
Offer some unique perks though. Like for say $30 or $40, get yourself photoshopped into a Polaris scene and receive an 8x10 or something...
Well, we may offer custom digital images of the ship - printable resolution with your-ship-name-here.
Well, Dennis, I'd guess around 10.000-20.000$.
Maybe more, but I'd think the trailer would have to be reworked to appeal to a greater audience.
Based on what I saw, we as the (general) audience are supposed to know the characters and feel for them or their mission or the danger(s) that await them. If this were an episode of a familiar series we would have certainly invested more in the crew and ship before and could get a feeling what awaits them.
But, when this trailer ended, I felt too distant to really care. I simply didn't know Jack about what's happening here.

I am sure, all of you invest(ed) much into this project. But it doesn't really click (for me). Hell, if I hadn't followed the progress of your project, I wouldn't even know, what POLARIS means.

Sometimes voice-overs do magic you wouldn't believe. ;)

But I'm sure, this will be a gem of a movie. Or is it the pilot of a new series? :D
A completely hypothetical question devoid of any useful context - what do you guess we might reasonably be able to achieve via crowd funding based on this presentation?
I suppose the question is, how much do you need?

I will be happy to give you a donation.

However to be honest with you, if I did not know you were with Farragut Films and had not seen Nick Cook in Intrepid, I might not have been so motivated to donate. I hope that Star Trek fan productions really get behind this and will be willing to post a link to your fundraiser on their Facebook pages.
...Mention your writing experiences on TNG and your work on Starship Exeter.
This information further motivates me to want to give.
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I've followed Polaris a long time ago as renders of the ship were being released. I even asked a few questions about what was being created. (call me pesky)
Trailers often are intended to raise more questions than they answer. As much as I love Star Trek, the thought alone of something this detailed is coming along, is in itself intriguing.
Based on what I saw, we as the (general) audience are supposed to know the characters and feel for them or their mission or the danger(s) that await them.
This POV puzzles me because most film trailers are introducing characters new to the audience, so how is this different? I'm not challenging that POV as much as seeking clarification.
This POV puzzles me because most film trailers are introducing characters new to the audience, so how is this different? I'm not challenging that POV as much as seeking clarification.

Yes, Maurice, of course you're right. But on the other hand you present us all these faces, these characters, as if we should know them. My point is, I guess, you all know each other in real life, you've been together as a crew, so from an editor's view (as you have cut the trailer), you are, maybe, too close to production and participants. With a distant set of eyes (mine for example) this trailer shows a familiarity we as a general audience cannot have.

The editing of the trailer itself was beautiful as ever, Maurice. ;)

EDIT: Probably the best comparison might be your work for Starship Exeter. You haven't been on set, you weren't there when it was filmed. I believe if you had been part of the crew back then, you wouldn't have had the chance to more objectively handle your part of the edit. That's what I mean by "distant set of eyes".
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Thanls for replying. It's the "as if we should know them" that I can't make heads or tails out of. Nothing in the trailer is intended to key off the personalities, just narrative points, so I'm puzzled as to what you're keying in on. I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just not seeing what you are. What you seem to be suggesting isn't what was intended.
Well, Maurice, could be a case of "I'm not that good expressing myself in English". Please forgive me.
I try it this way: The Polaris-Trailer seems (to me) like another episode of Polaris instead of a trailer for something new, something that hasn't been done before. Don't know, if this explanation makes my statement any clearer...
Anyway, as you like to say: YMMV. :D
Well, Maurice, could be a case of "I'm not that good expressing myself in English". Please forgive me.
I try it this way: The Polaris-Trailer seems (to me) like another episode of Polaris instead of a trailer for something new, something that hasn't been done before. Don't know, if this explanation makes my statement any clearer...
Anyway, as you like to say: YMMV. :D

It's hard to put my finger on it, but that's how I feel about it, too. I enjoyed the trailer but there's a sense in it as if we should know these characters already even though we don't.

It feels more like "Next week on Polaris:" than a clear introduction.
I think that's an interesting point. Perhaps it's something whoever edits the next trailer will keep in mind. I'm not seeing it myself, but I'll admit I'm probably too close to see it.
Perhaps the issue, such as it is, is that we don't introduce any of the characters other than to name Dr. Young.
I think it may be in the nature of a brief teaser to (hopefully) arouse curiosity rather than answer many questions.

In a longer trailer, I think you'd expect more set-up of the "meet George Jetson" variety.

When do we get the Jetsons movie, BTW, now that we can safely assume it won't star Jim Carrey?
For what it's worth, for me, as a viewer, I didn't get a sense of "should I already know these people?" It just seemed like a nice cross-section of the characters, so that I know there are varied people on this ship; as Maurice says, no different from any other trailer where we are unfamiliar with the characters. I think on that score, it's just fine. It was a good solid trailer that made me want to see more. :)

However, I have to agree about "blow your effin' head off." It just sounds silly.
@Maurice and @Dennis:
ha, no, I didn't mea a Cluedo set-up, where you know all the names and just have to find out what happened to whom, when and where. :beer:

It's more in the direction of a general set-up, why we should care about these people or their mission or the danger. I am with DCR, it feels like "Next week on Polaris".
And I don't want to sound harsh, sorry, if that comes across like this. I just thought to give a hint, how any fundraising campaign could be a little more successful. It is an honest trailer, but not a real advertisement hit.

Anyway, looking forward to Polaris! It's almost 2017 - so a christmas release seems reasonable to me! ;)
Why should one care about the characters in Swiss Family Robinson? I suppose their being lost and stranded and struggling to survive isn't enough.

Anyway, thanks for answering.
@Maurice and @Dennis:
ha, no, I didn't mea a Cluedo set-up, where you know all the names and just have to find out what happened to whom, when and where. :beer:

It's more in the direction of a general set-up, why we should care about these people or their mission or the danger. I am with DCR, it feels like "Next week on Polaris".
And I don't want to sound harsh, sorry, if that comes across like this. I just thought to give a hint, how any fundraising campaign could be a little more successful. It is an honest trailer, but not a real advertisement hit.

Anyway, looking forward to Polaris! It's almost 2017 - so a christmas release seems reasonable to me! ;)
Can't speak for anyone else but I was very interested to hear your comments. It's all good. :)
However to be honest with you, if I did not know you were with Farragut Films and had not seen Nick Cook in Intrepid, I might not have been so motivated to donate. I hope that Star Trek fan productions really get behind this and will be willing to post a link to your fundraiser on their Facebook pages.

This information further motivates me to want to give.
Thank you, Philip, that's very kind of you to say.
To be clear, the reason I ask is just to understand what is and isn't working for people and trying to understand why. Some of it is, as always, YMMV.

So, what DID and DIDN'T work for people?