Here's a question I've had since the idea of Klingon "Houses" became a thing... I'm guessing Klingon feudalism works similar to its historical framework in human history as well as to how it does in other genre fictional universes (e.g., Game of Thrones, Dune, etc.).
But this brings up some questions ....
But this brings up some questions ....
- Are the Klingon Defense Forces a hodgepodge of each Klingon House's forces that are called up by the High Council for certain actions, but otherwise are under the direct control of a House Lord? And is their loyalty to the Lord of the House or the Empire as a whole?
- Unless otherwise ordered not to, does each Klingon House pursue its own agenda? For example, Kruge seeking out the Genesis Device data and committing acts of war?
- Are all of those Birds of Preys and Battle Cruisers not the property of the Klingon state per se, but owned by individual Klingon Houses who each have their own separate production, research, and development going on based on the resources they control from the planets under their control? Could there be a Klingon House that's responsible for starship production (or has the contract for starship production from the Chancellor) and another House that specializes in food production or dilithium mining?
- Similar to how those Harkonnens and Atredies have a blood feud in Dune, does the High Council allow for internecine open warfare battles for control of Klingon resources between Klingon Houses?
- When Worf becomes part of the House of Martok, does that mean the House of Mog is incoprated into Martok's and the House of Mog is a vassal of Martok's (i.e., think of all of the smaller Houses associated with and loyal to House Stark in Game of Thrones).