Dream Crew


Red Shirt
Whats your dream crew? Here are the rules... You have to have these characters...

First Officer

Plus you get 2 more of any of these...

Science Officer
Ships Counselor o.O
Or any position I didn't mention that makes sense...

Here's mine...

First officer-Riker
Science Officer-7of9
Ships Counselor-Troi (I would love to see Troi and 7 on the same ship for some reason...)

Thats my list.... I'm sure there will be many who disagree but hey... we're dreaming right!
I'm confused. Are you making Engineering and Operations the same position? They've always been different on the various series.

But anyways, here's my thinking:
Commanding Officer - Captain Benjamin Sisko (Human)
First Officer - Number One (???)
Engineering Officer - Commander Charles Tucker III (Human)
Security Officer - Lt. Commander Tuvok (Vulcan)
Science Officer - Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax (Trill, Joined)
Operations Officer - Lieutenant Uhura (Human)
Medical Officer - Lieutenant Julian Bashir (Genetically Enhanced Human)
Flight Control Officer - Ensign Ro Laren (Bajoran)
I guess i should dumb it down....

The point was to pick 2 command positions, 1 engineering or operations position, a security officer, and a doctor. Plus 2 positions of your choosing.... Since they've gotten pretty creative with the titles.

Obviously its fantasy.... So if you want 7of9 to be your security officer, or Guinan to be your ships counselor go ahead. Its supposed to be fun......
Dream crew?

Catherine Zeta-Jones
Ashley Judd
Eliza Dushku
Mila Kunis
Kate Beckinsale
Diane Lane
Catherine Bell
Kristen Kruek
Alyssa Milano
bahahahahahha! But for a week out of the month nothing would get done!

Can you imagine what a new species would think at first contact? o.O
Ok, here's my picks...

Captain - Pike (Bruce Greenwood)
XO - Seven of Nine
Science Officer - Data
Helm - Tom Paris
Navigator - M'Ress
Communications - Hosi Sato
Security Officer - Worf
Doc - Holo-Doc (Voyager)
Head Nurse - Colleen McMurphy (China Beach)
Supply Officer - Quark
Chief of the Boat (Ship ?) - Chief O' Brien

Ship name to be determined.
(Exterior to be Enterprise "E" stile, with interiors to be Enterprise "D" stile.)

I tried to represent characters from all of Star Trek, with M"Ress doing double duty as the rep for TOS and the animated series.

The new blood is Dana Delany's character from "China Beach" where she played opposite Robert Parcado (the Holo-Doctor from Voyager).

Captain - Captain Ezri Dax
XO - Commander Data
Science Officer - Julian Bashir
Helm - Tom Paris
Navigator - M'Ress
Communications - Hoshi Sato
Security Officer - Malcolm Reed
Doc - EMH Mark II ~ (Voy: Prometheus)
Chief Engineer - Seven of Nine

If we're allowing crossover characters...

Captain - Elizabeth Weir (Stargate Atlantis)
XO - Duncan Macleod (Highlander)
Science Officer - The 8th Doctor (Doctor Who)
Helm - Wilma Deering (Buck Rogers)
Navigator - John Sheridan (Babylon 5)
Communications - C3P0 (Star Wars)
Security Officer - Faith Lehane (Buffy)
Doc - Doctor House (House MD)
Chief Engineer - Walter Bishop (Fringe)

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Omg... Thats even scarier... Something tells me PMS and photon torpedoes don't mix...
And I pity the one poor fool man who signed onto the crew, (thinking he was hitting paydirt) during that week every month. He'd be wise not leave to his cabin :devil:
Canon Characters:

Captain - Jean Luc Picard
First Officer - Ben Sisko
Chief Engineer - Montgomery Scott
Security - Worf
Doctor - Leonard McCoy
Science Officer - Spock
Helm - Tom Paris

With Characters From Other Fiction:

Captain - William Adama
First Officer - Jack O'Neill
Chief Engineer - Samantha Carter
Security - MCPO John 117
Doctor - Dr. Leo Spaceman
Science Officer - John Chrichton
Helm - Kara Thrace

If I'm Casting A New Show:

Captain - Lance Henrikson or Scott Glenn
First Officer - Chiwitel Ejiofor or Faran Tahir
Young Lieutenant/Science Officer - Eliza Dushku
Chief Engineer - Aldis Hodge
Security - Sung Kang
Doctor - Necar Zadegan
Counselor - Jewel Staite