'Akira' live-action for 2013 in dev. w/ Hughes Brothers as dir.


the live-action remake, whose rights were bought by Leonardo DiCaprio’s production company, Appian Way, back in February 2008. The idea was scrapped a few months later, until New York Magazine wrote in February this year the studio is in negotiations with the Hughes Brothers (who directed “The Book Of Eli”) to direct the movie.

Neither Appian Way or co-producer Warner Bros. have confirmed the news from Japan yet.

Live-action “Akira” is coming, and the Hughes brothers will direct it

producer Andrew Lazar says...
“conceptualization” on the film has begun. He also confirms that the film will be in two parts, with volumes 1 through 3 of the original manga making up the first movie, and volumes 4 through 6 going into the second film.
Albert Hughes Confirms Akira Will be PG-13 and a Two-Parter

imdb listing
Akira (2013)
in development - no news

The Winter 2008 TrekBBS thread on it.
I'll believe it when I see it. But the choice of directors excites me as less as the others did.

Now if someone like Neill Blomkamp directed it we might be getting somewhere.
I just hope they don't decide top 'move' the backdrop of the story to New York; as some reports had mentioned earlier. I will never understan why we feel the need to 'Americanize' some of the more popular anime and manga when we get a production going.
I just hope they don't decide top 'move' the backdrop of the story to New York; as some reports had mentioned earlier. I will never understan why we feel the need to 'Americanize' some of the more popular anime and manga when we get a production going.
I understand... but if it is set in Tokyo, Japan, then it'd have to be full of Japanese actors. And then why would they be speaking english? May as well be speaking Japanese and it be subtitles... then it's essentially a Japanese film.
Not a bad thing, but I doubt Hollywood would want to do that.

Having it set in Japan and using American actors would just seem retarded. Or just the main charatcers in the biker gang are westerners, that'd still seem lame
And then why would they be speaking english?

Having it set in Japan and using American actors would just seem retarded.

Ya, no american live in Japan, :vulcan: totally unrealistic, and they never speak English..:cardie:

-The Shatinator :rolleyes:
If not Blomkamp maybe Timur Bekmambetov? He too has a good eye for story, characterization and action with top notch visual fx.
And then why would they be speaking english?

Having it set in Japan and using American actors would just seem retarded.

Ya, no american live in Japan, :vulcan: totally unrealistic, and they never speak English..:cardie:

-The Shatinator :rolleyes:
Uhh... Could you repeat the part about the things?
I know I'm going to get pelted with tomatoes for saying this, but I didn't think AKIRA was that great a movie anyway.:shrug:
And then why would they be speaking english?

Having it set in Japan and using American actors would just seem retarded.

Ya, no american live in Japan, :vulcan: totally unrealistic, and they never speak English..:cardie:

-The Shatinator :rolleyes:
What percentage of the Japanese population are of English speaking Western ancestry?

Japan's population is estimated at around 127.3 million.[111] Japanese society is linguistically and culturally homogeneous with small populations of foreign workers.[112] Zainichi Koreans,[113] Zainichi Chinese, Filipinos, Japanese Brazilians,[114] Japanese Peruvians are amongst the small minorities resident in Japan.[115] In 2003, there were about 136,000 Western expatriates in Japan.[116] The most dominant native ethnic group is the Yamato people; the primary minority groups include the indigenous Ainu[117] and Ryukyuan, as well as social minority groups like the burakumin.[118]

A population of about 127 million with only 136,000 Western expatriates. Yeah, a movie set in Japan but having the main characters being American is retarded.
The way things have changed over the years, even the original anime might be considered PG-13 these days.
The way things have changed over the years, even the original anime might be considered PG-13 these days.

This is true. When I watched it for the first time (about a decade ago) I was very underwhelmed with its violence :p

This does make me wonder about how they plan on handling other rumored live action productions like Ghost in the Shell and Full Metal Panic.
I know I'm going to get pelted with tomatoes for saying this, but I didn't think AKIRA was that great a movie anyway.:shrug:

I don't even like the film version.

The manga is exponentially better, which is what makes me moderately interested in an adaptation to it.
I know I'm going to get pelted with tomatoes for saying this, but I didn't think AKIRA was that great a movie anyway.:shrug:

I don't even like the film version.

The manga is exponentially better, which is what makes me moderately interested in an adaptation to it.
I think it gets alot of points for being one of the first big anime releases in the US. Other than that, it wasn't all that special.
I know I'm going to get pelted with tomatoes for saying this, but I didn't think AKIRA was that great a movie anyway.:shrug:

I don't even like the film version.

The manga is exponentially better, which is what makes me moderately interested in an adaptation to it.
I think it gets alot of points for being one of the first big anime releases in the US. Other than that, it wasn't all that special.

That's always been my theory as well, but goodness knows whenever I mention that theory people dismiss it!
Well, I'm looking forward to seeing it if it ever gets off drawing board. The initial animated film I felt was a bit inconclusive and confusing so I'm looking forward to an alternate interpretation.
What actor choices would you guys choose if they did go the American route? Leo DiCaprio as Kineda and Kirk Cameron as Tetsuo?