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Ok. What is the chance of a Picard spinoff?

The first theatrical Star Trek movie was only considered a failure at the box office because it didn't make nearly enough money to cover its budget or make profit. It did, however, have good ticket sales, which is why Paramount didn't drop the franchise completely at that point. If I recall correctly, in his first meetings with the studio regarding Star Trek, the first question a studio exec asked Harve Bennett was if he could "make a Star Trek movie for less than XXX million f****** dollars?"

The same could very well be true in this case. You people who watched it and hated it? You watched it. I'm hoping that they look at viewing numbers and say, "well, if we can make for one of these things for less than XXX million f****** dollars..." Not having to pay Michelle Yeoh the salary that she commands at this point would be a start.
See I would much prefer them to not abandon the Section 31 subseries. Look at what worked and what didn't and make the next one maybe a little darker and more serious, maybe a cameo by the B. You've introduced your team, you've brought the empress into the fold so now you can tell a different story with them in this setting. An advantage being a series of movies has is that it's much easier to switch things up in terms of things like tone with shorter self contained stories.
The first theatrical Star Trek movie was only considered a failure at the box office because it didn't make nearly enough money to cover its budget or make profit. It did, however, have good ticket sales, which is why Paramount didn't drop the franchise completely at that point. If I recall correctly, in his first meetings with the studio regarding Star Trek, the first question a studio exec asked Harve Bennett was if he could "make a Star Trek movie for less than XXX million f****** dollars?"

The same could very well be true in this case. You people who watched it and hated it? You watched it. I'm hoping that they look at viewing numbers and say, "well, if we can make for one of these things for less than XXX million f****** dollars..." Not having to pay Michelle Yeoh the salary that she commands at this point would be a start.

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Yeah. And when will they learn it doesn't need to be huge budget?

What are the episodes that are routinely held up as the best? Measure of a Man. Drumhead. Duet. In the Pale Moonlight. All bottle shows.

All of those shows would have been better with an extra ten million, an action set piece with camera cuts every 2 seconds while the character's explain exactly what is happening and how they are feeling.

Also the Drumhead should end with Picard being executed by firing squad to show that the Federation is not to be messed with.

And In The Pale Moonlight should be about Sisko destroying a planet and not killing a Romulan Senator by "accident". He should also do it willingly without any because that's what good guys need to do, they need to do bad things to have nice things. That's how the world works.

And it can NEVER be different.
And In The Pale Moonlight should be about Sisko destroying a planet and not killing a Romulan Senator by "accident". He should also do it willingly without any because that's what good guys need to do, they need to do bad things to have nice things. That's how the world works.
You mean like how he rendered a planet uninhabitable to all human life and told them be evicted or be dead. Without approval beforehand unlike assassinating Vreenak.
You mean like how he rendered a planet uninhabitable to all human life and told them be evicted or be dead. Without approval beforehand unlike assassinating Vreenak.
No, I mean he should destroy the planet. Photon torpedoes, phaser the core etc. And let's have a whole CGI sequence while he puts on some rap music from Grammy Award Winning Artist 2025 Gold Dawg while he does the floss to appeal to the kids. Maybe get rid of the Starfleet uniforms for some Balenciaga.
Unfortunate. While Section 31 was flawed to be mild about it, streaming movies could have provided an avenue for unique Star Trek stories that needed to be longer than an episode but weren't enough to be a season arc.

Ah well.
I see Section 31 turning into Trek’s equivalent to X-Men Origins: Wolverine - the first of an intended series of spinoff stories that bombed so badly it poisoned the well from the studio going back to the concept.
I see Section 31 turning into Trek’s equivalent to X-Men Origins: Wolverine - the first of an intended series of spinoff stories that bombed so badly it poisoned the well from the studio going back to the concept.

Or even Solo: A Star Wars Story (which forced the dramatic transition of Star Wars to Disney+ long form series to also mixed results).
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