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BohandiAnsoid's Ocampa backstory


Lieutenant Commander
Red Shirt
This is a place to discuss, review and possible ask for revisions (but I hope it won't be necessary) on my Ocampa backstory.

Original discuss can be found here:

I will publish everything I write in this project. You may here:
-Asks for revisions if you do not want your contribution to be used (or used this way), but I hope it will not be necessary
-Review what I wrote
-Asks questions
-Give me new ideas (although you may do it in the original thread as well)
-Make general discussions on any subject brought up

Everyone is invited.

People who contributed to the original thread:

Lynx (special thanks for great help and good discussion)
Guy Gardener
at Quark's

Here is the first part (it is a general overwiev. It is also pretty unusual, but I think nothing contradicts it in canon. And it's a nice similarity to Bajorans)

Ocampa history and legends

“For we are more and we go further than it seems. A lot have been called “legends”, and even more have faded into completely forgotten realm. We had more impact than we ever realized.” - Kes of Ocampa

Historical overview of the Ocampa

The Ocampa evolved in a system close to the galactic border, orbiting a yellow, bright star. When life was ready to emerge on that planet, an old, advanced civilization known as the Precursors seeded it with their own genome, causing life to evolve in their image. On Ocampa, life evolved even more similar to that on their homeworld than on most planets where their life was seeded.
Planet was very hospitable for life. It soon emerged from the few oceans and taken over the planet, with lush forest covering it, with the exception of a few deserts, although different forests were in different climates. Animal life that evolved on the planet was very varied, big and small, carnivore and herbivore, but all had one feature: ability to form emphatic connections with others. And in this environment, the Ocampa evolved.
At the time, they were developing at normal rates and had multiple birth periods. They had the strongest ability to form emphatic connections of all beings on the planet. They even could form them with members of other species. They used this ability to tame animals for numerous uses. It also was a driving force behind formation of the Ocampa civilization, as the thirst for emphatic bonds drove them to create even greater communities. Bonds also increased intelligence, morale and productivity of all Ocampa involved, and crime was nonexistent. But even those within them retained their individuality and had free will. They could leave at any time and rejoin when they wanted. No one was ever forced either way, because forcing someone to enter a bond or stay there would create suffering within the bond, and denying someone this what the Ocampa called “natural right” was unthinkable.
They created a great civilization, but still in harmony with nature, with the main industry placed in the deserts. But, in time, they wanted to extend their bonds to other civilizations, other species, from other planets. They created first starships in their deserts, and set out to explore their star system. They found 4 Ocampa - like planets between their own and their star, but only one, the second from the star, was colonizable, if still rather cold and mostly frozen. But a gas giant behind their planet was another story. They quickly found out that gasses it was made of could be used as fuel in drives that allowed ships to bend space and travel faster than light. The Ocampa then set out to explore space, colonize planets and meet new species. To every planet they claimed, they brought their own plants and animals. This included a plant later known as “Leola roots”, which was their main food source. Today, often presence of this plant on a planet is the only indicator that the planet once housed an Ocampa colony.
When they met other species, they first evaluated them. If they were deemed aggressive, automated probes were left to guard them and warn others about them. If they were deemed peaceful, the Ocampa came to them, teached them about many things and, sometimes, allowed them into their bonds. Soon, a government was established, known as “Ocampa Star Empires”. It was a benevolent empire, working to benefit of everyone in it, and to isolate (but not destroy) every dangerous species, allowing everyone else to flourish. It ruled a vast expanse of space, ending where later “Nekrit Expanse” was.
During one expedition outside the empire, a group of Ocampa found a planet devastated by war between two factions of energy beings. The Ocampa attempted to broker peace, but were rejected. For the first time then, the Ocampa used their powers for war, and drove the beings off planet. These beings later became known as the Prophets and the Page - Wraiths, after they established a new home in a wormhole they created.
For centuries afterward, the Ocampa and their subjects thrived in peace. It ended abruptly when a particle was discovered, a particle extremely powerful, which could power entire civilizations… or destroy the ability to travel faster than light, forever. A civilization was found using them, and the Ocampa demanded they give them over, for them to be destroyed. Their enemies declined and the Ocampa took the particles by force. The civilization retaliated by launching a massive war against the Ocampa Empire. During the years of war, most of it was devastated. The enemies released the imprisoned aggressive species, and set them against the Ocampa. In a bid to produce more soldiers for themselves, the Ocampa modified themselves to grow quicker, much quicker, and the price of quality and long - term reproductive ability. Not only were they now only capable of having children once (through they usually had at least four), but their lifespan was drastically reduced. But even that failed. They were driven back to their homeworld, and their enemies were closing. In a bid to save themselves, all Ocampa on the homeworld participated in a ritual that combined their forces into one, and destroyed most of their enemies, and stranded all others without faster than light travel for many years. The remnants of their original enemies later created the Borg Collective, as a perversion of and to slide on the Ocampan community bonds.
But the ritual attracted the attention of the Nacene, who came to investigate. Their arrival destroyed all orbital infrastructure of the Ocampa system, and their technology changed the atmosphere of the Ocampa, making it unable to form water. It also killed most of the surviving Ocampa.
The Nacene realize their mistake. As the previously thriving environment of the planet was being devastated, they created an underground city and led the surviving Ocampa there. They were provided everything they needed, and then sealed off there, saving them. Two Nacene then stayed there, in an array that was in the system, to care for them. The others departed.
The Ocampa realized that their thirst for bonds led to this disaster. They severed most of them, and promised that only mates would establish stable bonds from now on. In time, the power of these bonds, and any temporary bonds, was greatly reduced, and tales of the Ocampa empire faded into obscurity. Only a few Ocampa knew it, and it was told from generation to generation in these families.
Vast knowledge of the Ocampa was sealed off in the forgotten library. It was only Kes that opened it, and learned all of it. A few legends survived of the surface, but they all told the tales from before the empire. Outside the planet, surviving Ocampa merged with local populations. In times, they forget their origin, but most emphatic species of the Delta Quadrant has some Ocampan ancestors. And the Leola roots still showed where the Ocampa once ruled.
One Nacene, Suspiria, eventually took the most gifted Ocampa and went on to establish a separate colony. But, on the homeworld, it wasn't until their Nacene, the Caretaker, discovered he was dying that anything changed. During his last years, Kes was born. She always wanted to go to the surface, which she believed in. She felt the call that once drove her ancestors into the stars. She got to the surface, and eventually got her wish. She managed to join the crew of Voyager, one ship that as brought here bu the Caretaker, on it’s way home. She was the first Ocampa since the war to travel beyond the Nektrit Expanse, a region once created by the Ocampa in desperate effort to stop their enemies. It failed then, but, since then, it kept the remnants of these enemies, the Borg, away from the space of what once was the Ocampa Star Empire. Following Kes, many other Ocampa later got out, took Kazon ships and began to reestablish itself in space. There were some problems with the Kazon, but, in the end, they were victorious. They also found a way to reverse changes in their biology, and to bring life to the surface once more. Fifty human years after the Caretaker died, lush forests were on the planet once again.
This is a place to discuss, review and possible ask for revisions (but I hope it won't be necessary) on my Ocampa backstory.

Original discuss can be found here:

I will publish everything I write in this project. You may here:
-Asks for revisions if you do not want your contribution to be used (or used this way), but I hope it will not be necessary
-Review what I wrote
-Asks questions
-Give me new ideas (although you may do it in the original thread as well)
-Make general discussions on any subject brought up

Everyone is invited.

People who contributed to the original thread:

Lynx (special thanks for great help and good discussion)
Guy Gardener
at Quark's

Here is the first part (it is a general overwiev. It is also pretty unusual, but I think nothing contradicts it in canon. And it's a nice similarity to Bajorans)

Ocampa history and legends

“For we are more and we go further than it seems. A lot have been called “legends”, and even more have faded into completely forgotten realm. We had more impact than we ever realized.” - Kes of Ocampa

Historical overview of the Ocampa

The Ocampa evolved in a system close to the galactic border, orbiting a yellow, bright star. When life was ready to emerge on that planet, an old, advanced civilization known as the Precursors seeded it with their own genome, causing life to evolve in their image. On Ocampa, life evolved even more similar to that on their homeworld than on most planets where their life was seeded.
Planet was very hospitable for life. It soon emerged from the few oceans and taken over the planet, with lush forest covering it, with the exception of a few deserts, although different forests were in different climates. Animal life that evolved on the planet was very varied, big and small, carnivore and herbivore, but all had one feature: ability to form emphatic connections with others. And in this environment, the Ocampa evolved.
At the time, they were developing at normal rates and had multiple birth periods. They had the strongest ability to form emphatic connections of all beings on the planet. They even could form them with members of other species. They used this ability to tame animals for numerous uses. It also was a driving force behind formation of the Ocampa civilization, as the thirst for emphatic bonds drove them to create even greater communities. Bonds also increased intelligence, morale and productivity of all Ocampa involved, and crime was nonexistent. But even those within them retained their individuality and had free will. They could leave at any time and rejoin when they wanted. No one was ever forced either way, because forcing someone to enter a bond or stay there would create suffering within the bond, and denying someone this what the Ocampa called “natural right” was unthinkable.
They created a great civilization, but still in harmony with nature, with the main industry placed in the deserts. But, in time, they wanted to extend their bonds to other civilizations, other species, from other planets. They created first starships in their deserts, and set out to explore their star system. They found 4 Ocampa - like planets between their own and their star, but only one, the second from the star, was colonizable, if still rather cold and mostly frozen. But a gas giant behind their planet was another story. They quickly found out that gasses it was made of could be used as fuel in drives that allowed ships to bend space and travel faster than light. The Ocampa then set out to explore space, colonize planets and meet new species. To every planet they claimed, they brought their own plants and animals. This included a plant later known as “Leola roots”, which was their main food source. Today, often presence of this plant on a planet is the only indicator that the planet once housed an Ocampa colony.
When they met other species, they first evaluated them. If they were deemed aggressive, automated probes were left to guard them and warn others about them. If they were deemed peaceful, the Ocampa came to them, teached them about many things and, sometimes, allowed them into their bonds. Soon, a government was established, known as “Ocampa Star Empires”. It was a benevolent empire, working to benefit of everyone in it, and to isolate (but not destroy) every dangerous species, allowing everyone else to flourish. It ruled a vast expanse of space, ending where later “Nekrit Expanse” was.
During one expedition outside the empire, a group of Ocampa found a planet devastated by war between two factions of energy beings. The Ocampa attempted to broker peace, but were rejected. For the first time then, the Ocampa used their powers for war, and drove the beings off planet. These beings later became known as the Prophets and the Page - Wraiths, after they established a new home in a wormhole they created.
For centuries afterward, the Ocampa and their subjects thrived in peace. It ended abruptly when a particle was discovered, a particle extremely powerful, which could power entire civilizations… or destroy the ability to travel faster than light, forever. A civilization was found using them, and the Ocampa demanded they give them over, for them to be destroyed. Their enemies declined and the Ocampa took the particles by force. The civilization retaliated by launching a massive war against the Ocampa Empire. During the years of war, most of it was devastated. The enemies released the imprisoned aggressive species, and set them against the Ocampa. In a bid to produce more soldiers for themselves, the Ocampa modified themselves to grow quicker, much quicker, and the price of quality and long - term reproductive ability. Not only were they now only capable of having children once (through they usually had at least four), but their lifespan was drastically reduced. But even that failed. They were driven back to their homeworld, and their enemies were closing. In a bid to save themselves, all Ocampa on the homeworld participated in a ritual that combined their forces into one, and destroyed most of their enemies, and stranded all others without faster than light travel for many years. The remnants of their original enemies later created the Borg Collective, as a perversion of and to slide on the Ocampan community bonds.
But the ritual attracted the attention of the Nacene, who came to investigate. Their arrival destroyed all orbital infrastructure of the Ocampa system, and their technology changed the atmosphere of the Ocampa, making it unable to form water. It also killed most of the surviving Ocampa.
The Nacene realize their mistake. As the previously thriving environment of the planet was being devastated, they created an underground city and led the surviving Ocampa there. They were provided everything they needed, and then sealed off there, saving them. Two Nacene then stayed there, in an array that was in the system, to care for them. The others departed.
The Ocampa realized that their thirst for bonds led to this disaster. They severed most of them, and promised that only mates would establish stable bonds from now on. In time, the power of these bonds, and any temporary bonds, was greatly reduced, and tales of the Ocampa empire faded into obscurity. Only a few Ocampa knew it, and it was told from generation to generation in these families.
Vast knowledge of the Ocampa was sealed off in the forgotten library. It was only Kes that opened it, and learned all of it. A few legends survived of the surface, but they all told the tales from before the empire. Outside the planet, surviving Ocampa merged with local populations. In times, they forget their origin, but most emphatic species of the Delta Quadrant has some Ocampan ancestors. And the Leola roots still showed where the Ocampa once ruled.
One Nacene, Suspiria, eventually took the most gifted Ocampa and went on to establish a separate colony. But, on the homeworld, it wasn't until their Nacene, the Caretaker, discovered he was dying that anything changed. During his last years, Kes was born. She always wanted to go to the surface, which she believed in. She felt the call that once drove her ancestors into the stars. She got to the surface, and eventually got her wish. She managed to join the crew of Voyager, one ship that as brought here bu the Caretaker, on it’s way home. She was the first Ocampa since the war to travel beyond the Nektrit Expanse, a region once created by the Ocampa in desperate effort to stop their enemies. It failed then, but, since then, it kept the remnants of these enemies, the Borg, away from the space of what once was the Ocampa Star Empire. Following Kes, many other Ocampa later got out, took Kazon ships and began to reestablish itself in space. There were some problems with the Kazon, but, in the end, they were victorious. They also found a way to reverse changes in their biology, and to bring life to the surface once more. Fifty human years after the Caretaker died, lush forests were on the planet once again.
"Quite impressive"
As the guitar legend Ritchie Blackmore told singer David Coverdale when he had written the lyrics for the song Deep Purple song "Burn".

First Coverdale got the impression that Blackmore didn't like the lyrics he had written due to the short reply and nothing more. But the other members then told him that "Quite impressive is the best praise he can give you for the lyrics". :)

Anyway, I find it a very good background story for the Ocampa. Well-thought and detailed.
There will be more, detailing particular periods of the history. And some Ocampan legends/fairy tales/fiction. I just have to write them.

Right now, I have only one idea. I hope to write it soon.
Here it is. That idea written and a commentary (which is not really part of the project, as it takes place post - Voyager, but I think I share it along)

Tale of Tadis and Jes

Long ago, in another realm, a great evil arose. One power wanted to bond everyone and everything to itself by force, and to introduce paint and suffering to that bond.
But people of that realm fought back. For a time, evil was contained, but never destroyed. But they grew complacent and lazy and then, the evil broke out. Their thugs raided all people, kidnapping, enslaving, pillaging, killing and introducing all kind of suffering to the bonds.
But the good people fought back. They formed alliances and managed to drive the evil forces back to their fortress. But there, they were defeated. In a huge battle, the good alliance was shattered, and evil started to reign once more.
In response to that, the surviving forces of good adopted guerilla tactics and used small but powerful groups to lead attacks to distract the evil forces and prevent them from launching full offensives. Leader of one of these forces was named Tadis. His unit was quite successful, but, one day, it was betrayed and nearly entirely destroyed.
He wandered for a time, until he stumbled upon a hidden kingdom. He was welcomed there. He helped it eliminate raiding parties that came too close. During this time, Jes, princess of that kingdom (this is human equivalent of the title, right) have fallen in love with him, but he initially did not notice. So she took him on a walk, and told him all of that.
-So, you are in love with me? - Tadis said to her then. - How is that possible?
-As any other love is - Jes said. - It is hard to explain…
-What about your father? - Tadis said.
-He likes you, I don't think we would have any problem from him - Jes said. - We can make our bond even now… if that is what you want.
-I do - Tadis said and so the bond was established, filling them both with great pleasure.
Unfortunately, there would soon be a great obstacle. The enemy noticed a pattern on how his raiding parties were disappearing and deduced their location. He then sent a huge army there, and reduced the kingdom to dust.
Jes survived it, but was captured. Tadis made his way to her, but she was guarded by a person with the gift of Holan, who used it for evil, selfish things. He tried to manipulate Tadis to abandon Jes and leave. But Jes countered it through their bond, which was especially strong. She reminded him of all the good times they shared, and of their love. They them sent a feedback pulse to the one who guarded her, which allowed Tadis to rescue Jes. They gathered other survivors and fled to a distant area. In time, their offsprings helped liberate the realm from this evil.


-So, what do you think? - Kes said to Tom Paris when the finished translating it.
-Now bad - Tom answered. He read it as Kes was translating. - You know, we humans have a similar story. Only there is a lot of more suffering there. And it doesn't end well.
-I don't want to sound smug, but, to be honest l, this is why my culture is superior to yours - Kes said. - At least as far as fiction… romantic fiction especially… is concerned.
-There's no arguing with that - Tom said. - Let's see what B’Elanna has to say about it… B’Elanna?! Come in here!
-Can’t I have some peace? - B’Elanna said. - I managed to convince Harry and Seven to take Miral for a few hours… I thought I could have some time for myself.
-You're watching Star Wars again? - Tom said when B’Elanna approached them with a PADD. - And that Ahsoka series?
-Well, there are good fights there - B’Elanna said. - And Ahsoka is quite similar to me…
-You're sure it's Ahsoka that is similar to you? - Kes said.
-Anyway, that series is the ultimate proof that what Kes just said is true - Tom said.
-What did she say? - B’Elanna said.
-That her culture is superior when it comes to romantic fiction - Tom said.
-There's no romance in “Ahsoka”... - B’Elanna said.
-Exactly! - Tom and Kes said at the same time.
-There should be - Tom said. - And no the way most fanfiction shows it…
-Yes, I know the most popular pairing is crap, but it's not canon - B’Elanna said.
-Yes, but some producers support it - Kes said.
-How would the Ocampa write it, anyway? - B’Elanna said.
-For one, remove all sibling references for Ezra and Sabine - Kes said. - To be honest, it is like forcing Chakotay to call the captain his sister… Just because they have reasons not to get involved,there is no reason to say such lies… and they weren't good lies too. They were so transparent… Plus, I would make their separation in the eight episode the final affirmation of selflessness… in contrast of Sabine’s selfish action in the fourth episode.
-I agree with that, but it is still a good series - B’Elanna said.
-I just said how we would write it - Kes said.

Edit: I just watched season 4 episode "Unforgettable" and I realized my Ocampa backstory goes a long way on fixing the stupidities of the episode.

If you think about it, the aliens on the episode can be remnants of the Ocampa empire, maybe made from one of their long range expeditions that crashed on that planet and evolved separately... Damaging themselves. The whole things with forgetting and affecting minds can be result of their Ocampa bonding process being damaged. They know it, but them still feeling the thirst for bonds causes them to try to bond with aliens instinctively, which causes all these damage. Which is also why they are forbidden to leave (well, and their fear of encountering or attracting the attention of the original Ocampa). And, of course, the messed - up Ocampan telepathic bonding can cause people to act like idiots.
Last edited:
Here it is. That idea written and a commentary (which is not really part of the project, as it takes place post - Voyager, but I think I share it along)

Tale of Tadis and Jes

Long ago, in another realm, a great evil arose. One power wanted to bond everyone and everything to itself by force, and to introduce paint and suffering to that bond.
But people of that realm fought back. For a time, evil was contained, but never destroyed. But they grew complacent and lazy and then, the evil broke out. Their thugs raided all people, kidnapping, enslaving, pillaging, killing and introducing all kind of suffering to the bonds.
But the good people fought back. They formed alliances and managed to drive the evil forces back to their fortress. But there, they were defeated. In a huge battle, the good alliance was shattered, and evil started to reign once more.
In response to that, the surviving forces of good adopted guerilla tactics and used small but powerful groups to lead attacks to distract the evil forces and prevent them from launching full offensives. Leader of one of these forces was named Tadis. His unit was quite successful, but, one day, it was betrayed and nearly entirely destroyed.
He wandered for a time, until he stumbled upon a hidden kingdom. He was welcomed there. He helped it eliminate raiding parties that came too close. During this time, Jes, princess of that kingdom (this is human equivalent of the title, right) have fallen in love with him, but he initially did not notice. So she took him on a walk, and told him all of that.
-So, you are in love with me? - Tadis said to her then. - How is that possible?
-As any other love is - Jes said. - It is hard to explain…
-What about your father? - Tadis said.
-He likes you, I don't think we would have any problem from him - Jes said. - We can make our bond even now… if that is what you want.
-I do - Tadis said and so the bond was established, filling them both with great pleasure.
Unfortunately, there would soon be a great obstacle. The enemy noticed a pattern on how his raiding parties were disappearing and deduced their location. He then sent a huge army there, and reduced the kingdom to dust.
Jes survived it, but was captured. Tadis made his way to her, but she was guarded by a person with the gift of Holan, who used it for evil, selfish things. He tried to manipulate Tadis to abandon Jes and leave. But Jes countered it through their bond, which was especially strong. She reminded him of all the good times they shared, and of their love. They them sent a feedback pulse to the one who guarded her, which allowed Tadis to rescue Jes. They gathered other survivors and fled to a distant area. In time, their offsprings helped liberate the realm from this evil.


-So, what do you think? - Kes said to Tom Paris when the finished translating it.
-Now bad - Tom answered. He read it as Kes was translating. - You know, we humans have a similar story. Only there is a lot of more suffering there. And it doesn't end well.
-I don't want to sound smug, but, to be honest l, this is why my culture is superior to yours - Kes said. - At least as far as fiction… romantic fiction especially… is concerned.
-There's no arguing with that - Tom said. - Let's see what B’Elanna has to say about it… B’Elanna?! Come in here!
-Can’t I have some peace? - B’Elanna said. - I managed to convince Harry and Seven to take Miral for a few hours… I thought I could have some time for myself.
-You're watching Star Wars again? - Tom said when B’Elanna approached them with a PADD. - And that Ahsoka series?
-Well, there are good fights there - B’Elanna said. - And Ahsoka is quite similar to me…
-You're sure it's Ahsoka that is similar to you? - Kes said.
-Anyway, that series is the ultimate proof that what Kes just said is true - Tom said.
-What did she say? - B’Elanna said.
-That her culture is superior when it comes to romantic fiction - Tom said.
-There's no romance in “Ahsoka”... - B’Elanna said.
-Exactly! - Tom and Kes said at the same time.
-There should be - Tom said. - And no the way most fanfiction shows it…
-Yes, I know the most popular pairing is crap, but it's not canon - B’Elanna said.
-Yes, but some producers support it - Kes said.
-How would the Ocampa write it, anyway? - B’Elanna said.
-For one, remove all sibling references for Ezra and Sabine - Kes said. - To be honest, it is like forcing Chakotay to call the captain his sister… Just because they have reasons not to get involved,there is no reason to say such lies… and they weren't good lies too. They were so transparent… Plus, I would make their separation in the eight episode the final affirmation of selflessness… in contrast of Sabine’s selfish action in the fourth episode.
-I agree with that, but it is still a good series - B’Elanna said.
-I just said how we would write it - Kes said.

Edit: I just watched season 4 episode "Unforgettable" and I realized my Ocampa backstory goes a long way on fixing the stupidities of the episode.

If you think about it, the aliens on the episode can be remnants of the Ocampa empire, maybe made from one of their long range expeditions that crashed on that planet and evolved separately... Damaging themselves. The whole things with forgetting and affecting minds can be result of their Ocampa bonding process being damaged. They know it, but them still feeling the thirst for bonds causes them to try to bond with aliens instinctively, which causes all these damage. Which is also why they are forbidden to leave (well, and their fear of encountering or attracting the attention of the original Ocampa). And, of course, the messed - up Ocampan telepathic bonding can cause people to act like idiots.
Good story!

But when it comes to Star Wars, I always see it as something which takes place in another galaxy.
For me, Star Wars is normally a separate universe. But this time, I just wanted to have a little fun.

Another story should be up soon, probably by this evening.
Here it is (but I don't know how much more I will write)

The forgotten

During the rule of the Ocampa empire, many long - range expeditions were sent into space. Most of them came back to the empire in time, but some were not heard from again. One such expedition crashed on the planet Ramura. Unable to contact their civilization, they settled the planet.
But the planet had bad environmental conditions, forcing the Ocampa there to adapt. But, in the process, they changed so much that they weren't Ocampa anymore. In particular, their bonding process was so damaged that it became strongly damaging to members of other species that interacted with them.
Once they found their way into space, they quickly found out that members of other species tended to forget them after a few hours. It turned out that Ocampa pheromonal glands were particularly damaged. While normal Ocampa’s pheromones worked in harmony with their telepathic abilities to facilitate the bonding, in this new species, they disrupted each other, causing not only this forgetting effect, but also causing all members of other species to have their minds impaired. Long time exposures to this damaged bonding process by species not related to the Ocampa was damaging to their brains.
Initially, they were trying to continue their interactions with other species, by trying to suppress their bonding attempts. But they soon found out that the thirst for bonds was too great, especially since their damaged state made it impossible to form permanent bonds even among themselves - and they didn't have resources of the homeworld to remove it completely. Because of that, all contact with outsiders was forbidden and technology was developed to hide their entire civilization.
Even spreading knowledge of this civilization’s existence was forbidden. Some of it was to prevent others from seeking them out, but it was mostly to prevent the original Ocampa from finding them. For they were ashamed of their damage, for what they did to survive, and what they did to the outsiders that came on contact with them. They feared punishment from the original Ocampa for that.
They eventually came into contact with the USS Voyager. Even through the crew forgot about them and all computer records of them were erased, Chakotay wrote a hand document about his experiences with them. Document lied aboard Voyager until it returned to Earth, and Kes came there. One day, Kes found it and became intrigued by it. After she accessed the forgotten library and cross - read the document with it, she understood much of this story. She then travelled with a few Ocampa to Ramura, where she confirmed the rest of the story. But, rather than punishing this civilization, she offered them a chance to heal, to restore them full bonding ability. And they agreed. The laws were then waivered, and some of them decided to leave the planet, either to return to Ocampa, go with Kes or go exploring on their own. Most of them, hovewer, stayed on the planet.

Note: Ocampa bonding process and pleasure making

There are a few things that must be said about our telepathy, especially when it comes to other species. If an Ocampa is bonded to someone, even temporarily, and he or she will use her ability to make pleasure to that other person, the bond will carry this pleasure to the Ocampa. While it is possible for the Ocampa to make such pleasure for themselves, it is considered unhealthy and wasteful. Especially considering that every mind, even non - Ocampan, introduces it's own special flavor to the act.
If a person stays in an Ocampa bond for some time, and will participate in such an act a few times, they will acquire an ability to do such things themselves, even in another non - Ocampa. Howeverz this ability can only be acquired this way. Of said person would later have a child with another non - Ocampa, such child would not inherit the ability. As far as can be told, every part - Ocampa hybrid has this ability inherently.
Can someone give me another idea/comment/fact? Something to start a story from? Because I ran out of ideas, but I don't want to end this project yet.
Far from certain this will help, but in the Star Trek Hunter series, a device known as the Dream Weaver causes a lot of havoc and panic. In the following snippet, Julian Bashir reveals that the machine is of Ocompan origin.

Excerpt from Star Trek Hunter, Episode 25, Scene 8:

... “That’s quite a move,” Canada commented. He sipped his tea appreciatively, raising his eyebrows at the taste, then tried the seed cake and made an approving noise. “We’re on the other side of the Alpha Quadrant from New Hope – almost to the edge of the galactic disc…”

“You thought you would find the Dream Weaver out here, didn’t you?” Bashir asked around a mouthful of seed cake.

“I take it I haven’t?”

“I deliberately misled you into this meeting. I’m afraid if you want to disable the Dream Weaver, you have a bit of a journey ahead of you. It is located almost exactly on the opposite side of the galaxy from here – in the Delta Quadrant, near the galactic rim,” Bashir said. He took a seat in one of the overstuffed armchairs. “If you’re still thinking of taking a journey to the Delta Quadrant to shut down the Dream Weaver, you should plan on taking an army with you. Best an army of betazoids and vulcans - telepaths. It’s ocompan technology and the ocompans aren’t finished using it. They rely on it, actually. They won’t take kindly to any attempt on our part to disable it or even modify it.”

Johnny Canada sat back in his chair, eyes opened wide, just letting the repercussions of this information roll about in his mind. After nearly two full minutes, he drained his tea, then said, “But I thought this was something we invented…”

“Bit of a kick in the knickers, isn’t it?” Bashir smiled grimly. “Pathetically easy to get to and use, freely available to anyone who is capable of self-directed dreaming, and you can use it to give people nightmares so bad they literally die of fright in their sleep. You can see why Section 31 is quite keen on keeping it secret and providing misleading information to anyone who stumbles into it.”

“Do the ocompans know we are able to access it?” Canada asked.

“They know. They just don’t care. We’re just vermin to them, so if we use the thing to make our lives miserable or kill people off by the billions…” Bashir shrugged, made an amused noise… “Good riddance as far as they’re concerned.”

“How… how does the thing work? It’s like, instantaneous communication back and forth across 100,000 light years…”

Bashir shrugged again. “Not a clue. Did you hear the bit about it being ocompan technology? They are quantum telekinetic, so when they bother to build a machine, they build it from the subatomic particle up. I should point out to you, since you are so concerned about the existence of Section 31, that this is precisely the sort of threat Section 31 was created to protect the Federation against.”

“How did you…” Canada started.

“How did I find it?” Bashir asked. “I reviewed all of Admiral Janeway’s reports from the Delta Quadrant. A number of them didn’t make sense unless something like this thing existed, so I immediately classified the reports in question and went looking for the thing. I found it and I created a doorway into it. Until recently, everyone from the Alpha Quadrant who has been using the Dream Weaver has been using my doorway – But Shiva has created her own doorway now. You will need to monitor that – it’s getting to be a bit much for me to manage along with all the other threats to the quadrant that I am monitoring…”

Thanks!! rbs
Thanks Robert Bruce Scott for inspiration. Thanks to you, I write this:

New technology

Long ago, a scientist named Tolas lived on Ocampa. He excelled in quantum physics and use of Ocampan abilities to manipulate this world and to create new things through it. One of his greatest dreams was to create a device that could use the energy of the Ocampan bonds (which was usually being mostly wasted) in a way that would not be invasive for the people in the bond which energy is being harvested. With the help of a few volunteers, he began studying the bonds between them, and discovered that a lot of bond energy was being wasted during the dreams. Virtually all of it. At the same time, it would be easiest to harness it during the sleep of the subjects.
Knowing all of this, he went on to make a device that would be able to do just that. It took him many attempts, but finally, he was successful. Not only this device proved to be very effective, it also had a refreshing effect on all Ocampa it was used on. And with no ill effect on them.
He presented all of this to a science commission. They were initially very enthusiastic about it. However, it was discovered that, while it had no ill effect on Ocampa, it had some side effects when used on non - Ocampa, or even when non - Ocampa were close when the device was being used. Most of the time, it just caused them to get tired, but, a few times, it put them in coma that required an Ocampa to bond with them to restore them to normal. This caused controversy within the commission. Some though it was an acceptable risk, and the device would have to be just restricted to use on Ocampa only, and warnings for non - Ocampa should be placed where the device was being used. Others though it was too much of a risk and wanted to ban the use of the device.
It was never settled. Soon after that, the war began. The prototype was stolen by the Ocampa's enemies. The ship that carried it, however, suffered an explosive decompression and its crew was killed. For years, it drifted through space, the device set in the standby mode. It was many years later that it drifted into an inhabitated system, activated and started to affect people again. Thanks to it being connected to the ship's systems, it affected the entire system, threatening all life in it. Fortunately, Kes learned of the device from the hidden archive, tracked it down, deactivated it and brought it to Ocampa, where it could finally be put to good use.
Also, two things:

1. Does anyone have any other idea / food for thoughts on the Ocampa that could help me write another story?

2. Is it all right for you that I don't stick to the original plan and write about things after Voyager?
Here's another story. It's short, but it is here:

Promethion discovery

Ocampa has expanded into space. They converted a few deserts of their planet into spaceports and started sending ships and people in orbit. They explored their star system and found some things in it.
First ships flew toward the star. They found four other planets closer to the star than their homeworld, but only one of them was suitable for colonization. And it was rather cold.
However, better results came from the exploration of the space farther from the star than their homeworld. A ship, under command of Las, was sent there and detected a large gas giant.
-Take us closer - Las ordered. - Prepare the probing drones.
The ship approached the gas giant.
-And the probing drones - Las ordered. - Have them collect samples of this gas giant for our study.
Drones left the ship, flew into the gas giant, collected the samples and came back. Meanwhile, the ship started surveying the moons of the planet. A few of them were found suitable for future colonization. At prospect of it became more likely as the probing drones returned with the samples.
Early tests in the on anboard labs indicates that the gas that this planet was made off had great energy - amplifying properties. It quickly became apparent it could even be used to power space - warping technology (that then existed only in theory), which would allow the Ocampa to travel to another systems and finally meet other species.
As soon as Las returned to the homeworld, the Ocampa scientists got to work. They quickly confirmed all results and found new ways to use it, as well as made blueprints for ships that could use it to power an engine that could warp space and so travel faster than light. Many such ships were built in orbit of the homeworld, and l, using them, the Ocampa began to spread and, in time, they established their empire.
And new ways to use this gas were found. It really seemed strange to some, that a source of such an useful resources was found so close to their homeworld. Some suspected that the Precursors put it there, but there was no way to find out. But, this discovery was one of the most important events in the history of the Ocampa, and, indeed, the whole region. The discovery of what was later called “Promethion”.

Note: Name “Promethion” comes from the Galactic Civilizations game series (as far as I know).
Here's another one:

The incursion

Long time ago, a group of ships from the Ocampa empire was traveling through space on a survey mission. They were commanded by Ocampa Tes.
Suddenly, their sensors detected a spatial anomaly opening. And something was coming through it.
-Commander, first scan results are coming up - said one of Tes's bridge officers. - It appears that some starships are coming through… I am reading three of them…
At this moment, every Ocampa felt pain and suffering.
-Cut off your bonds! - Tes shouted. - Now!
Everyone did that, with great hardship.
-This came from that ship - said the
science officer. - The leading one.
Four ships (one bigger than others) emerged from the anomaly.
-Hail them - Tes said.
-No response - said the science officer.
At this moment, the ships fired a barrage toward the Ocampa ships.
-Now we have a response - said the science officer.
-Return fire - Tes said. - Disable these ships.
However, these ships quickly entered warp, leaving the Ocampa ships behind.
-Track them - Tes said. - We need to know where they're going. And get me fleet command. We may need reinforcements.
The alien fleet arrived at the closest inhabited system and stopped there. The Ocampa sent a few probes there and discovered that the aliens began sending shuttles to the surface of the inhabited planet there, shuttles full with troops to conquer that civilization. And they were apparently succeeding.
-We must stop them - Tes said when he saw this. - Our reinforcements will come in a few hours. We will leave remote buoys with instructions for them and go deal with these aliens. They will join us when they can.
Ocampan fleet entered warp and quickly arrived at the system.
-Hail the attacking aliens - Tes said. - Ask them to cease their invasion.
-No response - said the science officer. - Wait… Numerous small ships are incoming. They're targeting us.
-All canons, fire independently - Tes said. - Defend us from them. Torpedoes, ready to seefire at the bigger ships. Communications, tell these aliens one last time to stop their invasion.
There was no response but the small ships opened fire with missiles. Most of them were destroyed by the canons, but some hit. And, despite shields being up, inflicted some damage on the ship.
-Sure these torpedoes! - Tes said. - And try to contact these aliens. Use bonds if necessary!
Torpedoes left from the Ocampa ships and hit alien ships. It inflicteded enough damage that these ships opened fire at the Ocampa ships, not even worrying about their own small ships close to them.
-These people are insane! - said the helmsman. - They don't even care that they're killing their own pilots!
-We can use it - Tes said. - Bring us closer to them. To their biggest ship.
-Closer? - said the helmsman.
-Yes, so they will hit themselves more often - Tes said. - I am not happy with that, but we must defeat them…
The Ocampa ships closed on the alien ships. As expected, some alien small ships crashed into the bigger ships, damaging them as well.
-Commander, I am getting a massage from them - the science officer suddenly said. - They're refuges… escaping from a species that nuclearly bombarder their homeworld and is now chasing them…
-If they're refuges, tell them we’II help them if they cease their attack - Tes said.
-They won't - the science officer said after a moment. - They need this other species to work for them.
-The we must destroy them - Tes said, sadly.
Battle went on for some time, but it ended when the Ocampa reinforcements arrived. They quickly took out the alien ships and then transported to the planet, where they encountered the real aliens… strange beings with four arms, covered entirely in environmental suits. But they stood no chance against Ocampan abilities. They were all defeated and, as they refused to surrender (or even disclose their name), they were all wiped out.
So, the incursion was stopped. But rather question remained: who were these mysterious aliens?
I really need something that would help me begin writing a story. Can you give me anything? An idea, a question, a statement, disagreement... Anything that could help me start a story.
Here's another story I managed to come up with:


One day, on the Ocampa homeworld, a young woman named Kes (not Kes of Voyager, but her namesake) went to an old, wise man with a lot of questions. These questions were focused on individuality, in particular within Ocampa ln bonds.
-Since we have our bonds, what purpose our individuality serves? - Kes asked. - Why are we taking such steps to maintain it? Especially since it can lead to suffering? It rarely does, thanks to the bonds and good will of our people… but we saw what it does to other civilizations. How indorderly they are. How crimes run rampart, how suffering spreads. If they were all forced into bonds, and release all barriers from the bonds, wouldn't it be better?
-No, young Kes - said the old man. - It may seems so. Truly, individuality can cause suffering, but lack of it is suffering in itself. Even if it's not felt. And consider this: this would force people to do good things, not because they want, not because they know it's good and want everyone to be content, but because they must? Because they have no choice? What credit should you get for that? None! Your individuality makes you unique. And your uniqueness, and diversity in uniqueness, is why we want to make many bonds. As many bonds as possible. Distinctiveness of our minds makes our bonds have sense. Otherwise, it would be senseless. Why would you be making more than one bond, if each bond would be the same? Because all the difference in bonds comes from a mind you are bonding to. If such mind would be the same as yours, why should you want to create any bond. For a hollow, empty pleasure? Pleasure that would quickly bore you anyway, yet you could find nothing else? This would be our existencez if not for our individuality. When new minds would be added to oness, only then would we fell anything, but it would fade very quickly, and we would have to find new individuality to feed our lack of it. This is why individuality is so important.
-I think I understand now - Kes said and left.

Note of Kes of Voyager:

This legend shows one thing that was not recorded in it: hollowness, senseless and self - destructiveness of the Borg Collective and their mission. They may lok a bit different, be specialized, but, inside them, they are all the same. Because of that, they look for distinctiveness in others to add to the Collective, and to fill this void, only to find this distinctiveness to fade once it's assimilated. So they search for new distinctiveness and the cycle repeats. If they ever assimilate everything, they fill be nothing left to even temporarily fill the void and the Borg Collective, now alone of the universe, would live in eternal suffering, until the universe die. Because the collective is nothing but perversion of the Ocampa bonding, and has fallen into a trap we avoided. Individuality is paramount.
Oh, and speaking of individuality, here's a thread I made than mentions it, a response to some things I read on this forum:

And another story (a bit different, since it focuses on Kes herself):

Regaining the bonds

This story is a bit different. It's a story about myself, Kes of Voyager, but it ties deeply into the broader history of the Ocampa.
Since I was a young child, I had a strong pronspensity toward forming bongs with other people. So much so that it worried my parents, who often had to remind me to break my temporary bonds and not let them become permanent. Because the ability to form permanent bonds was still within us, even if largerly suppressed. After all, permanent bonds form from temporary bonds.
I did as I was told, but I always had w thirsts for more permanent bonding. This was one of the reasons I wanted to go, to explore… even if not the only one. I heard the same call as our ancestors did, even through I had no idea about that.
I was discouraged from it, but they didn't do anything to stop me. So I eventually left our city.
My first attempts at forming permanent bonds were… less than successful. The Kazon had no intentions on that, and I quickly lost interest. But I formed a permanent bond with the first non - Kazon I met, that is Neelix. This is how our relationship started. But true growth began as I joined the crew of the Voyager. I found many friends there, and started to form permanent bonds with them. And as I did, my abilities to form, maintain and use such bonds grew.
Neelix was jealous of it, which I found baffling. After all, why should he feel bad over my other bonds? Outside of our representative cycle, what difference does it make? Well, so I thought.
After a year on Voyager, my bond - related abilities were at a similar level as those of my ancestors.
And it came to a bad end when I had to leave Voyager. The breaking of my bonds almost drove me mad. But, with some help, I prevailed and, eventually, my bonds healed.