RIP -Roger Perry, “Tomorrow Is Yesterday”

What's cool is that he may the first character in Star Trek history to be awed by the Enterprise and crew.

Tomorrow is Yesterday was episode 21 I believe. In running thru the first 20 in my head I can't think of a single planet they visited before that, where the people were "primitives" except for the ape creatures in Galileo. Everyone they encountered was from 23rd century Earth or was from a race that was equal to or MORE advanced than the Federation/Earth. Maybe the "onlies" but all they saw was "little boxes they talk into."
Talosians, Thasians, Metrons, Romulans, Trelayne, Gorn, Shore Leave caretaker, Ruk, Balok -- not one of them was, "wow, spaceships, transporters, aliens, phasers..."

He was pretty much the very first one who like the viewers -- was impressed by the coolness of it. Heck they never invoked the Prime Directive up till then.
Now think of every primitive race that has been encountered since then in the Trek mythos. The first race we impressed was ourselves -- via Capt. Christopher!
He also made appearances in the Bionic Woman, the Six Million Dollar Man, the Invaders, Count Yorga, Vampire and Return of Count Yorga as well as a little show called Star Trek in 1967! RIP
What's cool is that he may the first character in Star Trek history to be awed by the Enterprise and crew.

Tomorrow is Yesterday was episode 21 I believe. In running thru the first 20 in my head I can't think of a single planet they visited before that, where the people were "primitives" except for the ape creatures in Galileo. Everyone they encountered was from 23rd century Earth or was from a race that was equal to or MORE advanced than the Federation/Earth. Maybe the "onlies" but all they saw was "little boxes they talk into."
Talosians, Thasians, Metrons, Romulans, Trelayne, Gorn, Shore Leave caretaker, Ruk, Balok -- not one of them was, "wow, spaceships, transporters, aliens, phasers..."

He was pretty much the very first one who like the viewers -- was impressed by the coolness of it. Heck they never invoked the Prime Directive up till then.
Now think of every primitive race that has been encountered since then in the Trek mythos. The first race we impressed was ourselves -- via Capt. Christopher!

Awesome observation. RIP Mr. Perry. I thought he did a great job.
He played a perfect USAF ADC interceptor pilot..though the science was a bit wonky in the episode, his performance
made you overlook the obvious and get into the story...
"Whatever this thing is, it's big!"

Requiescat in pace Mr. Perry

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Always a solid actor, and based on what I've heard from some who knew him, he was a pretty decent guy.

Of course he will always be remembered for his TOS role, but he earned a lot of credit for elevating the two Count Yorga movies by being one of the better modern day enemies of a vampire, instead of another tired Van Helsing assembly line type. He had his two characters' conviction about the vampiric goings-on give the films a realistic sense so absent from many horror movies.

He will be missed.
I could never believe that he was once married to Joanne Worley!!! The big crazy lady from Laugh In! And later to Sandy Duncan, whom I remember from the Scooby Doo cartoons!
I could never believe that he was once married to Joanne Worley!!! The big crazy lady from Laugh In! And later to Sandy Duncan, whom I remember from the Scooby Doo cartoons!

Worley yes, Duncan no. He was married to Joyce Bullifant, who was on Mary Tyler Moore and a lot of game shows in the '70s.

He was very memorable in "Tomorrow Is Yesterday." I remember thinking "Cool, a guy from Star Trek!" when he turned up on The Facts Of Life.