ENT Forum Get To Know You Thread Pt 2

Hello my name is Mimi and I am new here . I am married , I gave 3 grown children and I love Star Trek . I "ve been watching Star Trek for over 35 years. My favorite captain is James T Kirk . I just finished watching Enterprise and to my surprise it was really good . Too bad it cancelled . Hated the finale and wish they would have continued with the show .My least favorite is the next Generation . Watching it again to see if I can get into it .

Mimi!! :beer:
Hello my name is Mimi and I am new here . I am married , I gave 3 grown children and I love Star Trek . I "ve been watching Star Trek for over 35 years. My favorite captain is James T Kirk . I just finished watching Enterprise and to my surprise it was really good . Too bad it cancelled . Hated the finale and wish they would have continued with the show .My least favorite is the next Generation . Watching it again to see if I can get into it .
the first two seasons had major issues
as i recall
but it is the show i love the best
it gets a whole lot better
Hi Mimi,

You are certainly not the only one who feels iffy about TNG, though it's best to whisper it, as those hordes are ravenous!
I agree that ENT is underrated. It's certainly not perfect, but at its best it is excellent.
Welcome aboard!
while were confessing i think ds9 is over rated
the first two years again were pretty dire
they completely changed sisko's personalty one fine day
to make him less bland
even with the dominion arc eps
most of the stand alones were terrible
i have about 30 ep on tivo
the good ones
the rest can suck it

and just to contradict all that
i love sacrifice of angels as one of the best trek eps ever
and veronica mars got to stay on air
If it makes any difference at all, it too got the axe in its third season.

Believe me, I wanted to hate that show, but yanno? It was actually good (for two seasons. Then season three happened. To quote Worf, we do not discuss it with outsiders :vulcan::p )
Hi, I'm on n Enterprise marathon at the moment so I thought I'd intorduce myself, i'm Rupert, 45 live i the UK, as well as all incarnations of Trek I like DW,BSG, Farscape, B7 and discworld. NTMU all!
Hi -- I'm Pippin. I've been a Trek fan forever and a day, and loved Enterprise from day one. Deep Space 9 is my second favourite, although the original series will always have a place in my heart!

Bestest character on Enterprise is my man Trip Tucker, without a doubt, although I think one of the reasons I like the show so much is that I found the entire cast to be charming to the max.
Thanks. It's nice to see that Enterprise fandom is still active. I miss my show and if I can't have it back, it's nice to discuss it with kindred spirits.
Hi everyone! My name is Jay Dee and I've been a Star Trek fan ever since TNG started airing on TV in 1987. I'm 39 years old, so that means I was 10 when I started watching it. I've enjoyed watching every TV series, and was quite excited when Enterprise was announced. The reason? The Captain's last name is Archer. You see, that's my last name. I always liked to tell people that my descendant will be the Captain of the Enterprise.

Non-Trek things about myself: I have a degree in astronomy, so I love the scientific side of Star Trek. I read a lot of sci-fi and fantasy. I lived in Japan for 11 years, where Star Trek is not popular, so I had to go for several years without much of it. I'm back in Canada as of March this year, and with Netflix having all Star Trek episodes, I'm attempting to go through them all in order of original air date.

Anyway, glad to be here!
I, Surak have spent the last 4 years on Mount Seleya editing the Kir'Shara for a new generation of Vulcans. While in deep thought it occurred to me that I had not visited this friendly site in just as long. As such I see the need to reintroduce myself. Nothing has changed except my trusty companion Mr. Katz passed away. Hopeful Romantic will understand.
Welcome back, Surak. I grieve with thee over the passing of Mr. Katz. :(

Welcome also to Jay Dee. If I ever carve out enough time to learn some Japanese, I may have a question or six for you. :)