"One Last Duty"

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Hammer, Sep 11, 2016.

  1. Hammer

    Hammer Cadet Newbie

    Sep 11, 2016
    Below are a few scenes from a script for a follow up to the "Enterprise Incident". If there is any interest I will find a way to post the whole script.

    26. [Planet Vulcan]

    (Exterior shot, the brown desert planet Vulcan. Mountains can be seen in the background. Two small figures can be seen materializing near a structure that appears to be a small home. (zoom in) Close up shot of Captain Kirk, Mr Spock, and walking up to them Ambassador Sarek).
    SAREK: (raises his hand in the typical Vulcan salute) Captain Kirk, Spock welcome to Vulcan.
    SPOCK: (Spock also raises his hand in the Vulcan salute).
    KIRK: (nods), Ambassador Sarek (wipes his forehead) Every time I set foot on Vulcan its seems to be hotter than last time (smiling).
    SPOCK: Actually Captain this is our family’s summer home. It is at least 10 degrees centigrade cooler than in the plains below.
    KIRK: Really?
    SAREK: (motions for them to follow him) Gentlemen, Please come inside where it is cooler. We have urgent business to attend too.

    27. [Interior Vulcan Home]

    (It appears to be the inside living room area of a small adobe home. Decorated sparsely but not too sparse. There are 4 chairs and a small table)
    SAREK: Please have a seat Captain.
    KIRK: (Sits down) Ambassador, what can be so urgent that we had to travel here at maximum warp and delay our rendezvous with the Potemkin?
    SAREK: (Sits opposite Kirk facing him) Events have been set in motion since you stole the cloaking device from the Romulans and those events have taken a most unfortunate turn.
    KIRK: (surprised) Ambassador, that happened only 3 months ago. How is it you know this? That is a closely guarded Star Fleet secret!
    SAREK: Members of the Federation Security Council were very upset that Star Fleet conducted this mission and risked Interstellar war. Our Vulcan operatives on Romulus gave us the rest of the information at great personal risk and sacrifice.
    KIRK: (surprised again) Vulcan operatives on Romulus?
    SPOCK: Yes Captain, it is Vulcan’s hope that one day the Vulcans and Romulans can become allies and that the Romulans will turn away from their militaristic tendencies. Ambassador Sarek has been instrumental in that effort.
    KIRK: I find it hard to believe that the Romulans would abandon their militaristic ways Spock. Ambassador the message please.
    SAREK: The message I have cannot be adequately spoken Captain. May I? (holds up his hand in a way that shows he wants to mind meld with Kirk).
    KIRK: Yes of course Ambassador. Please proceed.
    SAREK: (Leans forward and touches Kirks head) My mind to your mind. My thoughts to your thoughts.
    (Kirk sees images of the Commanders arrest and trial (the images fast forward without sound ending in the execution of her mother as she dissolves in pain after being shot by a disruptor).
    KIRK: (upset, backs away from the meld) Ambassador, I had no idea.
    SAREK: Over 200 lives have already been lost Captain. You must find a way to stop this madness and rescue her son. Vulcan intelligence agents confirm the boy lives. He is the only survivor and time is running out. It is also believed he may be the rightful heir to the throne on Romulus.
    KIRK: You have given me a lot to think about Ambassador. (Gets up and motions for Spock to sit next to Ambassador Sarek) Your turn Spock.
    SPOCK: (Sits in Kirks chair)
    SAREK: (Leans forward and touches Spock’s head) My mind to your mind. My thoughts to your thoughts.
    (Fade out).

    28. [Transporter Room]

    (Kirk and Spock materialize on the pad, the only other person in the room is Chief Kyle the transporter technician. They both step off the pad)
    KIRK: Spock, you haven’t said anything. You did not even say goodbye to your father or even ask about your mother. Are you okay?
    SPOCK: (Does not look directly at Kirk) I am fine Captain. As you said to the Ambassador, we have a lot to think about. I shall be in my quarters if you need me. (They exit into the corridor).

    29. [Kirk’s Quarters]

    (Kirk is laying the bed and the lights are dimmed. He seems to be thinking in private. Door chime sounds)
    KIRK: Enter (Dr McCoy enters the room carrying a bottle)
    KIRK: (swings legs around and sits on edge of bed) A house call Doctor? (The lights come up automatically)
    MCCOY: Thought you could use a little cheering up. I have just the thing the doctor ordered (smiling, holds up the bottle).
    KIRK: (Stands and comes over to desk where McCoy is) I am okay doctor. I was just replaying the mission and my actions.
    MCCOY: (Pours two drinks. They both take the glass and sip the liquid) Jim, it was a very dangerous mission and you were successful. You could not have foreseen this.
    KIRK: If you are trying to cheer me up Bones you are doing a very poor job of it. Sometimes the price is too high. I know I was doing my duty but the fallout is more than I could have imagined. Have you seen Spock?
    MCCOY: (Shakes his head) I stopped by his quarters but he would not let me in.
    KIRK: (concern) I don’t think I have ever seen him like that Bones. He looked stunned.
    MCCOY: What are you going to do Jim?
    KIRK: (puts drink down) I am going to do what Sarek asked me. I am going to try and salvage something good from this. Senior staff meeting in one hour (Exits his quarters).