Jodies Series is available to pre-order on Amazon

Sure.... friends. In high places. I totally believe that.
I remember a few years ago he claimed he and Moffat regularly exchanged e-mails, which I've always had trouble believing. RTD has a better disposition towards people than Moffat, and RTD ended up publicly telling Ian Levine to fuck off at a press conference. With that in mind, I can't imagine Moffat even bothering to read an e-mail from Levine, let alone reply to one, and do so on a regular basis.
I remember a few years ago he claimed he and Moffat regularly exchanged e-mails, which I've always had trouble believing. RTD has a better disposition towards people than Moffat, and RTD ended up publicly telling Ian Levine to fuck off at a press conference. With that in mind, I can't imagine Moffat even bothering to read an e-mail from Levine, let alone reply to one, and do so on a regular basis.

I suspect Levine is more important in his own mind than in reality.

I can’t imagine Moffat chatting with him regularly.
Isn't Levine the inspiration for the alien in Love & Monsters?
IIRC, that's never been confirmed, but yeah, I can believe he's based on Levine.
Whoever wrote this wiki entry for Levine clearly isn't a fan.
The impressive thing there is that aside from a few exaggerations for comedic effect, that's actually a very accurate summary of Levine.
It was a Blue Peter competition though I think designed by a 9 year old kid.
The Abzorbaloff alien and appearance was the winning entry of a Blue Peter competition, yes. However, it is often a very popular theory that his human disguise, who went by the name of Victor Kennedy, is based on Levine.

The comparison is based on the fact that the LINDA group represents Doctor Who fandom, people who share an affinity for the Doctor and his adventures, which brings them together, though as time goes on their developed affinity for each other gradually becomes the dominant reason for why they hang out and they tend to just have fun at their meetings more and more and these meetings become less and less about the Doctor. Then Victor Kennedy shows up, and he despises fun. He steers the group back to its Doctor centrism and makes LINDA his employees and his means of tracking the Doctor down. Taking the fun out of the group and their interest in the Doctor, much like how Levine himself takes the fun out of Doctor Who and being a fan.
Crazy, there is a ton of mysoginist 1 star reviews about awful she is and the show is before it's even aired.

It's all so depressing.

Plenty of prejudicial filth from both sides, aimed at the other sides, pro-Jodie and anti-Jodie. It's the one thing they have in common. Like the Montegues and Capulets only it's about a TV show they've not yet seen until it gets aired months from now!!! It's almost as loony as it gets... (Yes, there are more anti-Jodie comments out there and the pro-Jodie people engaging in misandry and everything else isn't going to change much.)

But since there are too many comments about anti-Jodie and the bulk of us are likely in agreement that all of those posts are vulgar, let's analyze (from the American Amazon site (edited post to add URL for people to (dis)believe)) the flip side of the coin with one of the examples of the comparatively few anti-anti-Jodie-posters' posts that try to show how nutty the other side is, since fighting fire with fire always saves on precious water supplies:

New Doctor Upsets Pathetic, Girlphobic Fanboys.

The best thing about this new season is the opportunity to see all the slope-browed, knuckle-dragging, misogynist fanboys peek their pointy, tin-foil covered heads out of their mother's basement and grunt in disapproval of a woman invading their He-Man Woman-Haters Club headquarters. These are the same social rejects that call themselves "incels" and complain in their private online forums about their lack of ability to get a date with a real woman. Gee, I wonder why. From what I hear, though, they do have pretty well-developed forearms from all their "hand" exercises.

The fact is, Jodie Whittaker seems like a great choice to play the Doctor, bringing a much-needed breath of fresh air to what has become a silly and moribund series. She's bright, articulate, a fine actress, and dead sexy, so I really don't know what the deranged troglodytes who are complaining about her don't like. Ah well, at least we know they won't be breeding.

1. she has no clue about the detractors she's referring to regarding alleged physiological attributes,

2. she has no clue about the detractors' sex lives; if they're involuntarily celibate (for which reasons other than the stereotyped ones exist but they're not as fun so we don't mention those to quash the asinine and childish narratives with)

3. ditto for the alleged IQ

4a. Sex appeal is technically in the eye of the beholder and, yes she's hot but some people won't find her that way and they're not misogynist for not finding her attractive either

4b. Ditto for acting technique.

5. redux of the sex lives with the assumption of not "breeding", she has nary a clue about the people she's making predetermined beliefs about

6. What if one of the fanboys can procure a not unreasonable reason for saying a female Doctor is wrong. Is it misogynist by default, then? Never mind any DW actors being against the concept of a female Doctor because of "one less role model", which isn't the best reason because the 1963-96 era went into plenty of detail and had female Time Lords being the Doctor's equal or superior. (Um, I've never been against a female Doctor but I've read many of the prevailing reasons detractors wrote. The only one that begins to have any weight is the last one where the classic era did show female Time Lords being the Doctor's equal or superior.)

7. Comments like hers probably created a bunch of "incels" by sheer accident, which helps nobody in the end. But then they wouldn't be "incels" but "volucels"?? Great, sounds like a cheap knock-off battery brand name... or discount volume-purchase warehouse store. Still better than a term that inadvertantly dances around "incestuous", eww...

8. Reality check: She, like everyone else, is just hyper-emotive over a TV show, unique in allowing such a change, made by people who don't want to rile everybody up but do want to make money from everybody if possible and the trend is to cash in with fads that almost everybody likes.

But if people didn't figure it out before, that person must be a troll because most people bleated over how Capaldi's era was too dark and whiny. Never "silly" as the classical definition goes, which is more attributed to Tom Baker's sixth season (#17) or Sylvester McCoy's first (#24).

Hurry up release date.

Amazon could delete every review there until people have seen the episodes on airdate, though even then I doubt too much would change. Many if not all of the lame personal attacks from both sides would still be there. There's enough vitriol from almost any post that's clearly prejudiced because nothing's been shown yet for their opinions to be based on. I'd read enough from all perspectives that they're all playing guesswork and/or personal bias based on (well, obviously nothing tangible as nothing has aired yet so we may as well rely on that old chestnut of a slang term known as "those cats all talking out of their asterisks".)

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Let's see if I would feel differently.

1. Bigotry needs to be fought hard? My opinion would be unchanged if targeted.

2. Bigots need not be hated? My opinion would be unchanged even if I happened to hate in a particular case. I make no claim to be perfect.

3. Such ignorance should be pitied? Yes, I will always pity the ignorant.

4. Bigots can sometimes change and when they do it is often because a target of their bigotry chose not to hate? Well, I provided a source that proves it, and there have been other examples in the news over the last year or so.

Hate only begets hate and destroys your own soul. You don't need to hate or get depressed about all the idiots in the world. Just fight it when you can and if by some slim chance you convert a bigot to the side of common sense, you have done a great service indeed, because the most zealous non-bigot is an ex-bigot.
Let's see if I would feel differently.

1. Bigotry needs to be fought hard? My opinion would be unchanged if targeted.

2. Bigots need not be hated? My opinion would be unchanged even if I happened to hate in a particular case. I make no claim to be perfect.

3. Such ignorance should be pitied? Yes, I will always pity the ignorant.

4. Bigots can sometimes change and when they do it is often because a target of their bigotry chose not to hate? Well, I provided a source that proves it, and there have been other examples in the news over the last year or so.

Hate only begets hate and destroys your own soul. You don't need to hate or get depressed about all the idiots in the world. Just fight it when you can and if by some slim chance you convert a bigot to the side of common sense, you have done a great service indeed, because the most zealous non-bigot is an ex-bigot.
I've actually gotten death threats on Twitter for retweeting things. You speak from a place of privilege and can afford to pity them, I can't.
There are many bigots that would never do violence. Murder, violence and threats are not exactly the same issue and those acts could come from someone not engaging in bigotry at all. I don't pity people who do violence or even threaten it.
I'm sorry, are you literally arguing on behalf of poor, downtrodden bigots to people they're actively hurting?
No, i was trying to make a point about hatred. Can we try to remember that this thread was originally about crazy comments people were making about Dr Who, not zealous murderers. Did anyone even read the reference I cited? Do you understand the significance of it?
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No, i was trying to make a point about hatred. Can we try to remember that this tread was originally about crazy comments people were making about Dr Who, not zealous murderers. Did anyone even read the reference I cited? Do you understand the significance of it?

My point is that I am on the recieving end of similar abuse, these people cannot be reasoned with. No empassioned argument will change that. But do live your life on some rose tinted autopilot, you can afford that luxury.