Alien Spotlight II


Keith R.A. DeCandido
In the latest issue of Star Trek: The Magazine, there's an interview with IDW's Andrew Steven Harris, where he talks about the upcoming Alien Spotlight II miniseries.

The aliens Andrew says are on tap include the Klingons, the Tholians, the Ferengi, and the Betazoids, with "a couple that will be surprises along the way."

Writers lined up include Keith R.A. DeCandido (that's me :D), Scott and David Tipton, James Patrick, Andrew himself, and Mike W. Barr. Mike's involvement means he'll have written for every publisher that's done Trek comics since 1979. :vulcan:

Andrew didn't specify which writer gets which alien, but I've already ended the suspense and revealed that, yes, I'm doing the Klingons. :klingon: My story will be entitled "Four Thousand Throats..." and I've already written the script.
I'm looking forward to both the series in general and your issue in particular, KRAD. I enjoyed Perchance to Dream.
Tholians, woo!

First Alien Spotlight was very strong all round, I hope this batch can live up to those.
Andrew didn't specify which writer gets which alien, but I've already ended the suspense and revealed that, yes, I'm doing the Klingons. :klingon: My story will be entitled "Four Thousand Throats..." and I've already written the script.

What was the full expression again? "One man running can slit four thousand throats in one night", or something to that effect?

Fictitiously yours, Trent Roman
"Four thousand throats can be slit in one night by a running man." Originally said by a Klingon crewman in "Day of the Dove," but various novelists have interpreted it to be a pre-existing Klingon saying.
In the latest issue of Star Trek: The Magazine, there's an interview with IDW's Andrew Steven Harris, where he talks about the upcoming Alien Spotlight II miniseries.

Andrew didn't specify which writer gets which alien, but I've already ended the suspense and revealed that, yes, I'm doing the Klingons. :klingon: My story will be entitled "Four Thousand Throats..." and I've already written the script.

Great news! I wonder, is it a Gorkon story?
TNG Ferengi or DS9 Ferengi? I don't want to see the Enterprise crew bested by the Ferengi again! Amateurs! :lol:
In the latest issue of Star Trek: The Magazine, there's an interview with IDW's Andrew Steven Harris, where he talks about the upcoming Alien Spotlight II miniseries.

Andrew didn't specify which writer gets which alien, but I've already ended the suspense and revealed that, yes, I'm doing the Klingons. :klingon: My story will be entitled "Four Thousand Throats..." and I've already written the script.

Great news! I wonder, is it a Gorkon story?

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"Four thousand throats can be slit in one night by a running man." Originally said by a Klingon crewman in "Day of the Dove," but various novelists have interpreted it to be a pre-existing Klingon saying.

Thanks Christopher. I suppose it shouldn't surprise me that it comes from a TOS Klingon. Running and throat-slitting in the darkness doesn't seem particularly honourable. More like an assassin than a warrior.

Fictitiously yours, Trent Roman
Great news! I wonder, is it a Gorkon story?
It is not.

TNG Ferengi or DS9 Ferengi? I don't want to see the Enterprise crew bested by the Ferengi again! Amateurs! :lol:
TNG Ferengi, as IDW only has the license for TOS and TNG.

Thanks Christopher. I suppose it shouldn't surprise me that it comes from a TOS Klingon. Running and throat-slitting in the darkness doesn't seem particularly honourable. More like an assassin than a warrior.
Only if you lack imagination. IOW, you're making assumptions that my comic book will likely prove wrong. :D
Wow, that's a rather eclectic group of aliens there. I actually really like all of those aliens so I'll probably be picking up the entire series. Did you list the authors and the books in the same order?
Did you list the authors and the books in the same order?
Nope. As I said in the original post, Andrew didn't specify which writer went with which alien.

As it happens, I know that one of the writers listed is doing an alien that wasn't listed. :evil:
TNG Ferengi or DS9 Ferengi? I don't want to see the Enterprise crew bested by the Ferengi again! Amateurs! :lol:
TNG Ferengi, as IDW only has the license for TOS and TNG.

Though it could have a significant influence from DS9 - the Andorian issue form the last batch was TNG era, but pulled very heavily from Andorian culture as established in Enterprise (and the DS9 relaunch).
^ Very true. By the same token, they probably can't use any DS9-established characters (Quark, Rom, Nog, Zek, Brunt, Leck, Ishka, etc.).
I wonder... if the Andorian issue was influenced by the DS9 relaunch, will the Tholian issue be fairly consistent with what we've seen in The Sundered and Vanguard? I hope so... It'd be really interesting to see that interpretation in comic book form.
This is good news! I'm not a big comic fan, but I check them out whenever there's something special I hear about. From Alien Spotlight 1 I liked the Romulan, Borg, and Andorian stories. I haven't read the others yet and I'm waiting for the compilation.

Except the Gorn one which I didn't like at all, save for that it was a Terrel/Chekov story. ...I thought the Gorn tech was cheesy and the culture uninspired. The art too could have been better given these are kewl Lizard People!

But I'm excited to hear the first batch went well enough to continue the series. It'll be interesting to see what version of the Tholians we get to see, what they'll come up with for the Betazoids, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the TNG Ferengi installment.
This is good news! I'm not a big comic fan, but I check them out whenever there's something special I hear about. From Alien Spotlight 1 I liked the Romulan, Borg, and Andorian stories. I haven't read the others yet and I'm waiting for the compilation.

Except the Gorn one which I didn't like at all, save for that it was a Terrel/Chekov story. ...I thought the Gorn tech was cheesy and the culture uninspired. The art too could have been better given these are kewl Lizard People!

But I'm excited to hear the first batch went well enough to continue the series. It'll be interesting to see what version of the Tholians we get to see, what they'll come up with for the Betazoids, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the TNG Ferengi installment.

I'm writing the Ferengi book myself, and I'm already having huge fun with it. I hope you're going to like it.

It's going to be hard to compete with KRAD's Klingons script, though, which majorly rocked ass. The first painted Klingons pages from artist JK Woodward also have that "oh my--can they really be this awesome?" look about them.
I wonder... if the Andorian issue was influenced by the DS9 relaunch, will the Tholian issue be fairly consistent with what we've seen in The Sundered and Vanguard? I hope so... It'd be really interesting to see that interpretation in comic book form.

Out of curiosity, since I havent read either of those books, how have the Tholians been portrayed there?