Back to Writing Again


I'm sorry for the years long absence, but a lot has happened to me. My mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's and I spent most of the 2010s along with my family as primary caregivers. She passed on in 2015 and me and my mother were very close, so her passing hit me very hard. I fell into a very deep and dark depression where I was really just existing. Last year, I passed out during a cardiac stress test and they rushed me to the hospital where I had to have double bypass surgery and have a heart valve replaced. They had to open me up a second time to stop internal bleeding. I almost didn't make it. It took me about a year to recover--took me about four months before I could walk again unassisted. But, now, I'm feeling the joy of living, I've accepted my mother's passing--she's no longer suffering from that horrible disease, and I've lost about seventy pounds. My creative juices have also been reawakened--I think it might have something to do with learning just how precious life is. So, I'm rewriting and reworking Blood Cries--I don't want to post until I get it either nearly done or done, and I'm also working on new Sutherland, Lexington, and Perseus stories as well as finishing stories that I need to finish--top priority goes to finishing stories.. So, it's good to be back and take the time to smell the roses--life is a wonderful thing.
Welcome back! You have my condolences over your mother's passing. I'm glad that your health has gotten better. I patiently anticipate the return of your awesome stories, sir. Be well.
Welcome back, and glad you are enjoying life again. My mom went through Dementia/Alzheimers before she died two years ago, and I've been there.
What you went through healthwise would be a big hurdle for anyone to overcome. I'm glad you made it. Looking forward to your writing. Over the years I've thought about the Blood Cries story and what you were up to from time to time.