Hey, I never noticed that before....


‘Tholian Web’…

You can’t see it in this screen cap, but both Chekov and McCoy tap their left hands before removing their helmets, and there’s an audible click like the two men have just released a safety catch.

‘Tholian Web’…

You can’t see it in this screen cap, but both Chekov and McCoy tap their left hands before removing their helmets, and there’s an audible click like the two men have just released a safety catch.
Nice one. I keep realizing that I might have noticed something before, but my brain forgot it. This is one example.
Recently, I posted on this thread about the sliding door whoosh not being dubbed in a scene in "Is There in Truth No Beauty?" After I posted, I vaguely remembered I had noticed it, but maybe it was in a different episode.

A worse example is: Talos IV created a thread "First season closing credits were the greatest". I posted that I had no memory that they were different than the other seasons. By the next day, I realized that I did remember it, at least on a few episodes, but I hadn't watched the credits for so long, I had forgotten.

Has anyone else experienced this issue, especially as we age?

‘Tholian Web’…

You can’t see it in this screen cap, but both Chekov and McCoy tap their left hands before removing their helmets, and there’s an audible click like the two men have just released a safety catch.

I wonder what Chekov and McCoy are deactivating. Spock doesn't appear to or sound like (off screen) to trigger it and when Kirk is rescued Chapel just takes Kirk's helmet off.
I wonder what Chekov and McCoy are deactivating. Spock doesn't appear to or sound like (off screen) to trigger it and when Kirk is rescued Chapel just takes Kirk's helmet off.

They both touch the small, purple box on their left hand. McCoy actually slaps it. I’m assuming the director instructed them to deactivate their suit’s life support. When Kirk is rescued from interspace… who knows which director (Senensky or Wallerstein) filmed that scene. :shrug:
They both touch the small, purple box on their left hand. McCoy actually slaps it. I’m assuming the director instructed them to deactivate their suit’s life support. When Kirk is rescued from interspace… who knows which director (Senensky or Wallerstein) filmed that scene. :shrug:

So 50% of the suit wearers remembered to deactivate their life support when not needing it. We now know who read the operator manual (not Spock or Chapel or Kirk) :)

Yes, (per Senensky) the suits in the Paramount front office fired him, supposedly for being behind filming schedule. It wasn’t totally his fault. The space suits were late in being completed, and the actors had to be sewn into them.
Sigma Draconis VI and Eminiar VII had the same architect design their corridors. :whistle:


Name of Matt Jefferies. :bolian: They were probably able to save these arches as flats leaning against the sound stage wall until a second use was found. They'd be crazy not to.

I'm sure the same thing with alien corridors could be found on Space: 1999, Buck Rogers, and so on.
‘That Which Survives’

Another small notice…once again, my screen caps don’t show it precisely but right before D’Amato turns to face Losira, in the lower left hand corner you can see a shadow move as Lee Meriwether takes her mark. A second later a small spotlight illuminates the rock wall; the same light that highlights Losira’s lower body.


I can't find a TNG edition of the title of this thread, but I noticed something in "Tapestry".

Right before the fadeout after a Nausicaan challenges Cory to a game of dom-jot, you can see an Antican and a Selay among a group behind him.

A rare appearance of either race, much less both in the same scene. (Considering how they were dead set on killing each other in "Lonely Among Us", this makes you wonder if there was some short peace between them during that time in the earlier part of the 24th century.)