Is it safe to say that the DS9 Relaunch is dead?


Rear Admiral
Rear Admiral
Basicly as the title said I guess.

I've been keeping up the last few weeks with what has been happening in Trek Lit, and ordered 12 books today that seemed interesting. Sadly, only two are actually DS9 Relaunch novels, the only Trek Lit that really got me hooked.

Realizing that 4 years are unaccounted for is something that's probably not going to be dealt with, can we atleast expect some stories actually set on the station, with the characters we love?
Realizing that 4 years are unaccounted for is something that's probably not going to be dealt with...

Who said?

You really think every future ST author will ignore such a gap?

Did the novels ignore the gap between TOS and TMP? TMP and ST II? ST VI and TNG?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Margaret Clark had said she wanted an anthology to be able to cover that four years and that the 'leap forward' was so that DS9 could be included in the game-changers of the novelverse as opposed to leaving them behind until they could finish their game of catchup.

Now, granted, Margaret is no longer employed by Pocket, but I can't imagine that it's a possibility that will be completely forgotten about.

And 'dead'? You ask this in the same month that a novel with a focus on characters from DS9 comes out? Granted, it's not under the title of 'Deep Space Nine,' but it's continuing their story - how exactly does that qualify as being 'dead'?
Basicly as the title said I guess.

It's true that the DS9 post-finale series has hit some snags over the past few years, as a result of unavoidable complications like changes of authors and editors. But there's no reason to assume it won't or can't come back from that. The Voyager post-finale line was dormant for several years and then came back stronger than ever.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Margaret Clark had said she wanted an anthology to be able to cover that four years and that the 'leap forward' was so that DS9 could be included in the game-changers of the novelverse as opposed to leaving them behind until they could finish their game of catchup.

Well, from what I recall of Margaret's comments, she never said she had definite plans for an anthology; she just put the idea out there as one long-term possibility. I think that, for the duration of the time she was responsible for DS9, her thoughts and plans were focused on moving it forward into the post-Destiny era, not on looking backward.

Now, granted, Margaret is no longer employed by Pocket, but I can't imagine that it's a possibility that will be completely forgotten about.

No, but it's not binding either. Even Margaret only suggested it as one possible approach. At this point, there's no way to predict what choices will be made about DS9.
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Well, Rough Beasts hit a lot of the high points of the missing 4 years. *shrug* I am still hoping for a Ascendants novel, eventually.
I think he means it's safe to say in the sense that uttering the words won't bring on a heart attack or cause an anvil to fall on your head or summon a monster from the depths of hell. So yeah, you can say it without risking a loss of safety, but that doesn't make it true.
I'm going with the plan of not reading the Typhon Pact books for now. I have alot of older stuff to catch up on, and non-Trek stuff as well. Letting the TNG, Titan, DS9, and "Aventine" storylines go to the back burner will let me catch up on some other stuff. And hopefully in the mean time the next few years will see that four year gap filled in. Then I will continue the DS9 storyline in chronological order from where we left off.
Is it do hard to imagine that four years would go by on Deep Space Nine with just... not a lot happening?

It happens to me all the time.
I want to know why people are still calling it a relaunch. The relaunch happened several years ago...shouldn't we be calling it something different like...the DS9 continuation? It bothers me that relaunch is still being used to describe a series lol.
Basicly as the title said I guess.

I've been keeping up the last few weeks with what has been happening in Trek Lit, and ordered 12 books today that seemed interesting. Sadly, only two are actually DS9 Relaunch novels, the only Trek Lit that really got me hooked.

Realizing that 4 years are unaccounted for is something that's probably not going to be dealt with, can we atleast expect some stories actually set on the station, with the characters we love?

I'm holding my copy of Typhon Pact: Zero Sum Game by David Mack.

On the very last page of the novel, it reads:


Also, the last DS9 Relaunch novel was only just published in 2009. Two of them, in fact.

So, no, I don't think it's safe to say the DS9 Relaunch is dead.
Is it safe to say that the DS9 Relaunch is dead?
Safe to say? Sure. Accurate? No.

Is it safe to say that the DS9 Relaunch is dead?
Safe to say? Sure. Accurate? No.

tease. :p
He's been talking like that since the Rough Beasts of Empire thread started, so I suspect he has something planned that he can't talk about yet.
I'd call it the DS9-R-R. The previous relaunch is done. The new one picks up four years later with pretty much everything in a mess. Of course, there hasn't been an actual DS9 novel yet.
I want to know why people are still calling it a relaunch. The relaunch happened several years ago...shouldn't we be calling it something different like...the DS9 continuation? It bothers me that relaunch is still being used to describe a series lol.
For what it's worth--and yes, I know that amounts to absolutely nothing--I never cared to employ the term relaunch. I usually find myself referring to it as the ongoing Deep Space Nine saga.