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EXO-6 1:6 Star Trek Figures


Red Shirt
I'm surprised this place doesn't have an all-encompassing merchandise: reproductions, models, figures, etc. collectors forum.
From the classic old Megos, to Playmates, to Galoob, to the Eaglemoss ships, to QMx, to this new 1:6 scale Exo-6 line. There is so much content about collecting old and new, yet no forum to discus.
Or if there is one, or specific threads buried in general discussion, please direct me:

As to EX0-6

My understanding (hopefully someone else can fill in the details) is this line is somewhat spun-off QMx Star Trek line, which ended production, and gave up the license.
Which was then picked up independently by one of their own to become EX0-6
And while they are expanding the line, they will also go back and release all their own versions of the classics, for those who missed out.

This line so far has Data and Picard figures from First Contact
A burgeoning Voyager line
Announced Discovery line
And just revealed start of the Mirror U. line (the one that interests me most, and why I'm starting this thread)

First Contact- figures released so far:



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The new "Voyager" figures line by EXO-6 - https://exo-6.com/
So far:
Voyager "Captain Janeway": - https://exo-6.com/products/pre-order-janeway

Surprised they went with sculpted hair, although looks pretty good
Magnets are sewn into the uniform so the tricorder and phaser can be attached to the hips.
And she comes with her coffee cup!

First wave (I think already sold out) Delivery: Winter 2021

Just went up for pre-order
Doctor (Emergency Medical Hologram, EMH) - https://exo-6.com/products/emh

"Please state the nature of your medical emergency.

Sculptor went friendly,
I think a more frowny sarcastic expression might have conveyed him better. This guy was super moody. Still I think they captured him well.
Also comes with mobile emitter attached :)

According to EXO-6 - "Pushing for VOY main crew completion by end of 2022.
These are just work in progress. ....




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I have Picard & Data, Janeway just shipped & the EMH is on preorder.

I’m skipping the Mirror, Mirror line. Nanjin has said the pace will be picking up & I’m trying to decide what lines I’m in for.
I know Exo-6 says that the actors have reviewed the figures to ensure accurate likenesses (with the obvious exception of Nimoy and Spock). But Picard's face looks somewhat off.

Exo-6 only released Mirror Spock as a TOS character so far. Hopefully we will be getting more TOS in the near future. On Star Trek Chicago Mission 8-10th April Nanjin will be announcing new ST releases.

Comparing the "old" QMx TOS action figures to Exo-6 Mirror Spock I'm sorry to say that I feel the QMx figures are better made figures.
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