My South Bend Enterprise Green Screen Effects Tests!

Admiral Archer

Hey all! So I have recently acquired the Holy Grail of my Star Trek collection: the South Bend Enterprise toy from 1979! I'm super pumped and excited to have such a truly wonderful piece of Star Trek history! Also, I've decided to do an entire series of special visual effects tests based on just this model. Why? Well, as some of you may know, the South Bend Enterprise isn't just the Enterprise; it can be disassembled and reassembled in a variety of different ship designs! I'll be posting a video showing off each design in a visual effects test. I may also do some crossover vids showing multiple designs alongside each other, and I do have a AMT model of the D7 Klingon Battlecruiser which looks to scale with the South Bend Enterprise, so I might do some space battles too. The stars are the limit! To start off, we'll show off the one that started it all: the refit Constitution-class USS Enterprise!

What can it reassemble to?

The ship can be assembled into one of five different designs. If you've ever read the Franz Joseph Starfleet Technical Manual of the 1970s you will recognize three of the designs:

1) Constitution-class heavy cruiser
2) Hermes/Saladin-class scout/destroyer
3) Ptolemy-class tug

And two experimental designs, one where the nacelle pylons come out of the bottom of the saucer section instead of the top of the secondary hull, and another where the pylons come out of the bottom of the secondary hull.

I'm super busy this week but I plan on making videos with every one of the five designs soon!
The ship can be assembled into one of five different designs. If you've ever read the Franz Joseph Starfleet Technical Manual of the 1970s you will recognize three of the designs:

1) Constitution-class heavy cruiser
2) Hermes/Saladin-class scout/destroyer
3) Ptolemy-class tug

And two experimental designs, one where the nacelle pylons come out of the bottom of the saucer section instead of the top of the secondary hull, and another where the pylons come out of the bottom of the secondary hull.

I'm super busy this week but I plan on making videos with every one of the five designs soon!
Read it? It was my bible growing up. Looking forward to more footage!
Looks good. What software did you use for the effects/starfield?

Believe it or not, iMovie. I have a basic method to creating my visual effects tests: take a picture of the subject (in this case, the Enterprise), import the picture into MS Paint program, cut out the subject and replace the background with solid lime green, save the new image and import it into iMovie, then superimpose the image onto a moving star field. I use the 'Ken Burns' cropping effect on both the star field and the image of the Enterprise to simulate movement.
I still have mine from 1979!

I wish someone made reproduction stickers for it, mine looks little rough after 40-plus years.

I actually saw a youtube review by Captain Foley over at TrekYards that recommended looking up the sticker sheet online and using a sticker printer to make replacement decals. An intermediate step might be to resize the sticker sheet in a image editing software program so that when you print the decals off they are the correct size.
(I really need to remember to use the multi-quote feature in my posts - sorry mods!)

I have just finished my second green screen effects test using my South Bend Enterprise model! This one features the design of the refitted Hermes-class or Saladin-class scout/destroyer! The angles and star field effects are nearly identical to those for the Enterprise - I wanted to show what a scout/destroyer might look like in place of the hero ship. Enjoy!

To fill the unused slots that yawn open—-maybe scratch some of those cannon-antennae things on the Soyuz/Reliant mod.

The battery compartment looks like a bigger impulse deck—so maybe an Enterprise-G treatment?

Lastly, If you have some ERTL Refit nacelles—those match the secondary hull and saucer a little better size wise.

The Electronic Enterprise nacelles look like longer versions of the Diamond Select Refit that is scaled down more.