Poll Enterprise-D vs. Enterprise-E, which do you like better?

Which ship do you like better (or think is better)?

  • Galaxy Class Starship (Enteprise-D)

  • Sovereign Class Starship (Enteprise-E)

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Red Shirt
Wasn't sure where to put this being that although the E appeared in the movies, the D we saw throughout the seven-year run of the show and the first film featuring the TNG cast and for that reason I guess this will be in the TNG forum. Also, I searched, and didn't or couldn't find a similar thread on this discussed in recent past so here I go.

I'm curious as to which Enterprise TNG fans prefer, like better, or thought was better than the other. For me, it's the Galaxy Class Ship (the D). Honestly though, I'm not sure which ship is stronger armament-wise but I prefer the D over the E any day or night of the week. It's beautiful! The design of the exterior and interior Galaxy Class is WAY more visually appealing and sleeker than that of the Sovereign Class. I never cared for the E at all, personally.
I like both designs but the D probably edges out because I like the stuff it appears in compared to the E I mostly don't. The D and the Galaxy-class though have such an advantage of sheer volume of material, not just the 178 episodes, but major guest star spots in prominent episodes of DS9 and Voyager, and then becoming major background players in the Dominion War. I remember the first time I saw one of the fan recreations of the opening of First Contact that replaced the D with the E and just seeing it again was such an awesome feeling.
The D and E relationship to me is a bit like the TOS to TMP Enterprise. I think each ship works well in their own version of Trek but not really the other. I think the D works in TNG but I don't know if I'd like it getting shot up by the Borg or rammed in the Scimitar. I think the darker Enterprise fits better for those stories, although I do get a kick out of the ship existing actively past Veridian III in alternate universes.
I always wanted the E to still be active in like 2408 even after almost 40 years of service and had multiple commanders, one of them Worf, as like a counterpoint of it's appearance in three films/six hours to the D's 178 episodes and 7 or 8 years.
I wanted it to be retired and I kind of think it would have made more sense for it to have been the E in Picard not the F. The D coming in to save the E at the end of the day.
I think the normal D is outclassed by the normal E but the future version of the D would be on equal footing as the E, but that's simply based on some fan art I want to do with the two ship classes in battle.
As a fan of the TMP design and especially NCC-1701-A, the ship that introduced me to Trek, I love the idea of fans introduced to Trek by the E and for them it is their ship. I do love using them both D and E in fanart, especially alongside each other.
I think the E looks nicer, both on its exterior and interior. Voyager is the series that got me into Star Trek, and the Sovereign shares a lot of design language with the Intrepid, so that might be why.
I’m all in for the Enterprise D. But I’ll admit it’s somewhat nostalgia. That’s the Enterprise I grew up with. That’s the Enterprise I had a toy bridge set of when I was a kid. That’s my Enterprise. Also, I kind of like the city in space thing they had going. The galaxy class ship felt like a city moving through space which I thought was cool and kind of a neat idea after the original Star Trek. Like “what’s even further in the future? People can grow up on a starship, be barbers are a starship, get drinks on a starship.” This is life for everyone now.

Also (and again maybe nostalgia affects this) I think it’s beautiful. Nice big rounded edges and curves.
The -D's design (spacious and disarming) was perfect for the show's original premise: a ship full of Starfleet personnel, civilians and associated families exploring the frontier while occasionally intervening in diplomatic matters. Unfortunately, after The Borg rocked The Federation, the writing tended to focus more on safe, formulaic martial conflict; consequently, smaller and meaner ships were suddenly en vogue.
The one thing I want to say about the D and the civilians and children onboard is that if the D was really out in the unknown for a long period of time, basically something like Voyager but reverse, then in that instance it makes more sense. I think that was the initial plan but they dropped the setting but kept that element. In my mind there's a big difference between them going out there and the possibility of running into hostile aliens, versus the very real scenarios they often run into in the Neutral Zone or near Cardassian space or whatever. I feel like a modern way of doing it is like how in new Lost in Space there are families and kids on the Resolute but there the kids have been trained as part of the program and are capable and not just dead weight.
I’m always going to choose 1701-D because that’s my Enterprise. I grew up with that ship, I loved her as much as any of the characters on the show and I was devastated when they destroyed her in Generations.

The E is a nice, slick looking ship. But watching her get battered by the Borg, Sona’a or smashing into the Scimitar did nothing for me. It meant as much as seeing those Miranda class ships get decimated at Chin’toka.

That said, I much prefer the E over the little shitheap that became the G.
This isn't even a contest. Enterprise-D wins almost too easily.

Exterior, this is obviously to each their own thing but I think D is a beautiful ship, E not so much.
Interior, D is bright and looks like something you could spent a long time in. E is like a dark submarine from the inside.
And those nacelles, why are the nacelles on E so long and large compared to the rest of the ship, just to look cool?
Obviously those things are more target for the enemy to hit and need more shield power to protect.
Enterprise-E isn't ugly but Enterprise-D is actually a good looking ship.
I really can’t vote: I never liked the front-weighty exteriors of the D and always loved the streamlined E, but the interiors of the D Sto arrivando! Just so iconic and optimistic, while the E’s are much blander and needlessly dark (although not as much as discovery’s or the Titan’s).
The Enterprise E.
Yes, I get the nostalgia for the D and I feel it too. That said, seeing the E in FC and Nemesis easily makes the decision for me. Also, the bridge is awesome.