Especially as a wedding present, why didn't Padme buy back Shmi Skywalker?

Ahem - lemme stop you right there. Years?

Watto doesn't strike me as the type who'd keep quiet about a former piece of property if you offered him a decently thick wad of cash, but, uh... cool story, maybe? :p

Unless Lars had to keep paying Watto to keep his trap shut?

But he's homeless?
She met Anikan because Palpatine wanted them together and compromised.

Which means the Chancellor pushed them together over the top of Shmi's corpse, when he paid off those Tuskin Raiders to kidnap the virgin mum at the exact same moment that he put a bomb in the senator's shuttle killing Padme's double.

The second she saw that very very tall man, Amidalla started sending off save the date cards to friends and family, because she's literally seen a copy of herself tipped into a trash compactor, which puts a clock on everything.
Does all of this come from a book or comic? I've never heard any of it before.
This is the point of the thread where I drop in and mention that in the novel Queen's Shadow by E. K. Johnston; Padme sent Sabe to go rescue Shmi a few years after the events of TPM, but she'd already been sold to Lars and the trail was cold . . . so she freed a bunch of other slaves instead and brought them back to Naboo.
Cool. Nice to know someone did try to help her.
Does all of this come from a book or comic? I've never heard any of it before.

Cool. Nice to know someone did try to help her.


Sheev pretended assassin's were after Padme, who were ordered to frighten but not murder. Either they were incredibly competent and did what I just said, or they sucked, and failed, and never should have been trusted with their true mission, tricking Yoda into taking command of the Clones, despite having very little proof that they were ethically sourced and not a bloody trap.

If Sheev was already planning on using the threat of Padme's death to proselytize Anakin, then showing him that he doesn't like it when the women in his life die, was absofuckinglutely necessary.


The Future was blocked by the Sith. Yoda and Windu, I assumed every Jedi had their super power to see future dates castrated...

Then how did Anakin see his Mommy die unless the Sith wanted him to see it, and wanted him to go to tataooine, and lose his shit getting a taste for murdering children?

1. The Sith foresaw Shmi's death, folded that event into their plans, and Dropped the jammer for 10 minutes so that Anakin could have a prophetic dream about his Mommy biting it.


2. The Sith arranged her death, and the fabricated a dream which they shot into Annie's mind.
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Sheev pretended assassin's were after Padme, who were ordered to frighten but not murder. Either they were incredibly competent and did what I just said, or the sucked, and failed, and never should have been trusted with their true mission, tricking Yoda into taking command of the Clones, despite having very little proof that they were ethically sourced and not a bloody trap.

If Sheev was already planning on using the threat of Padme's death to prothlytize Anakin, then showing him that he doesn't like it when the women in his life die, was absofuckinglutely necessary.


The Future was blocked by the Sith. Yoda an Windo, I assumed every Jedi had their super power to see future dates castrated...

Then how did Anakin see his Mommy die unless the Sith wanted him to see it, and wanted him to go to tataoolne, and lose his shit getting a taste for murdering children?

1. The Sith foresaw Shmi's death, folded that event into their plans, and Dropped the jammer for 10 minutes so that Anakin could have a prophetic dream about his Mommy biting it.


2. The Sith arranged her death, and the fabricated a dream which they shot into Annie's mind.
You seem to be jumping to a lot of assumptions here that there hasn't been any real evidence of.
I swear I remember something in a Clone Wars episode or something like that about how the assassination attempt on Padme was set up by Nute Gunray and wasn't part of Sidious's plotting.
And Jedi have visions of the future on a fairly regular basis without the Sith being involved.
I understand that a lot of stuff in the Star Wars was part of Sidious's plot, but trying to attribute every single thing that happened in the movies him is taking it a bit to far for me.
You seem to be jumping to a lot of assumptions here that there hasn't been any real evidence of.
I swear I remember something in a Clone Wars episode or something like that about how the assassination attempt on Padme was set up by Nute Gunray and wasn't part of Sidious's plotting.
And Jedi have visions of the future on a fairly regular basis without the Sith being involved.
I understand that a lot of stuff in the Star Wars was part of Sidious's plot, but trying to attribute every single thing that happened in the movies him is taking it a bit to far for me.

Any moment now all the cartoons are going to be decanonized, and some reticent suit is going to admit that no cartoon except Driods, should have ever been canon.
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Shmi still died only a week before the wedding, almost a decade after Phantom Menace?

Maybe the wedding snuck up on them, but did it?

Even a half assed bridezilla organizes the simplest of things months before the real event takes place.

All it would have taken was one phone call to Watto to discover if he had any Shmi on hand, or in stock, which he did not. Hey? How long had she been with Cliegg?

I'm seeing this from another angle....

Shmi was free and did nothing to recover her lost child.

1. She respected the process.
2. She tried hard to get Anikin back, but the Jedi stopped her. I imagine her at the temple gates, shaking the portcullis demanding like Sally Field "Not without my son!"
3. The Jedi paid her off quickly, and she never tried.
4. She forgot. Shmi might have dozens of children, all sold off into slavery, never to be seen again. Child 15 is fine, it's child 4 that she's really worried about.
5. The Jedi lied. Said he died in the war.
6. She was concerned that Lars wouldn't find her sexy anymore if he found out that she was a mother to a grown ass man.
7. Shmi was fully informed about his life from the Jedi, and followed updates on his status attentively, but was too ashamed to reconnect.
8. Lars forbid her reconnecting with her son.
9. She saw his face, recognized Anikin's father in it, deducing who made whoopee with her while she was asleep, and walked out on Anakin.
10. Every time they reconnected, or he tried to free all the slaves on Tatooine, breaking the law and treaty with the Hutt, the Jedi mind wiped Shmi and Anikin, and separated them.

Shmi was already free at the time of her death. And I don't think Watto was in the mood to give up his other slave after losing Anakin in a bet.
If someone offered enough money, like say, a queen from a planet, he could be persuaded. As he says, "Mind tricks no work on me. Only money."

Ok, here's a whole bunch cash.
Shmi was already free at the time of her death. And I don't think Watto was in the mood to give up his other slave after losing Anakin in a bet.

You quoted the bit where I acknowledged that I fucked up, that Lars had bought back Shmi before the secret wedding happened. Old news.


Shmi was definitely a slave when she was Snu-Snued by the Sand People.
I've always been under the assumption that Sidious was behind both the attempts on Padme's life in AotC, and Shmi's kidnapping. Not because everything *must* be connected, but because the timing of basically everything in that movie is way too convenient if he's not deliberately pulling strings.

I mean think about it; Nute Gunray has probably been screaming for her head on a plate for going on a decade, so why indulge him now? The assassin Dooku sends just so happens to be the template they're using for the clone army, AND he just so happens to leave behind the one weapon in his arsenal that could the Jedi right to the very planet they're being produced, and alerting the Jedi to both the army and that their databanks have been compromised in the process? AND while all this is going down, Anakin's mum just so happens to be kidnapped, tortured, and kept alive just long enough for Anakin to fail to save her, right when he's separated by Obi-Wan and alone with Padme? The whole thing reeks of a set-up.

It's not like it would take much effort to orchestrate; literally all Sidious had to do was have an intermediary arrange for the Tuskens to grab Shmi, and have Dooku pass some instructions along to Jango for a job. Everything else is what we saw him do ourselves: delay the vote until he knows Anakin is back on planet so Padme's arrival will coincide. Suggest Kenobi be assigned to her protection, then sit back and watch the dominoes fall while he manipulates the senate into granting him the emergency powers he needs, right when his secret army is ready and discovered.

Tuskens are hardly squeamish, and some tribes are open to trade with outsiders, so the snatch & grab is easy enough to arrange for the right price (probably water, or weapons.) Palpatine has probably had spies keeping very close tabs on Shmi for just such a purpose, so giving them the where and when should be trivial.
All he has to tell Dooku is to finally grant Gunray's demands for satisfaction, but to send Jango with specific instructions; 1) to hire a sub-contractor to target the ship first (Palpatine knows full well about the decoys so this is designed to fail), then 2) to have her make a second attempt with a droid programmed to go right back to her once the delivery is made. Then to 3) silence the assassin with a Kaminoan specific weapon before the Jedi can question her.

That puts Kenobi on the trail of the clone army, which splits him away from Anakin, right when re-encountering Padme it putting his feeling completely out of balance. As for Jango; he probably has standing instructions that if a Jedi ever shows up on Kamino, to come right back to Tyranus. So where does Dooku happen to be at that time? Why on Geonosis of course! Negotiating a treaty with the commerce guilds to supply weapons to the Separatist Alliance no less! Just in time for Kenobi to witness the whole thing and report back, giving Palpatine the pretence he needs to push through the military creation act. What convenient timing! Almost as if someone planned it that way, no?

I doubt he also specifically planned for the Jedi to show up on Geonosis in force, or for Yoda to mobilise the army so rapidly, or even for Anakin & Padme to elope straight out the gate, but that hardly matters. One way or the other, the war would have begun, and Anakin will have been taken the first of many steps on the path to the dark side.
The question is, why wasn't Shmi bought and freed and relocated to a nice house on Naboo after kid Anakin helped free the planet.

Because Lucas needed Shmi to die as some forced tragedy to push Anakin closer to the Dark Side, when his everyday, asshole mentality was doing that just fine.
I've always been under the assumption that Sidious was behind both the attempts on Padme's life in AotC, and Shmi's kidnapping. Not because everything *must* be connected, but because the timing of basically everything in that movie is way too convenient if he's not deliberately pulling strings.

I mean think about it; Nute Gunray has probably been screaming for her head on a plate for going on a decade, so why indulge him now? The assassin Dooku sends just so happens to be the template they're using for the clone army, AND he just so happens to leave behind the one weapon in his arsenal that could the Jedi right to the very planet they're being produced, and alerting the Jedi to both the army and that their databanks have been compromised in the process? AND while all this is going down, Anakin's mum just so happens to be kidnapped, tortured, and kept alive just long enough for Anakin to fail to save her, right when he's separated by Obi-Wan and alone with Padme? The whole thing reeks of a set-up.

It's not like it would take much effort to orchestrate; literally all Sidious had to do was have an intermediary arrange for the Tuskens to grab Shmi, and have Dooku pass some instructions along to Jango for a job. Everything else is what we saw him do ourselves: delay the vote until he knows Anakin is back on planet so Padme's arrival will coincide. Suggest Kenobi be assigned to her protection, then sit back and watch the dominoes fall while he manipulates the senate into granting him the emergency powers he needs, right when his secret army is ready and discovered.

Tuskens are hardly squeamish, and some tribes are open to trade with outsiders, so the snatch & grab is easy enough to arrange for the right price (probably water, or weapons.) Palpatine has probably had spies keeping very close tabs on Shmi for just such a purpose, so giving them the where and when should be trivial.
All he has to tell Dooku is to finally grant Gunray's demands for satisfaction, but to send Jango with specific instructions; 1) to hire a sub-contractor to target the ship first (Palpatine knows full well about the decoys so this is designed to fail), then 2) to have her make a second attempt with a droid programmed to go right back to her once the delivery is made. Then to 3) silence the assassin with a Kaminoan specific weapon before the Jedi can question her.

That puts Kenobi on the trail of the clone army, which splits him away from Anakin, right when re-encountering Padme it putting his feeling completely out of balance. As for Jango; he probably has standing instructions that if a Jedi ever shows up on Kamino, to come right back to Tyranus. So where does Dooku happen to be at that time? Why on Geonosis of course! Negotiating a treaty with the commerce guilds to supply weapons to the Separatist Alliance no less! Just in time for Kenobi to witness the whole thing and report back, giving Palpatine the pretence he needs to push through the military creation act. What convenient timing! Almost as if someone planned it that way, no?

I doubt he also specifically planned for the Jedi to show up on Geonosis in force, or for Yoda to mobilise the army so rapidly, or even for Anakin & Padme to elope straight out the gate, but that hardly matters. One way or the other, the war would have begun, and Anakin will have been taken the first of many steps on the path to the dark side.

Palpatine wants the Clone army and Jedi to win.

Initially he wants the Separatists to be a problem, so he can raise an army, take the Separatist's land and found the Empire.

The Separatists may have been Old Republican Worlds, before this shite started, but the planetary leaders, or a fair chunk of the population there of have politics disjoint from the master plan to build an Empire, and if they have problems with the Republic, they'll be fairly disjoint about the Empire, unless there is already a boot on their neck.
If someone offered enough money, like say, a queen from a planet, he could be persuaded. As he says, "Mind tricks no work on me. Only money."

Ok, here's a whole bunch cash.

I never understood why Liam Neeson didn't just go to the store next door to Watto's and trade his republic credits for cash Watto would accept, then come back and buy the hyperdrive... mind tricks don't work on Watto, but any other store is fair game.
I never understood why Liam Neeson didn't just go to the store next door to Watto's and trade his republic credits for cash Watto would accept, then come back and buy the hyperdrive... mind tricks don't work on Watto, but any other store is fair game.

Jedi are rare.

Force users are not.

A Jedi is the result of decades of indoctrination and brainwashing. It's about how they use the force, not if they can use the force.

A poorly educated grifter might have 2 or three raw tricks, natural inclinations, that may not be at all useful, but if one of those tricks is hypnosis, then every banking institution has a safe guards from these unscrupulous force users.

Therefore if Qui-Gon Gin had tried to finesse his way into a money lenders tent, either they would have cut his hands off or he would have killed all of them, and then Aslan has to leave the city quickly with the Hutt on his tail.
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You quoted the bit where I acknowledged that I fucked up, that Lars had bought back Shmi before the secret wedding happened. Old news.


Shmi was definitely a slave when she was Snu-Snued by the Sand People.

No, she wasn't. She was a freed woman, who was also married to Cliegg Lars.

"Cool. Nice to know someone did try to help her.

Qui-Gon did try to help Shmi. He tried to include both mother and son in his bet with Watto. But the latter wasn't having it. Qui-Gon even tried to use the Jedi Mind Trick to get Watto to include both Skywalkers in the bet. But the Jedi Mind Trick didn't work on Watto's species.
No, she wasn't. She was a freed woman, who was also married to Cliegg Lars.

Qui-Gon did try to help Shmi. He tried to include both mother and son in his bet with Watto. But the latter wasn't having it. Qui-Gon even tried to use the Jedi Mind Trick to get Watto to include both Skywalkers in the bet. But the Jedi Mind Trick didn't work on Watto's species.

The sandpeople reinslaved her.

You could claim she was a free hostage, but they chained her to a wall, and murdered her when she misbehaved.

Sounds like a slave to me, even if it wasn't as legally recognized as her previous decades in a yolk.

You know what would have worked on Watto? A lightsaber to the face. They could have cut his wings off, and then stolen both slaves dispensing with the pod racing and wagering, and 40 minutes off the movie's run time.
I've always been under the assumption that Sidious was behind both the attempts on Padme's life in AotC, and Shmi's kidnapping. Not because everything *must* be connected, but because the timing of basically everything in that movie is way too convenient if he's not deliberately pulling strings.

I mean think about it; Nute Gunray has probably been screaming for her head on a plate for going on a decade
Huh? Why would Gunray even know Anakin had a mother?

But, Padme knew. So, again, why didn't she arrange to have Shmi freed and retired to a nice house on Naboo right away? We going to blame Palpatine for that, too? :p