Comments on Profile Post by Peach Wookiee

  1. Random_Spock
    That sucks :(. I was cheering for them. Was hoping they'd win. Oh well.
    Jan 17, 2016
    Peach Wookiee likes this.
  2. Peach Wookiee
    Peach Wookiee
    So was I. But I accept that they lost and cheer a still very good season! When I was little, even getting into the playoffs was an improbable dream. To see them go to back-to-back Super Bowls was magnificent. And we still had a winning season.
    Jan 17, 2016
    Random_Spock likes this.
  3. Random_Spock
    Ah well that's cool. It's nice to see a team get to the playoffs :).
    Jan 17, 2016
    Peach Wookiee likes this.
  4. Peach Wookiee
    Peach Wookiee
    Yeah it is. It's why I believe so strongly every team will have its day someday. I haven't given up on the Mariners. Their day will come too.
    Jan 17, 2016
    Random_Spock likes this.
  5. Random_Spock
    Yea. I feel the same for my local one. I hope that they make it some day.
    Jan 18, 2016