Adult Swim shows?

Nerdius Maximus

Fleet Captain
Fleet Captain
My favorites are Metalocalypse, Squidbillies and Awesome Show. That new series they've been showing for a few weeks, "Mary Shelley's Frankenhole" is pretty funny as well. "Check it out," that's a good one, too.
One show that I do miss is Moral Orel.
The only show I still watch is Metalocalypse. I'll still watch some Aqua Teen though and Squidbillies is really growing on me.
I cancelled my cable service back in February so I don't even know about new programming on Adult Swim. I do remember getting tired of the majority of their lineup. I enjoyed their reruns of Futurama (before the rights moved over to Comedy Central), Family Guy and King of the Hill. I enjoyed some of their original programming, like Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Robot Chicken, Venture Bros., and Lucy the Daughter of the Devil (which I don't think ever got a second season or a DVD release, did it?).

The vast majority of Adult Swim's programming in recent memory was just awful. Squidbillies, Assy McGee, 12 oz. Mouse, Tim & Eric's Awesome Show, Saul of the Mole Men, Superjail... I remember them all being terrible.
Aqua Teen Hunger Force remains my favourite cartoon, but I just tend to pick up the DVD sets since Bravo stopped showing Adult Swim in the UK.
Some of the Adult Swim stuff just seems like poorly animated drek that tries to pass itself off as funny or 'edgy' by having course language, violence and 'gross out' visuals. Some of it's actually pretty good. I'm shocked that Archer wasn't an Adult Swim show, even though it came from the same guys who do another AS show.

Superjail and that T-Pain one were really really shitty. I could only sit through about 3 minutes of each before finding it just stupid and annoying to look at. Whatever happened to 'good' animation? I mean, half the stuff on there now looks like it was stuff that some stoner sketched in a notebook during detention .It's not even well animated. Quirky I can take, but I can't take just BAD animation that tries to pretend it's "adult" by including disgusting looking characters, copious amounts of blood, violence and 'nudity' at the expense of quality writing.

I mean look at King of the Hill - a show that is without a doubt, probably the best "family sit com" in a long time, that just happened to be animated. I mean you could probably take King of the Hill and cast live actors and just recycle stories from the animated series and it would probably win Emmys. And to think all that came from the same guy who did Beavis and Butthead.

"Uh huh huh huh.."

"Yeah... yeah yeah... err yeah yeah... nachos rule!"

"Uh huhhuhhu... yeah. That was cool Beavis. Do it again. Uh huh huh huh."

- So Mike Judge went from that... to King of the Hill. 10 years from now I doubt half the stuff on AS will be remembered with any fondness. Even B&B did show some hints of genius. SOME.

Only thing on Adult Swim that I watch are King of the Hill and Robot Chicken. Yeah RC is dumb too... but sometimes they do some awesome parody. "The Dark Cristal! Yooooo!" LOL Best use of T-Pain EVAH.
I don't have cable. I've only occasionally caught glimpses of Adult Swim shows when I'm visiting other people that do have cable. Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law was really lame. Most of what I've seen of Robot Chicken is brilliant! (The one where the guy keeps raping the Snuggle bear will scar you for life but it's still f---in' hilarious!)

I've seen nearly all of Aqua Teen Hunger Force on DVD. The early episodes were great examples of surrealist comedy. But somewhere around the latter half of volume 4 they seemed to run out of ideas. Most of their newer stuff feels really forced, and you can't force this kind of humor. But the movie was solid and Carl is still pretty reliable for laughs. (I nearly dressed up as Carl for Halloween but I couldn't find a good bald cap with the horseshoe hair pattern on it.)

I mean look at King of the Hill - a show that is without a doubt, probably the best "family sit com" in a long time, that just happened to be animated. I mean you could probably take King of the Hill and cast live actors and just recycle stories from the animated series and it would probably win Emmys.

It's sometimes been said that, had King of the Hill been live action, it would be indistinguishable from a documentary.;)
The only show I still watch is Metalocalypse. I'll still watch some Aqua Teen though and Squidbillies is really growing on me.

I saw a guy at the Iron Maiden concert I went to who looked exactly like William Murderface (OK, more like his younger brother, but still). Unfortunately, it was hard to get a good picture of him.

Anyway, I'll watch Robot Chicken or AquaTeen if I'm drunk, with a bunch of people, and have nothing better to do. Both shows can be very amusing (although in different ways). Most of the others are just annoying (although Superjail was trippy as hell, so it was worth watching once just to see how much my mind could be fucked).
The Venture Brothers and Robot Chicken are the only things I watch on Adult Swim.

Stroker and Hoop was pretty decent but shit canned after one season.

Harvey Birdman was great.

Tom Goes to the Mayor was truly unbearable. I don't know why...the style of it.

The only thing I like about Squidbillies is the opening music.

Assy McGee was funny, but only once. It's not like, series material.
Probably about 25% of my DVD collection is made up of AS shows, or shows that are or have been on AS. I won't list my favorites, as the list would be super long. ;)

They've had some bad shows here and there (i.e. Fat Guy Stuck in Internet, Tom Goes to the Mayor, Saul of the Molemen), but they're usually good. Fortunately they tend to ditch the stinkers fairly quickly. I hated Tim and Eric for a long time, but they have started to grow on me, just a little.

I'll always owe them a great debt for introducing me to The Mighty Boosh, which has become one of my all-time favorite shows. I've about worn out the DVD's.

They also introduced me to Garth Marenghi's Darkplace. It's too bad that they didn't make more than just the 6 episodes, and I remain hopeful to be able to get them on DVD someday.

Oh and I can't forget the fact that I first saw Tommy Wiseau's movie The Room on Adult Swim. My jaw was on the floor the entire time. Absolutely the best worst movie ever made.

I anxiously await the return of Delocated. I think that show is hilarious.

What happened to Cheyenne Cinnamon? I only saw 1 episode, but I thought it was surprisingly funny.
I cancelled my cable service back in February so I don't even know about new programming on Adult Swim. I do remember getting tired of the majority of their lineup. I enjoyed their reruns of Futurama (before the rights moved over to Comedy Central), Family Guy and King of the Hill. I enjoyed some of their original programming, like Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Robot Chicken, Venture Bros., and Lucy the Daughter of the Devil (which I don't think ever got a second season or a DVD release, did it?).

The vast majority of Adult Swim's programming in recent memory was just awful. Squidbillies, Assy McGee, 12 oz. Mouse, Tim & Eric's Awesome Show, Saul of the Mole Men, Superjail... I remember them all being terrible.

Ah, yes, Superjail. That's one I forgot to mention. I think it's awesome.
does [AS] still have animated shows or is it all Tim & Eric now?

That show is so much suck that it drove me away from AS. I now just DVR new episodes of Robot Chicken and Venture Brothers. The Mighty Boosh OTOH is damn funny, wish they would replace Tim and Eric with it.
I'm really quite surprised no one has mentioned boondocks. That show is consistently brilliant and has even won a peabody award for excellence in broadcasting. Also, The Venture Brothers is probably the best animated show on tv and possibly one of the best shows on tv of any sort.

All live action shows on [as] suck. Except the Mighty Boosh.

Aaron McGuire
I only watch, Bleach (when it's new), Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood and Kekkaishi regularly.

I do manage to catch Robot Chicken, Family Guy, and Venture brothers too once in a while too.
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how is FMA: Brotherhood? I don't have satellite or cable any more (all year in fact)
I think it's better then the first series.
Boondocks- one of THE best shows on the air right now.
It's a shame this will be it's last season!:weep:

Can't wait for new Venture Bros, Brock will be back!:techman:

I LOVE Squidbillies & Superjail!:guffaw:

I'm still pissed that AS keeps crap like T & E ASGJ
But didn't bother with KORGOTH of Barbaria which I thought was a great CONAN parody!:techman:

And what the hell happened to Lucy daughter of the devil?
That show was brilliant! They should have at least made a spin-off with the ''special'' fathers.:lol:
I catch Robot Chicken when I can. Moral Orel was a spazz, but most of the other shows just registered as stupid to me. I never really got into them although I caught a few here and there. Nerver saw LUCY-was it really that funny?