Spoilers Supergirl - Season 3

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Depends on if she has any shapeshifting abilities and a double identity.
If they go the Jekyll/Hyde route.

Or it could be straight forward with her revealing herself in the first episode anyway. Otherwise any new cast would be automatically under suspicion.
^ You forgot about Roulette, Silver Banshee, and Livewire, all of whom had "major recurring roles", and all of whom are established comics villains.

I forgot nothing, because I wasn't talking about them. I was referring specifically to "big bads" and their direct associates -- "major" in the sense of being part of the central driving story arc of the season, as opposed to more episodic threats. I guess I should have phrased that more clearly.

I kind of like the idea of bringing back that one women who was a radio host and could shoot lighting. I think she might be called Banshee but not certain.

No, that's Livewire (Brit Morgan). Silver Banshee is Winn's ex-girlfriend with the sonic scream powers. After all, a banshee is a figure from Celtic myth known for her piercing cries that bring doom to those who hear them.

Also am I the only one who thinks they should make Lena Luthor in charge of the newspaper. To me the character kind of feels pointless right now. Supergirl doesn't need another friend but she could use a good boss with Kat gone

First off, what the heck does a scientist know about running a media corporation? At least James is vaguely in the same field.

Second, Lena isn't Supergirl's friend, she's Kara's friend. I like it that the show features a relationship between two women that isn't about work or family, but just a good, solid friendship.

and I asume James will also be gone because they really do seem like they are trying to get ride of the character.

As far as I know, James/Guardian will still be part of the show next season. I don't think they're trying to get rid of him, just trying to find the right role for him. Really, season 2 just had too many plot and character arcs at once, and James sometimes got lost in the clutter.
I hate it when people I like become successful :D

Yeah, it would be nice if Supergirl got out of National city a bit more often.

On that note, I'm also wondering on which Earth the bulk of this year's crossover is going to take place. Earth-1 seems obviously the easier choice because less people have to cross over, but most Earth-1 people haven't hopped over to another universe yet, could be interesting seeing that, maybe have them interact with their alternate selves, see alternate versions of Star City, Central City...

Earth-38 either doesn't have doppelgangers of our primary hero characters from Earth-1, or they're just normal people on E38.
If I were brainstorming ideas for a 4-way crossover that would involve Supergirl fully, which I gather is the plan this time, I might go for a "chase through the multiverse" premise. Supergirl faces a time-traveling, dimension-hopping enemy and so decides to call on the Flash for help, and he calls in the Legends (not sure how to get Team Arrow involved). After the heroes drive the foe off Earth-38 in Supergirl, it jumps through dimensions, and the Flash installment is about the team chasing it across parallel worlds like Earth-2, Earth-3, and Earth-19. Then the chase expands through time in the Legends installment, and somehow it all comes down to Earth-1 in the Arrow segment.

Although having Arrow be the concluding show now works out oddly, because it seems anticlimactic.
I forgot nothing, because I wasn't talking about them. I was referring specifically to "big bads" and their direct associates -- "major" in the sense of being part of the central driving story arc of the season, as opposed to more episodic threats. I guess I should have phrased that more clearly.

No, that's Livewire (Brit Morgan). Silver Banshee is Winn's ex-girlfriend with the sonic scream powers. After all, a banshee is a figure from Celtic myth known for her piercing cries that bring doom to those who hear them.

First off, what the heck does a scientist know about running a media corporation? At least James is vaguely in the same field.

Second, Lena isn't Supergirl's friend, she's Kara's friend. I like it that the show features a relationship between two women that isn't about work or family, but just a good, solid friendship.

As far as I know, James/Guardian will still be part of the show next season. I don't think they're trying to get rid of him, just trying to find the right role for him. Really, season 2 just had too many plot and character arcs at once, and James sometimes got lost in the clutter.
I thought Lena was running Luthor Corp? At the very least she seems like she knows how to operate in that world and I imagine she is super rich much like Kat Grant which means she could in theory buy the company and do whatever she wants to with it.
As for her being friends it feels kind of unnessary because of Kara's realtionship with her sister and everyone else in the cast. At the very least having Lena be her boss would add some complications which I think would be intresting.
I also like what someone said about making the President more of a important character as well. Having the president be a alien has got to be addressed at some point. Also isn't Lynda Carter also president in the rest of the Arrowverse as well even if those take place in a different universe? She was there giving everyone a medal during the big crossover shows they did. Is that version also a alien as well?

Although having Arrow be the concluding show now works out oddly, because it seems anticlimactic.

There's nothing that says all the crossover episodes have to happen in the same week.
The crossover could start on Arrow and conclude on Legends, thereby going through shows in increasing order of weirdness and convoluted plots. ;)
I thought Lena was running Luthor Corp? At the very least she seems like she knows how to operate in that world and I imagine she is super rich much like Kat Grant which means she could in theory buy the company and do whatever she wants to with it.
As for her being friends it feels kind of unnessary because of Kara's realtionship with her sister and everyone else in the cast. At the very least having Lena be her boss would add some complications which I think would be intresting.
I also like what someone said about making the President more of a important character as well. Having the president be a alien has got to be addressed at some point. Also isn't Lynda Carter also president in the rest of the Arrowverse as well even if those take place in a different universe? She was there giving everyone a medal during the big crossover shows they did. Is that version also a alien as well?

That wasn't her.
I thought Lena was running Luthor Corp? At the very least she seems like she knows how to operate in that world and I imagine she is super rich much like Kat Grant which means she could in theory buy the company and do whatever she wants to with it.

Yes, Lena is an executive, but she's also a scientist, and she couldn't do science at CatCo. It would be mistreating her character to try to turn her into a CatClone, because that's not who she is. Aside from the science issue, it doesn't work with regard to her relationship with Kara. Cat is a mother figure, a mentor. Lena is an age cohort of Kara's -- if the Arrowverse Wiki is right, she's only 24 (though I'm not sure of that, since Katie McGrath is a decade older). And Kara is more often an advisor/mentor to Lena than the reverse. It's a completely different dynamic.

As for her being friends it feels kind of unnessary because of Kara's realtionship with her sister and everyone else in the cast.

Hardly. A sister is different from a friend. A male friend is different from a female friend. And a friend of Kara Danvers is different from a friend or coworker of Supergirl. Kara/Lena is a distinct relationship from any of the others that Kara has. Having friendships outside of work and family is an important part of a healthy social life, and it's a nice thing to see in fiction. Friendships between women in particular are often underrepresented on television.

Also isn't Lynda Carter also president in the rest of the Arrowverse as well even if those take place in a different universe? She was there giving everyone a medal during the big crossover shows they did. Is that version also a alien as well?

No, the Earth-1 president post-"Invasion!" is Susan Brayden, played by Lucia Walters. They briefly considered having it be Marsdin, but changed their minds because it would be too confusing/distracting.
Yes, Lena is an executive, but she's also a scientist, and she couldn't do science at CatCo. It would be mistreating her character to try to turn her into a CatClone, because that's not who she is. Aside from the science issue, it doesn't work with regard to her relationship with Kara. Cat is a mother figure, a mentor. Lena is an age cohort of Kara's -- if the Arrowverse Wiki is right, she's only 24 (though I'm not sure of that, since Katie McGrath is a decade older). And Kara is more often an advisor/mentor to Lena than the reverse. It's a completely different dynamic.

I think Lena is significantly older than Kara, since she had ended a 5 year relationship with the Spheerical guy 2 years ago and was working as a scientist for those 5 years while working on the nanotech "medics".

In Kara - Lena's probable age group, it is not unusual to see close girl friends who have significant age differences. In the "real" world, Jen Lawrence (27) and Amy Schumer (36) are a good example.
I think Lena is significantly older than Kara, since she had ended a 5 year relationship with the Spheerical guy 2 years ago and was working as a scientist for those 5 years while working on the nanotech "medics".

Makes sense. But if she's the same age as Katie McGrath, then she's only about 6-7 years Kara's senior (by physiological age -- chronologically, thanks to her 24-year Phantom Zone stint, Kara's about 50).
If I recall correctly, I think that Lena's age being 24 comes form the "20 years ago" caption in the flashback when a 4 year old Lena is brought into the Luthor household.

The show has been very inconsistent with dating stuff in the past(like Jeremiah's disappearance), so I wouldn't really hold them to that.
Earth-38 either doesn't have doppelgangers of our primary hero characters from Earth-1, or they're just normal people on E38.

Not quite. Just none that Barry could find by spending 5 mins googling. Did he google *everyone* he knows? Did he try alternate spellings? What if some of them exist with different names as was the case with Jay Garrick?

Also, theoretically speaking Bruce Wayne appears to exist on both Earths. That's assuming of course one takes both the tongue-in-cheek references to Clark's "broody frenemy with all the gadgets" and the Wayne Tech easter egg in Thawne's time vault future newspaper literally.
Also, theoretically speaking Bruce Wayne appears to exist on both Earths. That's assuming of course one takes both the tongue-in-cheek references to Clark's "broody frenemy with all the gadgets" and the Wayne Tech easter egg in Thawne's time vault future newspaper literally.

I kind of like to think that Earth-1 is a world where Thomas and Martha Wayne were never murdered and Bruce grew up to be a happy and well-adjusted billionaire philanthropist. Oh, and Krypton never blew up. (At least, not yet.)
I kind of like to think that Earth-1 is a world where Thomas and Martha Wayne were never murdered and Bruce grew up to be a happy and well-adjusted billionaire philanthropist. Oh, and Krypton never blew up. (At least, not yet.)
I'm more a fan of the notion that the timing of events are unfolding a little differently than they did on Earth-38.
The mention of Oracle opens the door to the interesting possibility that as of now, Batman is older and either semi-retired or operating WAY below the radar having already lost most of the Bat Family, one way or the other.
As for Supes, maybe Kal landed much later and is still a teenager? More importantly Earth-1 Kara (aka Power Girl) is still en route and will land on Earth at some point in the in the next few seasons. ;)

If nothing else it will be a neat way of being able to bring Melissa Benoist across to guest star on Arrow, Flash or even Legends without having to contrive a reason to cross universes.
I'm more a fan of the notion that the timing of events are unfolding a little differently than they did on Earth-38.

I'm approaching it more from sentiment than a continuity standpoint. It's nice to think that there's at least one world where Bruce got a happy life and Krypton got to survive. Conversely, maybe on Earth-38, Oliver Queen and Sara Lance were never in a shipwreck, Barry Allen's mother was never murdered, etc. So a tragedy on one Earth is balanced by a happy ending on the other.

On the other hand, when I think of Lexa Doig's Talia al Ghul from Earth-1, I sometimes feel sad to think that she may never have met her "beloved" Batman. And by the same token, if Lois Lane is Superman's soul mate, what are their lives like if they grow up on separate planets? So it's not an unambiguously happy outcome.
I'm approaching it more from sentiment than a continuity standpoint. It's nice to think that there's at least one world where Bruce got a happy life and Krypton got to survive. Conversely, maybe on Earth-38, Oliver Queen and Sara Lance were never in a shipwreck, Barry Allen's mother was never murdered, etc. So a tragedy on one Earth is balanced by a happy ending on the other.

On the other hand, when I think of Lexa Doig's Talia al Ghul from Earth-1, I sometimes feel sad to think that she may never have met her "beloved" Batman. And by the same token, if Lois Lane is Superman's soul mate, what are their lives like if they grow up on separate planets? So it's not an unambiguously happy outcome.
It's a nice idea and in the context of an infinite multiverse I'm sure there's PLENTY of universes out there where Bruce Waynes parents died of old age, the High Council of Krypton actually listened to Jor-El and successfully resettled the entire population including baby Kal on New Krypton, where Mongul opted to become a florist instead of the despot of War World and Lobo was a kind and well adjusted person.
But who wants to stories about *that* boring-arse universe? Personally, I prefer the universes in which TV shows are based to be entertaining. ;)
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