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  1. Captain Kathryn

    Cadets question

    Awesome, thanks!
  2. Captain Kathryn

    Cadets question

    LOL for sure
  3. Captain Kathryn

    Cadets question

    That is actually what I meant. Is there any reference for how/in what circumstances cadets are given field experience? I am assuming this increases during wartime, but actually Nog's post to DS9 was exactly the sort of situation I was referring to. I knew that Red Squad having their own starship...
  4. Captain Kathryn

    Orb of Time question (looking for episode title)

    Do you happen to recall why the Orb of the Emissary was on Tyree?
  5. Captain Kathryn

    Cadets question

    Ahhh okay that makes sense Thanks!
  6. Captain Kathryn

    Cadets question

    Interesting! Thank you!
  7. Captain Kathryn

    Cadets question

    @Nerys Myk Sorry to bother you, but do you happen to know anything about "Cadet First Class" vs "Cadet Second Class" etc? See below from the TNG episode with Nick Locerno. I am guessing it has something to do with how well they did/are doing at the academy to earn First Class etc. "Nova...
  8. Captain Kathryn

    Orb of Time question (looking for episode title)

    Hello, I am looking to find out which episode this happened in, where the Cardassians contact Sisko and offer to return the Orb of Time to the Bajorans. I know it mentions Trial and Tribbleations etc below from Memory Alpha, but it does not specify which episode Sisko actually talks to...
  9. Captain Kathryn

    Cadets question

    Thank you!!
  10. Captain Kathryn

    Cadets question

    Oo also is there some like.. handbook or something with all known knowledge of Starfleet Academy / cadets? Like of the process? I tried Memory Alpha but there wasn't too much specifically about the actual cadet process.
  11. Captain Kathryn

    Cadets question

    Hello, I have a few questions regarding Starfleet Academy cadets. 1) To what extent are they used for missions during wartime (such as in DS9 when the Red Squad had a mission)? Particularly older cadets. 2) Do the Cadets becomes Ensigns immediately upon graduation of the Academy (like at the...
  12. Captain Kathryn

    Best way to watch DS9?

    All of the Trek shows are on Netflix and I watch on my large computer monitor from bed and the quality is pretty nice! More importantly, I hope you enjoy the rewatch! My bf and I just did a rewatch of DS9 as well and now we're on VOY (watching all the series in order). DS9 is amazing, I hope...
  13. Captain Kathryn

    Contest: ENTER STV Caption Contest #203: You're Fired

    Wow! I am just popping in to say that I did the Voyager contests way back when (2013-2014 I think) and I was the one who passed it to @Catarina and I just saw that she did it for 3 years!!! WOW! That's a long time! Nice to see it is still going. I will have to submit something for this one in a bit!
  14. Captain Kathryn

    Guess Number One's name

    I love Majel Barrett, that would be amazing if they used her name.
  15. Captain Kathryn

    Fanfic idea question

    They will be different!! For the exact reasons you said! :) Their core personalities will be the same, but life experiences and having grown up in different cultures etc. make them different. It will be more like a mirror universe where they have the same genetics, same family members etc, but...
  16. Captain Kathryn

    Fanfic idea question

    Not sure if anyone cares :lol: but I found a solution to my problem of what will cause them to switch places. Since my fic is going be a crossover of Star Trek DS9 in particular, I am going to use a lost Bajoran Orb / the Prophets as a medium for the switch. There's more to it than that -...
  17. Captain Kathryn

    Fanfic idea question
