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I can't believe Weird Al or someone similar missed the opportunity


Lieutenant Junior Grade
To write a parody called We Are the Borg for that old We Are the World song. It practically writes itself. I'll just do the chorus because I'm too lazy to come up with the whole thing, but if someone wants to run with it, have at it:


We are the borg,
We're a collective,
We are the ones who will assimilate all human beings.
In one voice we're saying
Resistance is futile,
With tubes injected in your neck, a drone you'll beeeeee....

I have no plans on quitting my day job.
write a parody called We Are the Borg for that old We Are the World song
Biggest thing for Weird Al and other parody song writers is can they get the rights, and will it be big enough to entertain a larger audience.

There are a few parody potentials I've thought of but they really are only for me and my friends or people with similar warped senses of humor.

But, then, I'm the guy who busted up laughing at Weird Al's appearance as a meditation/yoga teacher and had this joke:
Weird Al: Namaste, Storybots.
Storybot character: oh, we loved to but we can't.

Biggest thing for Weird Al and other parody song writers is can they get the rights, and will it be big enough to entertain a larger audience.
Parody and satire are explicitly protected in the law as fair use. You don't have to secure the rights to do a parody of something.