Esoqq's Sweet Ride...


Chalnoth Satyral-class Dog-of-War:

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That’s a cool design. I could actually see it being a smaller craft from one of the other races too — Cardassian, Talarian, even Klingon. I think the coloring maybe will really sell it. But it’s very hotrod-y, very Esoqq :devil: :techman: :mallory:
That’s a cool design. I could actually see it being a smaller craft from one of the other races too — Cardassian, Talarian, even Klingon. I think the coloring maybe will really sell it. But it’s very hotrod-y, very Esoqq :devil: :techman: :mallory:
Thanks. This ship is indeed small around 70-80 metres long and a crew of 18
Are you going to be coloring it? Now I’m wondering what it’s coloring might be, and where/what the windows are. Is that a cockpit or Bussard? Or are you just happy to see me?
Oeh, nice one, thank you for the layout, another nice one, would be a heck of a Pirate ship... YOHOHO and a bottle of rum! :devil::mallory::techman: