Female Starfleet Uniforms

Discussion in 'Star Trek - The Original & Animated Series' started by EnsignTOS, Aug 15, 2014.

  1. EnsignTOS

    EnsignTOS Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    Aug 11, 2014
    Canton, Ohio
    First off, hello again, everybody! You may have known me as "BeamMeUpTOS" from the StarTrek.com message board forums. Whatever happened to those, by the way?

    Could a female cadet decide how they choose to wear the uniform? In the pilot "The Cage", we see members of both sexes wearing the same basic uniform (shirt and pants). Are the skimpier, "on duty" uniforms mandatory for women? Or can they choose? As a JROTC cadet in school, I was relieved that we had to wear slacks. :)
  2. Nerys Myk

    Nerys Myk A Spock and a smile Premium Member

    Nov 4, 2001
    AI Generated Madness
    There were a few female crewmembers who wore pants post Cage/WNMHGB.
  3. Albertese

    Albertese Commodore Commodore

    May 3, 2003
    Portland, OR
    I like to think that it's a person's choice (to a point) which uniform you wear. I figure that the culture among humans of the mid 2200's make miniskirts very popular among women so it's generally what they wear.

    In fact, even when we see Earth-human women out of uniform in TOS, they tend to wear very short skirts. Chalk it up to cultural norms of the time.

  4. Ithekro

    Ithekro Vice Admiral Admiral

    Apr 5, 2012
    Republic of California
    In the late 2260s, "women wore less".

    The early 2260s and 2270s went back to pants and sometimes a skirt option seen by the late 2280s.

    The unisex uniforms of the early 2360s seems to be short lived as uniforms went back to pants for all.
  5. Terran_Empire

    Terran_Empire Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    Feb 3, 2012
    At the heart of the empire.
    How about those Mirror universe uniforms....yum.
  6. scotpens

    scotpens Professional Geek Premium Member

    Nov 29, 2009
    City of the Fallen Angels
    I'm sure there was some strategic military reason why female Imperial Starfleet officers in the MU had to show their belly buttons. :techman:
  7. Ithekro

    Ithekro Vice Admiral Admiral

    Apr 5, 2012
    Republic of California
    They are navel uniforms.
  8. EnsignTOS

    EnsignTOS Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    Aug 11, 2014
    Canton, Ohio
    Haha! :lol:
  9. EnsignTOS

    EnsignTOS Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    Aug 11, 2014
    Canton, Ohio
    Oh, really? :hugegrin: Cool!
  10. EnsignTOS

    EnsignTOS Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    Aug 11, 2014
    Canton, Ohio
    Oh, I see. That makes plenty of sense. Thanks for clarifying! :mallory:
  11. plynch

    plynch Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Apr 28, 2007
    Outer Graceland
    Any screencaps?

    2. Y'know, those skirts are really silly. As a kid in the 70s I had no idea those were a fad of the '60s, so I never thought about them. But suppose we took a specific, short-lived fad of another period and projected that into a future time as being common. Say skinny jeans and hipster glasses, and all the men of the exploration vessel Galaxar are wearing them. Weird.

    Plus I'm not a "leg man" so they (the minskirts, not the jeans) don't really do anything for me.
  12. Nerys Myk

    Nerys Myk A Spock and a smile Premium Member

    Nov 4, 2001
    AI Generated Madness
    This is the most prominent one The others were on background characters,IIRC
  13. Avro Arrow

    Avro Arrow Okie dokie! Moderator

    Jan 10, 2003
    The Wasteland
  14. Melakon

    Melakon Admiral In Memoriam

    Nov 22, 2012
    Melakon's grave
    That's from "Charlie X" I think. Right before he tuns a girl into an old lady. I'm guessing she's in pants because they didn't want to put the older woman she turned into in the miniskirt costume.

    The women's pants were so tight, Sally Kellerman was uncomfortable wearing them because they were... revealing. Sometimes she can be seen holding her hands or an object in front of her during "Where No Man has Gone Before".
  15. LMFAOschwarz

    LMFAOschwarz Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Oct 1, 2013
    That's interesting. Thinking back on it, I don't recall the pants as looking that tight. I may have to re-watch...for purposes of research. :cool:
  16. scotpens

    scotpens Professional Geek Premium Member

    Nov 29, 2009
    City of the Fallen Angels
    You mean like bad folk-rock music?


    I am a leg man, and I can say with authority that while the miniskirts were certainly silly, all the Trek TOS women had good legs!
  17. Melakon

    Melakon Admiral In Memoriam

    Nov 22, 2012
    Melakon's grave
    I've never noticed anything overt about them, but then again they're black, and I have dvds and an old set. It might be visible in blu-ray and a good late model tv.
  18. ZapBrannigan

    ZapBrannigan Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jan 7, 2013
    New York State


    Jan Shutan said in an interview that she was embarrassed to be wearing such a short skirt because she thought her legs were too chubby for it. I think she was very hot.

  19. EnsignTOS

    EnsignTOS Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    Aug 11, 2014
    Canton, Ohio
    Wow! Thank you so much for that visual evidence! :D Thanks, everyone. Now it's been confirmed that I haven't been wearing my Halloween costumes wrong, after all. :lol:
  20. erastus25

    erastus25 Commodore Commodore

    Sep 27, 2006
    They don't look that tight in most of the screencaps on Trekcore.

    I wonder if Ms. Kellerman imagined people would be expecting her pants this closely 50 years later...

    She thougth she was too chubby?! No way. She looked great.