I must learn some self-control

Miss Chicken

Little three legged cat with attitude
Yesterday (Sinday) I baked my first lot of shortbread for Xmas day. By last night my son and me had eaten it all. Now I decided to leave the rest of the baking until Christmas Eve as I can't resist shortbread.

What foods do you really find it hard to resist?

EDITED TO ADD - I am especially talking about Christmas foods but not solely about them.
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Home baking never goes far enough.

As a rule: however much you think you want, always bake double.
Crisps. Especially Doritos. I've done very well at kicking that habit this year, and I refuse to give in now, dammit!
Eggnog. I can't get enough of it. God help my lactose sensitive digestive tract.
Chocolate Chip Cookies and Brownies, especially homemade. I could eat them until I explode. :rommie:
Pecan Puffs. They are so sugary and buttery good that I restrict myself to only a couple a year. But there are plenty of others in the house that will finish them off.

My wife also used these in a trial for thumbprint cookies with strawberry jam. I'm usually the baker but being under the weather she's filling in nicely. I'm just trying not to fill out.
My wife makes a pumpkin bread that is awesome. Can't ever make enough of it to suit me.
i've never really had trouble resisting food of any kind. in fact not infrequently i'll just forget to eat.
Warm chocolate chip cookies. It's why I don't bake them irl too often.
Oh...chocolate of any shape or size, or in anything else :lol:

Chocolate and I have had an unhealthy love affair all my life!
Yesterday (Sinday) I baked my first lot of shortbread for Xmas day. By last night my son and me had eaten it all. Now I decided to leave the rest of the baking until Christmas Eve as I can't resist shortbread.

That's adorable.
I had a bout last week with Gingerbread Man Ice Cream Sandwiches. They are beyond awesome. Ate 3 in one night, had one for breakfast the next day, finished the box that night. Went and got more. They were out! Nothing but the stupid Snowman and Santa ones that have no gingerbread. I need my fix, dammit!
Theres a few...

Pumpkin cookies
Blueberry muffins
Blueberry cookies
Blueberry cake
Cranberry Jelly
Mashed Potatoes and Gravy....the real kind not that abomination in a box
Honey cured Ham....*drool*
EggNogg with brandy
Jalapeno Poppers with cream cheese filling
Green Bean casserole
Pasta. Any shape or form of pasta. I started eating it to put on weight and even when I realised I had got too heavy - I couldn't stop.

This has resulted in an unhealthy addiction of three pasta related meals a day.

Though when I'm baking I can't keep a cake fo longer than 20 minutes.