[Just for fun] Your favorite...at Quark’s?


Good afternoon.

Assuming you either reside on Deep Space Nine or frequent the location while passing through the galactic neighborhood, what drink or food (pick one of each, if you wish) would you have Quark stock up on just for you? Keep in mind that there's a price factor involved: if not currency of some sort, then occasional favors for the resident Ferengi barkeep.
Tarkalean tea. I like Earth black tea - Darjeeling or Earl Grey. It would be interesting comparing to Tarkalean.
I'm not a drinker, so I'll go with Chief O'Brien's breakfast of choice. Two eggs over easy, three strips of bacon, side of corned beef hash. But I also kind of like the sound of the breakfast of choice on the day shift...pancakes, sausage, and pineapple.
Doughnuts. Preferably a variety of types and flavors, but heavy on the raspberry buttermilk bars.
I would like to try the famous alien stuff mentioned on DS9 - hasperat and Raktajino, perhaps some of that Bajoran spring wine. But that might be a one time occurrence only if I were to find out I really didn't like it that much.

Other than that, I suppose my answer would be the same as when one asked 'what's your favorite food?' - I probably wouldn't have any food specifically linked to DS9.
The fare need not be exotic (by human standards); ultimately, the point is to indulge in a non-replicated treat (we're assuming there's a difference which gourmands can discern). Chocolate cake is nice, but I'm unsure if I'd want to wrestle with Quark's eccentricities.
Quark seemed to depend heavily on the replicators to keep the drinks and food coming.
I always wondered about that burger/sandwich that Bashir is going to eat in Rivals. I want to try it.

I know he likely got it at the Replimat rather than Quark's, but what other thread could I possibly mention this in? ;)
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The fare need not be exotic (by human standards); ultimately, the point is to indulge in a non-replicated treat (we're assuming there's a difference which gourmands can discern). Chocolate cake is nice, but I'm unsure if I'd want to wrestle with Quark's eccentricities.
If he had it I'd just every day come in for a different soft drink/soda from all around the planet.
I might try a sip of Kanar if I were feeling courageous (wasn't that supposed to taste like fish juice?), but I'd probably leave the gagh for what it is.
Add eggs, hashbrowns, and pancakes for the ultimate AM experience.

Oh, without a doubt.

But my use for bacon would be for everything. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, burgers, wrapping steak, candy bars, milkshakes, pasta, chicken, broccoli, potatoes... everything.

Remember B.M.E.B.
(Bacon Makes Everything Better)
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Since I guess that it could be rather difficult to have a steak and drink a good beer which tastes like it does on Earth, I would go all in for alien things like Hasperat or something Cardassian.

Raktajino, Romulan ale or Kanar to drink.
Things I will NOT try there: ANY Klingon food. Live worms? No, I don't think so.
I'm assuming that replicators can still only produce non-living material... you can get gagh, but it won't squirm around on the plate. But have no fear, there's a Klingon restaurant right nearby.

I think a black hole sounds interesting... maybe the Star Trek equivalent of a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster.
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There's a drink called a Black Hole in bartender's guides now:

1 1/2 oz Black Sambuca
Fill with Club soda
over ice

I haven't tried Black Sambuca so I have no idea if this is good...