battlefield los angels who's gona go see it ?

Discussion in 'Science Fiction & Fantasy' started by timothy, Mar 10, 2011.


Rate The Movie!

Poll closed Jun 9, 2011.
  1. A-Excellent!

  2. B-Good

  3. C-Average

  4. D-Bad

  5. F-Horrible!

  1. Jetfire

    Jetfire Guest

    Re: BATTLE: LOS ANGELES(Film 2011) Grade/Discuss

    For some reason parts of the trailer remind me of the Michael Bay Transformers movies.
  2. Ethros

    Ethros Vice Admiral Admiral

    Nov 4, 2001
    1123 6536 5321
    Re: BATTLE: LOS ANGELES(Film 2011) Grade/Discuss

    Oh thank god, if I had to read "battlefield los angels" one more time I might just cry.

    So as I said in that thread, I thoroughly enjoyed this movie, a great piece of action packed fun.

    Again, I don't care what reviewers say anymore. Though I haven't read any I've seen some other posters on here saying its been getting really bad reviews. I've honestly no idea why. Yeah it's no Citizen Kane, but then why would anyone walk into a cinema to watch a movie called "Battle: Los Angeles" which surely they would know is about a bunch of army guys fighting invading aliens be expecting some form of high art??
    They make me laugh. I've seen plenty of bad films, and this isn't one of them

    Yeah I suppose some of the battle scenes are reminiscent of that
    Especially the bit near the end with them poiting the lasers at the target. I suppose that's a military procedure, I'm no expert, but it did make me think of when they do a similar thing at the end of Transformers 1
  3. Gaith

    Gaith Vice Admiral Admiral

    May 11, 2008
    Re: BATTLE: LOS ANGELES(Film 2011) Grade/Discuss

    In the most positive review on Metacritic so far, Mick Lasalle, the SF Chronicle critic, gets off a great line:

    These have to be the politest, cleanest-talking Marines ever. They don't even curse at the aliens. They want to take back Los Angeles while avoiding an R rating.

  4. The Wormhole

    The Wormhole Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jul 23, 2001
    The Wormhole
    Re: BATTLE: LOS ANGELES(Film 2011) Grade/Discuss

    ^^Not all Marines are like the gang we saw in Aliens. I saw nothing unlrealistic about the Marines in Battle LA.
  5. Trekker4747

    Trekker4747 Boldly going... Premium Member

    Jul 16, 2001
    Re: BATTLE: LOS ANGELES(Film 2011) Grade/Discuss

    Like I said in the other thread, Skyline left me very jaded on this genre of movie. I'll probably catch this movie on Netflix when it's released for download.
  6. Dac

    Dac Commodore Commodore

    Aug 9, 2005
    The Essex wastes...
    Re: BATTLE: LOS ANGELES(Film 2011) Grade/Discuss

    That's a bit of a weird attitude. Its like saying Batman and Robin automatically makes The Dark Knight a bad movie.
  7. DarKush

    DarKush Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Nov 18, 2005
    Re: BATTLE: LOS ANGELES(Film 2011) Grade/Discuss

    I liked it. It had some hard hitting action and the characters were likable enough. It's not as epic as Independence Day but I liked it a lot better than Tom Cruise's War of the Worlds. Didn't quite care for the way the aliens or their ships looked, though at least it looked different.

    For some reason, throughout it, I just thought Aaron Eckhardt would've made a kickass Captain Archer on ENT. Maybe it was the haircut.

    I rate it good.
  8. Obiwanshinobi

    Obiwanshinobi Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jan 1, 2003
    Re: BATTLE: LOS ANGELES(Film 2011) Grade/Discuss

    At Dac

    No he's right. Watch Skyline and you'll definitely see what he means.
  9. Trekker4747

    Trekker4747 Boldly going... Premium Member

    Jul 16, 2001
    Re: BATTLE: LOS ANGELES(Film 2011) Grade/Discuss

    Yeah, I admit it's an odd connection to draw but what I saw of the trailers to B:LA it just made me think of Skyline for some reason. I'm sure the movies aren't alike in anyway but the reviews of this one aren't exactly great so it doesn't seem to me this is a movie I'm needing to see. I'd much rather go see The Adjustment Bureau which I've been meaning to see.

    But, think of it this way. Imagine after "Batman and Robin" just, like, a few months later another live-action Batman movie came out or pretty much any other superhero movie you'd probably suspect the entire genre had gone to campy nonsense. (I'm straining to remember, but I seem to think Batman and Robin was one of the last superhero movies to come out until Spider-man pretty much pumped new life into the genre several years later.)

    Just what I've seen from the trailers isn't motivating me to go see this one. I'll buy it on DVD if a Rifftrax is done on it otherwise I'll get it when it becomes available on Netflix's streaming service over the PS3.

    Since I've not seen it linked yet here's Ebert's review:


  10. The Wormhole

    The Wormhole Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jul 23, 2001
    The Wormhole
    Re: BATTLE: LOS ANGELES(Film 2011) Grade/Discuss

    Skyline left a bad taste in my mouth too. But trust me, Battle LA is actually a good movie, and far better than Skyline in all imaginable respects.
  11. JacksonArcher

    JacksonArcher Vice Admiral Admiral

    Aug 16, 2001
    Re: BATTLE: LOS ANGELES(Film 2011) Grade/Discuss

    Blade sort of revitalized the genre after Batman & Robin, but it wasn't until Bryan Singer's X-Men that comic-book movies proved to be a worthy commodity again. Then came Spider-Man in 2002 but Blade and X-Men paved the way.
  12. Trekker4747

    Trekker4747 Boldly going... Premium Member

    Jul 16, 2001
    Re: BATTLE: LOS ANGELES(Film 2011) Grade/Discuss

    I'd argue X-Men probably did in a bigger way as the general public probably didn't realize Blade was a comic-book movie considering it's not a "main-stream" one.

    Wormhole, I'll probably check this movie out, as I said, sooner or later but not much is motivating me to go see it in theaters. My buddy and I usually go see a movie on Saturday nights if something good is out, I think right now we're planning on watching Birdemic with the Rifftrax this weekend but it's possible we'll go see this one or Adjustment.
  13. JacksonArcher

    JacksonArcher Vice Admiral Admiral

    Aug 16, 2001
    Re: BATTLE: LOS ANGELES(Film 2011) Grade/Discuss

    True. X-Men really did open doors for comic-book movies to be accepted by a mainstream general audience. BTW, I really want to see The Adjustment Bureau as well.
  14. Vonstadt

    Vonstadt Captain Captain

    Jan 22, 2003
    Madison Square Garden : Let's Go Rangers!
    Re: BATTLE: LOS ANGELES(Film 2011) Grade/Discuss

    I just saw it and it did everything a movie like this was supposed to do, entertain and hold my attention til the end :)

    It had some really good moments and some nice nods to things done by real troops in past battles in real life. In fact some of the stuff some folks have said that seemed over the top have been done by our troops in Somalia and in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Without giving away spoilers one 'its just us' situation seemed very similar to what Delta snipers Shugart and Gordan did in real life to secure a downed Blackhawk seemed to make some folks in the theater groan...but all I could think of was that is a marine/soldier's job...they just do it because it needs to get done.

    Overall I think it was a very well done 'What If" and nice bit of escapist fun.
  15. Vonstadt

    Vonstadt Captain Captain

    Jan 22, 2003
    Madison Square Garden : Let's Go Rangers!
    I give this review a Ooo Ahh! and A++

    the film I gave an A+ that is exactly what I went in to see and that is exactly what I paid money to see and that is exactly what the film gave me.

    I had fun...I enjoyed it and you know what the film delivered.

    lol as for the background complaints and the mythos..Anyone expecting the US military to know the reasons behind a random alien invasion, they had no clue was coming in the first 24 to 36 hrs of it (Which is what this film covers)...needs their head examined. :rommie:

  16. RoJoHen

    RoJoHen Awesome Admiral

    Apr 14, 2000
    QC, IL, USA
    Re: BATTLE: LOS ANGELES(Film 2011) Grade/Discuss

    That was a pretty kickass movie, I must say. The characters were just likable enough to care about, but they were also forgettable enough to be expendable. The action was great. I loved the incorporation of the civilians for the middle of the movie.

    It's one of those movies that makes me feel guilty for not serving in the military. I started feeling all patriotic and wanted to help fight the fight!
  17. Lookingglassman

    Lookingglassman Admiral Admiral

    Mar 22, 2006
    Re: BATTLE: LOS ANGELES(Film 2011) Grade/Discuss

    Great movie! Just got back from it and I have no complaints. It is obvious the military helped out with this movie and that is a good thing. I hate seeing movies that pretend to be modern, but are using outdated military equipment that is no longer in use.

    My only complaint was the theater I was in had the sound cranked up too loud. I left there with a splitting headache.
  18. SG-17

    SG-17 Commodore Commodore

    Nov 28, 2008
    YES. I was distracted half of the movie because I kept thinking to myself, where the hell do I know this actor from? I kept thinking Star Trek: Enterprise despite me knowing it wasn't, then I finally thought of it; The Core. I didn't even think of The Dark Knight until my friend mentioned Two-Face.

    I enjoyed it. It felt a bit long though and the ending action and dialog reminded me so much of Independence Day. Still I got what I paid for, a great military science fiction action film.
  19. tauntme

    tauntme Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    Nov 16, 2008
    Re: BATTLE: LOS ANGELES(Film 2011) Grade/Discuss


    It's always nice to see a well made sci-fi/action flick set in the present.

    And who doesn't like the US military kicking ass, or having it's ass handed to them.

    A friend of mine told me that he half expected a USMC tent outside the theater for anyone who wanted to enlist. I found that hilarious because it's so true.

    "Marines don't quit"
  20. SG-17

    SG-17 Commodore Commodore

    Nov 28, 2008
    Re: BATTLE: LOS ANGELES(Film 2011) Grade/Discuss

    I enjoyed it. It felt a bit long though and the ending action and dialog reminded me so much of Independence Day. Still I got what I paid for, a great military science fiction action film.