans have been in space for century's and just don't have any need to go out in to the universe anymore. Some still do, but even then you have there own ships for like the Vulcan Science Academy, or Andorian Home Guard.
That and, maybe "Human Level" of life support is uncomfortable to other species, say Vulcans would like it at 110 degrees with 10 percent humidty to be comfortable, maybe Andorians would love for it to be 50 degrees, maybe Tellarites would live 90 with 100percent humidty. And thats not taking in to account Oxygen levels, or other trace gasses that a species may need. There maybe plenty of Only Andorian, or Only Draylax ships with a few humans on it. Some species may push past being uncomfortable to be on an Enterprise, or the ship is going where they want to go or do. Who knows, and we as viewers are looking at the only human centric ships because were human??

This is basically the canon answer, I thought. Species have small quirks. Vulcans like it hot and dry. Andorians cold and dry? or cold and wet. Tellarites might like it cold as well.

Nothing that can't be shoved aside for a visit, but it's like your coworkers fighting over the AC at best, but for years on a ship.

As well, Humans have something to prove. Vulcans, Andorians, Tellarites, don't. There's a drive there on a cultural level not seen elsewhere. It's not that the other races are stagnant (Vulcans explore, Andorians fight, Tellarites run around and argue, though apparently Andorians are going extinct?) but humans still have that new-warp energy.
Maybe the various species largely have their own ships, with their standard life support, gravity, etc,, and being stationed aboard a ship with other specise is rare.

The flagship of the federation had not a hundred and fifty species, but just a dozen species. And that might be unusual high for a Starfleet vessel.
...And that with a ship that in "The Chase" hosted people from planets (and, in the context of the episode, species) that weren't even part of the Federation! Certainly there's little drive to have equal representation there in the starship crews we meet.

But the more animated, the more diverse. Perhaps the Cerritos is actually typical in her diversity, while the top-of-the-line ships are the ones made ethnically artificially pure for either political or doctrinal reasons?

Timo Saloniemi
I would love if they will do the Romulan War. Most likely they would start a new series taken place on a starship or space station. The war would take place during the series, which not every episode would be about the war. Maybe four or five episodes out of 10 or 15 would be about the war.
Good, more powerful than those dorky low powered photonic warheads. Stop playing around and get serious.Primative in comparison to the 23rd century Enterprise, the next generation improvement over the NX- Enterprise.Spock said "no quarter," there were no captives owing to they were making no effort to take any.Oh sure, they're are willing to fund Starfleet, but mosty they signed up for a membership in the federation for the trade advantages.

I was referring to Spock's actual wording in the episode Balance of Terror. "Primitive" wasn't my word - it was Spock's. You should go back and watch that episode sometime. It's TOS, season 1.

And the point I was trying to make was that any other depiction of the Romulan War other than what was described in Balance of Terror will be met with some fan backlash. I myself am personally fine with retconing it - I specifically said that in my original post. I'm just saying they're better off not doing it.
Time was, I'd have loved to see the Romulan War, especially had a non-cancelled Enterprise gotten there -- but at this point, we've seen multiple wars on screen, in day-to-detail. The point of those stories is pretty much always testing Federation/Trekian ideals under pressure -- and with the Xindi War, the two Klingon Wars, the Dominion War, we've done it, a lot. At this point, seeing the Romulan War is about as narratively useful as seeing the Cardassian War, or the Talarian War, or the (presumably now canonized, somehow) Kzinti Wars. Sure, you could, but really, what for?
Always felt that yes, thered be war episodes, but like the xindi arc, it would be Archer going around getting allies and ships for it instead of every episode a different battle.
Technically, yes, I've always wanted to see the Earth-Romulan War. But I'm a little skeptical because it was described in Balance of Terror as a war fought with atomic weapons and primitive space vessels and no captives and so on. Following this description probably wouldn't make for the best TV.

Hey, if it looks anything like this, I'm in! :techman:
I've never cared for those designs. Just doesn't look Trek to me.

But that's the point. It showcases evolution; and shows off the relatively "primitive atomic weapons and in primitive space vessels - Which allowed no quarter, no captives. Nor was there even ship-to-ship visual communication". These are slow junkers whose only saving grace is their size, shows off the capabilities of a system fully dedicated to war (one or two good asteroids could pump out nearly every vessel in the Romulan war, at the least, their hulls), and looks, well, badass.

But stuff like TRW just relegates a Bison-esque Pioneer design to the 2100 era due to ENT nailing down a Saucer-design already by 2150, which didn't felt right to me at all, comparatively. In Ent canon, at least by the title card, by that time humanity is using a triangular design with nacelles attached; the Bison hulls don't fit anywhere.

There's just so little to really do from 2161-2245 design wise if the NX is already a Saucer with a secondary hull (via the refit) with everything in the same place as the Connie. Hell a novel basically has Tucker help design the Connie through his nephew, and why not, it's just a bigger NX by the new canon's standards.
But that's the point. It showcases evolution; and shows off the relatively "primitive atomic weapons and in primitive space vessels - Which allowed no quarter, no captives. Nor was there even ship-to-ship visual communication". These are slow junkers whose only saving grace is their size, shows off the capabilities of a system fully dedicated to war (one or two good asteroids could pump out nearly every vessel in the Romulan war, at the least, their hulls), and looks, well, badass.

But stuff like TRW just relegates a Bison-esque Pioneer design to the 2100 era due to ENT nailing down a Saucer-design already by 2150, which didn't felt right to me at all, comparatively. In Ent canon, at least by the title card, by that time humanity is using a triangular design with nacelles attached; the Bison hulls don't fit anywhere.

There's just so little to really do from 2161-2245 design wise if the NX is already a Saucer with a secondary hull (via the refit) with everything in the same place as the Connie. Hell a novel basically has Tucker help design the Connie through his nephew, and why not, it's just a bigger NX by the new canon's standards.
I think you can do "primitive atomic weapons and in primitive space vessels - Which allowed no quarter, no captives" with out looking like something from another franchise. Nothing in those designs look like something that would lead to the Connies. They look like something dropped from planes not warping through space.