Doug Grindstaff, created Sound effects TOS has died


Doug Grindstaff, a five-time Emmy Award winner who created communicator beeps, Tribble coos and other sound effects employed on the original Star Trek, died July 23

He received 14 Emmy nominations in all — including one for Star Trek in 1967

Working with Jack Finlay and Joseph Sorokin, Grindstaff created the background sounds and effects used on NBC's Star Trek. These sounds included red alert klaxons, the whoosh of Enterprise bridge doors opening/closing, heartbeats, boatswain whistles, sickbay scanners and communicator beeps and the acoustics that invoked phasers striking deflector shields and transporter materialization (and dematerialization)

Nice to see sound tech represented. I know how people love the sounds of TOS.
Aw, that's sad. His sounds are legendary. The full transporter sound is one of the coolest things I've ever heard.
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Yeah, I can't say just how fantastic his work was. It was for the ages. The sounds constituted one of the most important set of elements that captured my imagination. Trek followed in his footsteps over the years, and it still does.
I have to say a BIG thank you to Mr. Grindstaff. Sound is a major factor in either TV shows or movies. I don't think people realize how important sounds effects are. RIP sir.
That's sad to hear. His was such a noticeable name, I remember seeing it in credits since I could read, The Brady Bunch etc. His OS sounds are practically in my DNA, you can't imagine the show without him.