Game DS9 Episode Pitch Game

“Days of Future Past” - A ship docks at DS9 en route to their extended cartographic and exploration mission, carrying cultural artifacts of their people. Nog and Jake decide to create a time capsule for DS9 and collect items all over the station to put inside it, intending to send it on with the ship. In the process, they uncover a plan to spread a dangerous chemical weapon that will damage the ecosystems of all the planets the exploration ship will encounter. Meanwhile, Dr. Bashir is incensed when his childhood diary is turned into a holoprogram by Quark.

Next episode: "False Alarm"
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False Alarm

The crew of DS9 rush to battle stations as the red alert klaxon rings out. Scanners show an overwhelming Jem'Hadar force bearing down on the station only for that force to disappear from all sensors just as it should be entering visual contact range. Tempers fray as this happens again and again randomly at all hours of day or night over the next few days with scanners showing the appearance of a huge hostile force only for said force to disappear from the scanners again with no other sign that it ever existed. Diagnostics show nothing wrong with any sensor or scanner systems. Is this the result of some heretofore unknown system malfunction or is something more nefarious afoot?

Meanwhile, Quark must swallow his pride and ask for Odo's protection when he learns that a former business associate is displeased with merchandise Quark sold him and has put a hit out on him.

Next episode: "A Walk On The Wild Side"
"A Walk On The Wild Side" - When Jadzia goes missing after a night on the town, Sisko enlists Odo and Quark's help navigating the seamy side of the planet, which naturally leaves the first two uncomfortable and I'll at ease in such settings. Meanwhile, after losing a bet, Julian is tricked into petsitting a large exotic creature that he's more than a little afraid of (but dare not anesthetize)

Next episode: "Swordfight"
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"Swordfight" - When Ezri’s runabout crash lands on an M-class world, she finds herself stranded with Toral. Upon learning that Ezri’s previous host was married to Worf, Toral decides to duel Ezri, to avenge the losses suffered by the House of Duras. This duel will force Ezri to lean on her knowledge of Klingon bat’leth duels in order to defeat Toral.

Meanwhile, O’Brien and Bashir’s Alamo holosuite program malfunctions and everyone is forced to used swords only.

Next episode – “Mulch”
"Mulch" - A trade deal of valuable fertilizers is being hosted at the station, between the Ferengi and the Bajorans. These same fertilizers which could be used to reclaim large swaths of land ruined by the Cardassian occupation also carry high military value, as they could be used for dangerous explosive devices. Sisko and the crew have been assigned to protect this precious cargo and maintain the volatile material's stability in one of the cargo bays, and Odo suspects a plot to ignite it.

Meanwhile, Keiko and Miles engage in a trade deal with Quark to get a smaller amount of fertilizer for a botanical research project.

Next Episode - "O Romeo, Romeo"
"O Romeo, Romeo" - A diplomatic conference goes awry when the daughter of one of the ambassadors attends with her father as an excuse to rendezvous with her boyfriend, who is a member of a species that is visiting DS9 to protest the conference. Nog is the go-between, helping to hide their interludes with each other in exchange for considerations, which jeopardizes Quark's side-deal for exotic alien booze.

Next episode: "Brilliance"
"Brilliance" - Federation scientists Dr. T’Pan and Dr. Christopher stop by DS9 to share their improvements on the late Dr. Reyga’s metaphasic shielding. They meet with O’Brien, Rom and Nog, who are working to install the improvements on the Defiant. During the installation Rom shows a stunning about of brilliance on ways to improve the shielding’s efficiency, with leads the other Ferengi on the station thinking he is the second coming of Dr. Reyga. Quark’s jealousy regarding Rom’s new following leads to him asking Bashir to scan him. While lead to Bashir discovering that Rom’s been infected with a parasite that makes him more brilliant than normal, and explain several irregularities he’s been noticing with the senior staff behaving more brilliant than normal. And all of these irregularities occurring as soon as Drs. T'Pan and Christopher boarded the station.

Meanwhile, Worf – on a mission with Martok on the IKS Rotarran – meets Dr. Kuvak again, who makes a major breakthrough in subspace morphology that would render Dr. Reyga’s work irrelevant. However, she only wishes to share her work with the rest of the Klingon Empire, and not with the Federation.

Next episode - “Skipping Rocks”
“Skipping Rocks” - A shower of asteroids comes flying through the wormhole, causing chaos as the station comes under fire from them. While the crew fight off this hail of space rocks, questions arise as to whether this was natural or an attack on DS9. Some of the asteroids accumulate around the station, necessitating they be destroyed/and or towed away. To make matters worse, profit-minded people of all kinds fight over the rights to the minerals within the asteroids, causing chaos.

Next episode: "Holding All The Cards"
"Holding All The Cards" - When the Enterprise makes an unplanned stop by DS9, Worf convinces Odo to pretend to be him; he wants to take Jadzia to a Klingon pleasure planet for R&R and has been planning the trip for weeks. Odo agrees on the condition that he gets to call in a favour from Worf at a later date. Over the next several days, he interacts with Worf’s friends and gains a new perspective of Worf’s tenure on the Enterprise.

Meanwhile, the crew of the Enterprise has a standoff with a Breen ship over a damaged Karemma trade ship carrying contraband to Cardassia.

Next episode – “Miss Cartwright”
“Miss Cartwright”

During a visit to the station, Joe Sisko has a prophet vision where a woman called Miss Cartwright keeps appearing. Joe comes out haunted about the experience, and Ben Sisko and his crew goes on an adventure uncovering the mystery of Cartwright.

Next episode: "playing a poor hand well"
"Playing a Poor Hand Well" - The crew of the Defiant is forced to bluff when they are running out of power in a standoff against a band of criminals who wish to scrap the ship for parts. Meanwhile, Bashir makes a deal with Quark to help him retrieve a needed medical shipment that one of his civilian nurses lost to a famous gambler during a game of dabo.

Next episode: "The Peddler"
"Holding All The Cards" - When the Enterprise makes an unplanned stop by DS9, Worf convinces Odo to pretend to be him; he wants to take Jadzia to a Klingon pleasure planet for R&R and has been planning the trip for weeks. Odo agrees on the condition that he gets to call in a favour from Worf at a later date. Over the next several days, he interacts with Worf’s friends and gains a new perspective of Worf’s tenure on the Enterprise.

Meanwhile, the crew of the Enterprise has a standoff with a Breen ship over a damaged Karemma trade ship carrying contraband to Cardassia.

Next episode – “Miss Cartwright”
I'm having trouble seeing Worf do this.
Worse if upon suspecting or discovering that "Worf" is actually a Changeling (but before they know it's Odo), they wonder just how long a Changeling has been disguised as Worf.
I'm having trouble seeing Worf do this.

Worse if upon suspecting or discovering that "Worf" is actually a Changeling (but before they know it's Odo), they wonder just how long a Changeling has been disguised as Worf.

Or, the Ent-E crew, being super competent and everything, do notice that its Odo and not Worf (Deanna especially right off the bat). And as Odo preps to return to DS9, they needle him - obviously in a playful jokey way - as to why Worf didn’t come onboard or were invited to Worf’s wedding and wonder why he’s keeping Jadzia at arm’s length from them since they want to meet her, and wonder if he’s mad they did not invite him on Ent-E’s maiden voyage. Something like that.

Not to mention they could fact check with O'Brien that Worf wasn't replaced by a hostile Changeling.
"The Peddler"

The reopening of the Wormhole reveals that the Founders, paranoid about loyalty, ravaged many Dominion worlds, leaving many communities homeless. Among those left wandering the galaxy is Hanok and a band of Karemma, who survive by selling Dominion military secrets. Grand Nagus Rom, hoping to gain an advantage, offers to resettle them on Ferenganar. However, he finds misogynistic attitudes that would make pre-reform Ferengi take pause.

Next episode: A Love Supreme
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King for a Day - While Sisko is receiving a Starfleet-mandated psychological evaluation offsite regarding post-Wolf 359 grief, prophet experiences, etc, an outgoing Starfleet officer on the verge of retiring as a newly promoted admiral takes temporary command of DS9. Not interested in retiring, he begins making sweeping changes to station administration on the eve of an important summit, destabilizing relations between both parties and station staff.

Next episode: "The Cradle Will Fall"
I like the A-plot enough that it could stand as a single-story episode. What is Sisko willing to pour out to a Starfleet psychologist? It would make an interesting contrast to "In The Pale Moonlight".
Or, the Ent-E crew, being super competent and everything, do notice that its Odo and not Worf (Deanna especially right off the bat). And as Odo preps to return to DS9, they needle him - obviously in a playful jokey way - as to why Worf didn’t come onboard or were invited to Worf’s wedding and wonder why he’s keeping Jadzia at arm’s length from them since they want to meet her, and wonder if he’s mad they did not invite him on Ent-E’s maiden voyage. Something like that.

Not to mention they could fact check with O'Brien that Worf wasn't replaced by a hostile Changeling.
It's the idea that Worf of all people would duck out on his responsibility to go have fun with Jadzia. Because shirking responsibility to go have fun is what Worf was all about. Quark? Yes. Worf? I don't see it.
It's the idea that Worf of all people would duck out on his responsibility to go have fun with Jadzia. Because shirking responsibility to go have fun is what Worf was all about. Quark? Yes. Worf? I don't see it.
It’s a game, not an actual pitch meeting.

If it were, it would probably be rewritten as Worf having already left with Jadzia and doesn’t know that the Enterprise stopped by, and the Ent-E crew requesting Odo for a specific reason.

Its okay to have different concepts for the characters, even if they don't make sense. That's how we get new ideas.

I'm just not all that fussed about it. I say that as someone who's favourite ST character is Worf.