TMP at 39!


Rear Admiral
Rear Admiral
With all the anniversary threads for other movies, it seems like the obvious was missed! On December 6th, 1979, Star Trek: The Motion Picture hit the silver screen. My family and I went to see it on Christmas Day -- I have memories of building my newly-acquired LEGO spaceship and listening to a new ABBA album before heading to the theater.

Where were you when the human adventure was just beginning?
With all the anniversary threads for other movies, it seems like the obvious was missed! On December 6th, 1979, Star Trek: The Motion Picture hit the silver screen. My family and I went to see it on Christmas Day -- I have memories of building my newly-acquired LEGO spaceship and listening to a new ABBA album before heading to the theater.

Where were you when the human adventure was just beginning?

In my mother's womb, 2 months shy of birth!

I was introduced to TMP during the VCR era, and it was, and still is, one of my favorite Star Trek films. Of all that Enterprises, that's the one that feels the most real to me. There's real beautiful filmmaking on display in TMP.
My favorite Star Trek film. Warts and all. I loved TMP.

Unfortunately I didn't see it in the theater. I first watched it in 1986 as a video rental and it was love at first site. This movie made me a Trekkie and I've enjoyed it all since (well, except maybe TATV--I try to like it but it's so hard but I digress).

Sadly it's the only one I have yet to see in a theater. I saw every movie since TSFS on first run in the theater (though I wasn't a Trekkie yet when TSFS came out, I did see it in the theater). I saw TWOK when they did the theater run for the Blu-Ray Special Edition. That just leaves TMP. I hope someday a theater in my area shows it when they do those classic movie showings, maybe for the 40th anniversary next year fingers crossed.

I also would love to see a DE Blu Ray released next year. I haven't bought TMP on Blu-Ray yet hoping for a DE (usually Paramount includes the original theatrical versions which is why I've held out). I've read some of the people that worked on it say they have the originals so Paramount needs just ask and they can put a Blu-Ray together.
I was a wee laddie at the time of its release so I didn't see TMP until it was out on VHS. I think I saw it for the first time on network TV before I saw it on VHS. It would be great if they could ever release a complete Director's Cut Super Special Deluxe 40th Anniversary Edition Bluray.
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I first saw the SLV on TV after being exposed to years of merchandise because I couldn't persuade my parents to drive me to the cinema. I had many of the Weetabix cards, I had built the characters using FASA rules. I had the MEGO action figures.

I found the movie to be fascinating but I recall getting to the end and saying, "That was not what I was expecting." I think I was expecting the aliens to feature more heavily given all the background information in the merchandise.

I frequently rebuild the characters whenever a new RPG comes out. I'm just a frustrated Phase II fan.
I was too young to see it in the theaters, but I definitely remember it premiering, and I certainly remember staying up super-late to watch the premier on HBO.

Great Star Trek movie...always one of my favorites.
There is a very real possibility that I was as wet as the prints of the film were.

I would like to know how my parents managed premieres for this and Alien while leaving me at home though.
On that premiere night of Friday December 7th 1979, I was a young boy and saw it with my family. I still remember I got goosebumps from the Jerry Goldsmith score upon seeing the refit Enterprise in drydock with the Travelpod flyover and it is still my favorite Star Trek film.
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... eight years and three weeks from being born. I didn't see the original six films in order unfortunately. TMP was actually the last of them I viewed. I believe I saw Generations before TMP.

The first time I glimpsed it (outside reused footage in TWOK) was an incomplete version I tried to record off of TBS in the mid 90's. Incomplete due to VCR failure... I would not be deterred. I either nabbed in on VHS from my library or local video store the next week. It's always held a soft spot in my heart. I appreciate it more every time I watch it.
Not a fan of this movie but it's objectively better than Insurrection and Nemesis.

It's all a very joyless experience but at least it looks good apart from those hideous uniforms.
Barely :biggrin:

I saw it for the 1st time on TV around 1991 but I didn't watch the entire movie. My father and my brother were watching it when I entered the room and I remember seeing the computer grids of the Enterprise approaching V'ger and that immediately cought my attention. Then I watched it until they were about to enter the clould and I was scaried by that and stopped watching LOL. After some time I came back to the room and started watching it again from the point where Ilia probe came out of the sonic shower. And then I watched it to the end. But the scene that I remembered the most was the Spock space walk. What a memorable scene!!
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