Colour Version of "The Daleks" coming 23rd November

They should just get David Bradley in and shoot the opening chapter of The Dakeks novelization that gives the characters a different meeting. Problem solved.
While obviously I don't want to lose "official" access to the first Doctor Who story in general, doing something with Bradley as the 1st Doctor to compensate for not having the rights would be a great "Screw You" to the nutjob holding the rights.

As for this colorized Daleks thing, I can't say I approve of cutting the story down, if they can't afford to colorize all of it they just shouldn't bother. Still, its cool that they got an original Dalek voice back for some new dialog and didn't just use the regular NuWho Dalek guy.
They're definitely going full Cushing with the colours.

This is one of those "As long as the originals are still available then do what you like and it could be cool." (George.)
Woah. This is far more than just a colouring job. They've used CGI to extend the sets to fill a widescreen image. (And to remove the power cable.)

I'm thinking they're only doing that for a handful of key shots that look bad when simply cropped to 16x9? Surely they're not going to the time and expense to do the whole thing that way.
OK, now I'm confused. Here's that same image again, only it's in 4:3 but now with changes at the top as well. (Boom mike removed, set extended upwards.) So maybe it's not going to be widescreen, in which case why change it all?

They're definitely going full Cushing with the colours.


Makes you wonder what the new presentation might be like... will the new music have comedic boing noises and slide whistles and bombastic 800-piece orchestral cues? Removing reasonable chunks of the original character arc of the Doctor makes sense, if turning this into an omnibus presentation, but that opens up a huge debate. Like someone sauntering into the museum and drawing eyebrows onto the Mona Lisa while cutting out the mountain background and putting in a fast-food restaurant in its place. Both aren't bad, but one can't deny a lot of tone and structure are changed as a result. (And, again, the original story is completely intact and available for those who want to see the whole original journey as intended by Verity Lambert, so this tinkering honestly isn't an issue.)

I never noticed Alydon's vest straps and arm hair before. Good attention to detail for this work, regardless of any silliness. Nice touch on the color cast on the side of the TARDIS...

Skin tones are positively glowing, but considering the original b/w might look so grainy that not caking on the color would result in a "dirty" look that many colorizations have, I can't help but to think it's a necessary trade-off.

Still, the 1965 Dalek movie isn't as... radiant... and the painted-on hues stand out even weirder. Even genuine color photos from the 1963 production have less cartoony hues, though the creative liberties for wall color are something of an improvement, even if Terry Nation always wanted featureless white corridors.
The 6th Doctor is laughing over how subdued his coat is compared to all the day-glo. :guffaw:

I will admit, the purple/yellow leaves in the background look amazing - how much more so as motion video is incredibly appealing.

OK, now I'm confused. Here's that same image again, only it's in 4:3 but now with changes at the top as well. (Boom mike removed, set extended upwards.) So maybe it's not going to be widescreen, in which case why change it all?


That looks more like a promotional photo. If they were going to do this in widescreen, I'd then alter every camera angle change since just matting the top and bottom has, time and again in those DVD and other releases for shows that change the aspect ratio as such, led to uneven framing, credits or heads or props/set parts to convey necessary scenes becoming no longer visible, and other issues.

The original console was painted light lime green as it added a "glowing" effect to the b/w tape. The restored, colorized version is nicely done. The removal of the AC cable, boom mike, and dirt on the floor from the promotional photo was a nice touch... but so much of the color looks painted on, for which the chair is one of the easiest to spot... and it looks like the rear roundeled wall is also a new CGI insert to fill a studio set gap. Impressive detail, you bet, though something about its color looked a little 'off' as well. Maybe the chair is inserted into the photo as well because of how much more it "floats".

Also, is that the original TARDIS swimming pool? :guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:
They had to turn up the colo(u)rs for the benefit of all the old farts watching.

Not because the kiddies will be bored to tears if it's in b&w and not having antsy things on screen every 1.2 seconds? Or camera angle changes? They'll probably be bored with it regardless, no matter how much color is painted on. Hopefully it'll get good ratings, then more omnibus truncated down-and colored-up escapades can take place. All of those 6- and 8-part stories cut down to spaces generally made for 2- or 3-part stories will be even more successful than the whittling down of "Enlightenment" and "Planet of Fire" just because 25~50% of it's been taken out. Not that I'm being cynical or anything...
but that opens up a huge debate. Like someone sauntering into the museum and drawing eyebrows onto the Mona Lisa while cutting out the mountain background and putting in a fast-food restaurant in its place.
It's not like that at all. It's more like sauntering into the museum and drawing eyebrows onto a gift-shop poster of the Mona Lisa. They're not touching the original, they're just saying, "Here's what it would look like if..."

(And, again, the original story is completely intact and available for those who want to see the whole original journey as intended by Verity Lambert, so this tinkering honestly isn't an issue.)
Exactly. There is no debate after all. :)