Deep Space Nine Season 14 "Zero Sum Game"

14x16 – "Lust's Latinum Lost (and Found)"

Quark fights to win exclusive rights to the latest Vulcan Love Slave holo-programme...

Nobody wants to discuss the writers.
They’re happy to discuss the variables
of the stories. The different ways you can
twist them. And I do mean twist them.

Congrats on reaching the finale!

Thank you! and thank you for you support all "season".

Any responses? reviews? I know it's not a fully original story like some of my previous seasons but I did change it to some extent and flesh it out, so I'd like to hear how people thought I did.

I hate to say it, but I haven't dipped in yet. I lost my reading time a year ago, so I've just been saving these for later. I do look forward to when I can run through a bunch of them finally though...not that that helps you now. :o
I’m sorry that it took me so long to get back on this site. I hungrily read weekly on your dedicated site. I love how you fleshed out the Breen, just as I enjoyed the Tzenkethi in the prior season. The Romulans and Breen were so compelling.

I know you don’t care for ships, but I was so relieved and delighted to read Quark x Rwogo. Rom & Leeta were adorable on TV, but Quark x Ro was just lazy writing in the pocketbooks. Your big reveal was so Quark, the ladies man. Perfect!

I’ve read before that a certain pocketbook author found writing the Dominion species too difficult. Thus, Taran’atar received a fate worse than death. In my humble opinion, there were so many ways that could have gone and they took the lazy way out. The Dominion refugees were just a tantalizing blip in The Long Mirage, immediately relegated to abandoned storylines. I am so glad that you didn’t shy away from taking these characters down a different path. I’d love to see what you had in mind for them. Please, consider an epilogue (or 2 )!!

Thanks for holding this little universe together for a while longer. I’ve been trying to slog my way through Coda. I can only get so far before I have to put it down in frustration. No spoilers, but almost everything about that series spells disappointment for a DS9 fan.
Thanks so much for your comment!

The weird thing about Rwogo / Quark is that it wasn't in my original plans. I'd originally added Rwogo as the new security chief to replace DRG3's rather boring new chief, Blackmer, who was your basic straight white human male. Bringing in a Ferengi female (and one who had a backstory from the DS9-R novella Satisfaction Is Not Guaranteed, although she did not appear "on screen" then) immediately gave me so many more interesting angles to play with, and someone with whom Ro might have a genuine reason to have conflict.

So Rwogo's introduction was more about Ro than it was about Quark. But then once she was there, more and more ideas kept coming. DRG3 had ended the Ro / Quark relationship by having having her fall in love with someone else (again with little justification that I could see), and since I had already decided this was my last season I didn't want to leave that odd friends-fuckbuddies-unrequited relationship unresolved. It was only then that I realised - "oh! look who's right there. that's perfect!" And Rwogo became one of the most pivotal characters of the season, I loved writing her.

I actually explored what it would be like for a Cardassian to live on Bajor (Slaine) and vice versa (Kira). Tenmei only had the Vaughn thing in the books, so I promoted her to replace Stinson on the Defiant and gave her the th'Shant thing as well, which provided conflict with Candlewood. He got to develop his career and command skills, make new friends and resolve his relationship. Sisko explored a planet like a Galaxy class ship is supposed to, and gets to keep both Starfleet and his family in his life. Ro's issues with Bajor were resolved thanks to being forced to live there. Bashir actually had the Section 31 conversation with Sarina "on screen" instead of only hearing about it after the fact. Raiq had a role to play in events. Rebecca's superpowers have a reason to exist. Bacco and Akaar have a romance! The execrable Andorian transporter duplicate plot from Fallen Gods became a part of th'Shant's arc. As much as those books were the base of this season, I also put a lot effort into fixing the problems, gaps and missed opportunities in them.

As for Taran'atar and the Dominion, he had popped up in mysterious guest spots in S12 "Army of Me" and S13 "Dog Eat Dog", both written to lead up to this. DRG3 spent forever on building up that story and then it was wiped away with a trick of the timeline in Coda, but it was an important storyline for both Odo and Taran'atar so I needed to include it. But I left it on a cliffhanger and I honestly don't know what happens next. I hate to think of the refugees all getting murdered, but how can Taran'atar, Weyoun, the Even Odds and the Eav'oq stop Laas and an army of Jem'Hadar? Is there another Dominion civil war about to start? I don't know!

The last half of the final episode deliberately set up more storylines for the characters – the Andorians, Section 31, the Morn / Vic thing. I knew we were never going to see those storylines play out but I wanted to leave the reader with the impression that these people's lives and adventures will go on even if we don't see it. And since like you I wasn't entirely happy with some of the story directions from this point on in the Litverse, ending it here and leaving the future hinted but unexplored is the best outcome because we can imagine what we want.

Thanks again for reading!
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As for Taran'atar and the Dominion, he had popped up in mysterious guest spots in S12 "Army of Me" and S13 "Dog Eat Dog", both written to lead up to this. DRG3 spent forever on building up that story and then it was wiped away with a trick of the timeline in Coda, but it was an important storyline for both Odo and Taran'atar so I needed to include it. But I left it on a cliffhanger and I honestly don't know what happens next. I hate to think of the refugees all getting murdered, but how can Taran'atar, Weyoun, the Even Odds and the Eav'oq stop Laas and an army of Jem'Hadar? Is there another Dominion civil war about to start? I don't know!

Some further thoughts on this. If you look back at the start of the season, when Bashir and Sarina go to the Breen world, the Breen dissidents ask them for asylum in the Federation, and it ends up with them being slaughtered wholesale by the Breen authorities. And then at the end of the season, the Dominion dissidents are asking for asylum in the Federation... and cliff-hanger. By the rules of narrative structure and common sense of what they're up against, shouldn't the same thing happen to them?

It's a horrible end to their story, but I can't think of another way out of it beyond some magical Prophet-associated rescue. That already happened with Itu using the Ascendant tech at the heart of the Even Odds, so I don't feel like I can use that again. How about if we looped back around to the very start of the Eav'oq-Ascendant story, and the Eav'oq have to go back into subspace hiding to protect the Dominion refugees? That would have narrative symmetry as well.

I was very intrigued when I learned that you write in a screenplay format. I have fairly extensive experience in this format as well and thought you did an excellent job. I am new to Trek BBS and am in the process of figuring out how I can best utilize this space to post my own work.

I started and have read all of S1 E1, and I am impressed by two things. First, you write very tightly in both exposition and dialogue. This is one of the most difficult things for a screenwriter to do while allowing the reader to visualize what is going on.

Secondly, and in my opinion even more importantly, your dialogue does a great job of capturing each character's personality as presented in canon. Because I write character-driven stories, it makes me smile when someone does it well. And you, sir, did it very well. I look forward to diving into E2. Thanks for a good read.

Hi - thanks for your response! Keeping the writing tight is definitely something I've had to work at. The early scripts were over-length for a TV episode, but I think I've improved over time at getting to the point quicker. I've even gone back to some of my earlier efforts and taken out some bits that in retrospect weren't necessary, a luxury real life screenwriters don't have of course.

And yes I also tend towards character stuff rather than wacky sci-fi. There's a good number of my stories that don't really contain any sci-fi at all beyond the general setting. As a general rule I came up with story ideas by asking what happened next to the people involved, how do they react and feel about what's already happened?

Are you already familiar with the novel series, or are these storylines completely new to you? As I said earlier in the thread, these first seasons are largely based off the novels, I only divert into my own stuff later on.

Thanks for your message. No, I have not read any of the novels. As a matter of fact, I make it a point not to read any of the official novels, only fan fiction. The reason for this is that because of my own fanfic work, I do not want any of my ideas, character arcs, or plots and subplots to be influenced by the official works. Since I am only semi-retired and have two more years on my card, I don't want to get into any hot water.

That said, the fact that I know nothing about the novels and am easily able to slip into the telling of your first three chapters speaks volumes about your ability to write for both audiences: those who are familiar with the novels and those who are not.

I would be interested to know if you have ever written anything within the franchise outside of DS9?