How Long Have You Been on TBBS?

A bit over five months. I lurked around here for a few months before that and joined because I wanted to participate in discussions. I should have joined earlier because this is such a good place.
nine years this july. I know you've all got a party planned for next year, but I'll still act surprised.
I joined May 14th 2002.

Any newcomers who are reading this, RUN, run while you still can, run for your lives! :p :D
Time telescopes when you're having fun.

Whew. If I had started when most of you had started, I'd have been way too young for any Internet boards.

This board is probably the Internet board I've stuck around the longest, and I've only been here 9 months.
Whew. If I had started when most of you had started, I'd have been way too young for any Internet boards.

This board is probably the Internet board I've stuck around the longest, and I've only been here 9 months.

Why does this make me feel old? :wah:
I joined almost 7 years ago. I haven't been around much the last couple of years. Not sure it really counts as 7 then. I've had lots of fun when I've been here though!