Any other Star Trek Roleplayers here?


Let me know if this is okay to post, I didn't see a specific RP section but fanfiction is often pretty similar. Are many of you part of any Star Trek RP's? I know there's a bit of a community on STO and old school sims scattered around. I opened up a relatively new forum RPG back in August, you can google us under 'Revolution Fleet' if anyone's interested in trying a new group :)
There are several RP threads in the Star Trek gaming section. My weekly local group is about to start a Trek game with the new Modiphius Star Trek Adventures system. The game thread would probably be more appropriate place for your query, but can't say that yours is totally out of place. Maybe you will catch a writer who hasn't thought about RPing in a long time.
Oh neat I'll have a look in there, I was a bit hesitant about the gaming section, I don't want people to confuse what I'm talking about with the tabletop ST:A, though I am looking to play that some time!