AI State Infrastructure Possible.


Red Shirt

Believe me or not, Ive created a utilities plan that the US will be able to develop a standard AI enriched services.

Meaning, if at star trek you hear service talking to themselves like its the future, with thier devices, vehicles or equipment, then they are testing.

At this point, id assume an emergency reading.

Its not like scifi you have seen, its like a network of buildings and resources, which ease functions as program access points. Meaning, the system is empedded in all electrical utilities power, as example. And to regulate electric power with AI as example is to enables micro management on a macro scale, yet in the devices, you see results, and you activate, so basically thats somewhat that magic trick and trying to make devices themselves try to do that, isnt actually a thing.


Also, its intended to afapt crypto, so the information is secured.
From left to right: Stanley Unwin, Michael Parkinson and Rowland Emett. Some of Emett's wacky devices featured in the children's movie Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Unwin was a well-loved raconteur of nonsense that made you worry if you could actually understand any of it. Parkinson was a famous journalist and talk-show host.
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Post about technological administrative ments, relating to a nation, onto multinational front:

Well, ill tell you who received samples... though full model is in markets.

And I think..
Australia and New Zealand...

What I notced, was that based on thier adherence, they had named thier adminstrative support indicating a state of preparedness, worker wise.

Meaning maybe, many nations are reforming thier state order to mention or require industrial, technological categorization... and of Greece, used to create some of the terms chapter, by upgrading contents to technological.

If you know, are interested or involved, ot hear about it, Norway, Scandinavia, Russia, and China, should be interested, are invested, but its a market driven incentive required.

A lot of our infrastructure is already computer controlled, most notably our power grid. If the Internet ever goes down, then aside from some older cars and a whole lot of plastic, we're going to be back in the 1870's.
Oh, don't worry too much about AI control - eventually we'll just have a little Jihad to remove them and write up some odd variant of the Bible (probably...orangey something, something) and forbid such things in it.

It'll be fine...
The next geomagnetic storm on the scale of the Carrington Event of 1859 (164 years ago) will be the acid test of modern power and communications infrastructure. The likelihood per year of such an event is estimated at 0.7%, or once every 143 years on average, so there's not a lot of impetus to protect against such an occurrence. There is also evidence that there have been even more severe geomagnetic storms in the past, which are thought to have caused Miyaki Events.

Using the Index Over the Last 14 Solar Cycles to Characterize Extreme Geomagnetic Activity - Chapman - 2020 - Geophysical Research Letters - Wiley Online Library
Miyake event - Wikipedia
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Or, it might be done artificially. The attempted destruction of the World Trade Center in 1993 and its successful destruction eight years later were both failed attempts to cripple the American economy. Now that the terror groups know our actual economy is spread throughout the internet, it makes sense that they will try to knock it out. And with the Taliban back in Afghanistan, the next generation of terrorists have a nice safe space to operate from.
The bad actors who would be most likely to target elements of the Internet - whether servers or cables - are Russia, North Korea and Iran. They have form in this area. The Taliban have their hands full turning back the clock to the 7th century. They might also be busy fomenting trouble in neighbouring Iran as the branches of Islam followed by their majority populations are antagonistic.
The Talibun aren't a direct threat to us, they just like to torture their own people, especially women. The problem is the people they offer hospitality to (like Osama bin Laden).
Oh, don't worry too much about AI control - eventually we'll just have a little Jihad to remove them and write up some odd variant of the Bible (probably...orangey something, something) and forbid such things in it.

It'll be fine...

Or, John Connor…

Seriously, we are waaaayyyy past the point.

Some form of true AI is inevitable.
General AI should be able to describe in meta-level terms why it comes up with any solution and offer suggestions on how a solution might be improved, including designing more advanced AIs to tackle various use cases. My suspicion is that AIs need to be run in parallel so that they or overseer AIs can decide in a committee-like fashion which of various solutions meets acceptance criteria the best - basically, survival of the fittest solution.
It wasn't thinking anything. It was just smashing together (diffusing) minute particulate elements gathered from all its training data. It's basically the same as what our brains do. We convince ourselves that we are original, that we have a rationale for doing what we do, and that we understand why things are the way that they are, but it's really all built on sand. This even applies to the scientific method - it works better than any other epistemological method, but how do you falsify it? If one could, it would falsify the criterion for judging it.

“The discovery of instances which confirm a theory means very little if we have not tried, and failed, to discover refutations. For if we are uncritical we shall always find what we want: we shall look for, and find, confirmation, and we shall look away from, and not see, whatever might be dangerous to our pet theories." - Karl Popper (1957)

That any of us could think anyway other than we did is a delusion, as it is part of the bigger delusion that we have free will. We can convince ourselves that we can make choices rationally, but on closer inspection it's just atoms and noise.
If they were trippy in a Dali-eque way, I might admire them. However, a given engine appeared to produce very similar results in its trippiness - presumably having distilled the essential elements of that from its training set.