article: was Cumberbatch supposed to be Gary Mitchell?

I thought Benicio del Toro was approached first, and then when that didn't work out, Cumberbatch was chosen?
They could have used Garth without missing much of a beat. He was injured and genetically altered so he could heal - superblood. It allowed him to change his appearance - superspy. The genetic alterations drove him nuts - well duh.

I'm not really sure about the torpedoes but then I didn't really get them in the first place. A more realistic motivation would have hinged on him being a war hero gradually going insane andbeing manipulated and having his memory wiped by Marcus (possibly to try and help cure his insanity). His memory comes back and he knows that he is losing his grip on his sanity and he just gradually gets nuttier as the movie goes on.

I have even spent time considering what cuts and voice overs one would need to make to Khan into Garth - it would improve the movie that much more for me. Unfortunately, I don't think the computer reads out Garth's record or his fate on Antos in Whom Gods Destroy. i wonder if there is any dialogue in Axanar!
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They could have used Garth without missing much of a beat. He was injured and genetically altered so he could heal - superblood. It allowed him to change his appearance - superspy.

Right up to the Big Reveal on premiere night of STiD, my Trek friends and I were almost-convinced that Cumberbatch was playing Garth of Izar. (Remember Simon Pegg's Tweets that Cumberbatch was definitely NOT playing Khan.) But then reality hit: given a popular choice, do you go barely-remembered Garth or twice-known Khan?

Since Orci's joke about a gag-ending of seeing Khan's sleeper ship at the end of the 2009 film, it was essentially inevitable that they'd go Khan.
There's only one Khan and Cumberbatch got picked to portrayal the Kelvin timeline version of him. Although I don't really buy into Simon Pegg's theory about the past being altered by Nero's arrival ....

In terms of Nero's arrival affecting the past as well as the future... Khan is an operative from post-Brexit UK, which partnered with President Trump's new world initiative: the mass genocide of any being found to be less than superior.
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I thought Benicio del Toro was approached first, and then when that didn't work out, Cumberbatch was chosen?
Benicio Del Toro was in discussions first, but apparently money was a sticking point. Cumberbatch was brought in fairly quickly, supposedly at the suggestion of Spielberg.
I just recently got a coworker into watching tos trek. He had seen the newer films n recently seen beyond too. He loves those. So i gave him a collection of my old trek movies dvds that i no longer had any need to keep. Anyways, he loves treks 2-6 immensely. Even 5. He said for him the films got better n better. Oh yeah. I told him to watch space speed before watching TWOK. so yeahs he loved the episode and he said it made the film much better.

We watched the second pilot, WNMHGB n within a few minutes he was like "oh yeah gary mitchell. I do remember reading about him possibility being the villian in darkness before it came out." I guess my point is even though i enjoyed darkness, benedict did a fine job n he a very good actor. But he didnt fit the role of khan 100%. Shame they couldnt get benecio toro to do it. He wouldve nailed it f sure. When that casting did fall through, they should've dropped the whole khan though and went with a different baddie.

Oh yeahs. Just have to say oh yeah one more time.
The problem with Benicio del Toro is that he is still the wrong race for Khan, he just happens to be closer to Ricardo Montalban than Cumberbatch was.
Shame they couldnt get benecio toro to do it. He wouldve nailed it f sure.

Cumberbatch nailed it. The only virtue del Toro would have brought to the part was being of an ethnicity that white people might lazily confuse with Montalban's, therefore believing him to have the same wrong background as Montalban instead of a different wrong background like Cumberbatch.
Right up to the Big Reveal on premiere night of STiD, my Trek friends and I were almost-convinced that Cumberbatch was playing Garth of Izar. (Remember Simon Pegg's Tweets that Cumberbatch was definitely NOT playing Khan.) But then reality hit: given a popular choice, do you go barely-remembered Garth or twice-known Khan?

Since Orci's joke about a gag-ending of seeing Khan's sleeper ship at the end of the 2009 film, it was essentially inevitable that they'd go Khan.
Wow -- never thought of that before... and yeah, it would have made MUCH MORE sense both with casting, and with the villain... you could go back to some episodes.. like how the mind altering device was supposed to help, but didn't... and his shape shifting could be tied to "magic blood" in some way.. and look/sound-wise, much better fit.

Too bad...
The problem with Benicio del Toro is that he is still the wrong race for Khan, he just happens to be closer to Ricardo Montalban than Cumberbatch was.

What is the race for Khan? Indian? Mexican? Being genetically engineered he could be of any race, or mix of races.
Cumberbatch nailed it. The only virtue del Toro would have brought to the part was being of an ethnicity that white people might lazily confuse with Montalban's, therefore believing him to have the same wrong background as Montalban instead of a different wrong background like Cumberbatch.
Lol, Dennis, still bringing it after all these years. Do you singlehandedly "keep it real" for trekkies everywhere?

Anyways, in re Mitchell, I read the comics, and I know they're not "canon" but they dealt with mitchell, and they dealt with the Cumberbach/Khan backstory (probably ex post facto, but whatevs).

Mitchell is small potatoes and too much of an easter egg for fans to make a whole movie around. Interesting that there doesn't seem to be the kind of consensus around which of these three new movies are good or bad yet the way there is about the first ten. I mean, you can still argue without playing devil's advocate that any of these three movies is good or bad.

I like 1 and 3. I like 2, but mostly because of 3. Looking forward to 4, Abrams/Paramount willing.
Mitchell is small potatoes and too much of an easter egg for fans to make a whole movie around.

Khan wasn't a household name even for TOS fans before Wrath of Khan. In both cases it's the casting that mattered most, Montalban and Cumberbach both being known for having a lot of on-screen charisma (albeit very different flavors).